domainCreateTestDomains(5); } /** * Basic test setup. */ public function testDomainReferences() { // Create an admin user. This will be user 2. $admin = $this->drupalCreateUser([ 'bypass node access', 'administer content types', 'administer users', 'administer domains', 'assign domain editors', ]); $this->drupalLogin($admin); $this->drupalGet('admin/people/create'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); // Create a user through the form. This will be user 3. $this->fillField('name', 'testuser'); $this->fillField('mail', ''); $this->fillField('pass[pass1]', 'test'); $this->fillField('pass[pass2]', 'test'); // We expect to find 5 domain options. We set three as selected. $domains = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('domain')->loadMultiple(); $ids = ['example_com', 'one_example_com', 'two_example_com']; $edit_ids = ['example_com', 'one_example_com']; foreach ($domains as $domain) { $locator = DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD . '[' . $domain->id() . ']'; $this->findField($locator); if (in_array($domain->id(), $ids)) { $this->checkField($locator); } $locator = DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD . '[' . $domain->id() . ']'; $this->findField($locator); if (in_array($domain->id(), $edit_ids)) { $this->checkField($locator); } } // Find the all affiliates field. $locator = DOMAIN_ACCESS_ALL_FIELD . '[value]'; $this->findField($locator); // Save the form. $this->pressButton('edit-submit'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); // Load our test user. $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user'); $testuser = $storage->load(3); // Check that three values are set. $manager = \Drupal::service('domain.element_manager'); $values = $manager->getFieldValues($testuser, DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 3, 'User saved with three domain admin records.'); // Check that no access fields are set. $values = $manager->getFieldValues($testuser, DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 2, 'User saved with two domain access records.'); // Now login as a user with limited rights. This is user 4. $account = $this->drupalCreateUser([ 'administer users', 'assign domain administrators', ]); // Set some domain assignments for this user. $ids = ['example_com', 'one_example_com']; $this->addDomainsToEntity('user', $account->id(), $ids, DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD); $limited_admin = $storage->load($account->id()); $values = $manager->getFieldValues($limited_admin, DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 2, 'User saved with two domain admin records.'); // Check that no access fields are set. $values = $manager->getFieldValues($limited_admin, DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 0, 'User saved with no domain access records.'); // Now edit user 3 as user 4 with limited rights. $this->drupalLogin($account); $this->drupalGet('user/' . $testuser->id() . '/edit'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); foreach ($domains as $domain) { $locator = DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD . '[' . $domain->id() . ']'; $this->findField($locator); if ($domain->id() == 'example_com') { $this->checkField($locator); } elseif ($domain->id() == 'one_example_com') { $this->uncheckField($locator); } else { $this->assertSession()->fieldNotExists($locator); } // No Domain Access field rights exist for this user. $locator = DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD . '[' . $domain->id() . ']'; $this->assertSession()->fieldNotExists($locator); } // The all affiliates field should not be present.. $locator = DOMAIN_ACCESS_ALL_FIELD . '[value]'; $this->assertSession()->fieldNotExists($locator); // Save the form. $this->pressButton('edit-submit'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); // Now, check the user. $storage->resetCache([$testuser->id()]); $testuser = $storage->load($testuser->id()); // Check that two values are set. $values = $manager->getFieldValues($testuser, DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 2, 'User saved with two domain admin records.'); // Check that no access fields are set. $values = $manager->getFieldValues($testuser, DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 2, 'User saved with two domain access records.'); // Now login as a user with different limited rights. This is user 5. $new_account = $this->drupalCreateUser([ 'administer users', 'assign domain administrators', 'assign domain editors', ]); $ids = ['example_com', 'one_example_com']; $new_ids = ['one_example_com', 'four_example_com']; $this->addDomainsToEntity('user', $new_account->id(), $ids, DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD); $this->addDomainsToEntity('user', $new_account->id(), $new_ids, DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD); $new_admin = $storage->load($new_account->id()); $values = $manager->getFieldValues($new_admin, DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 2, 'User saved with two domain admin records.'); $values = $manager->getFieldValues($new_admin, DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 2, 'User saved with two domain access records.'); // Now edit the user as someone with limited rights. $storage->resetCache([$new_admin->id()]); $this->drupalLogin($new_account); $this->drupalGet('user/' . $testuser->id() . '/edit'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); foreach ($domains as $domain) { $locator = DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD . '[' . $domain->id() . ']'; $this->findField($locator); if ($domain->id() == 'example_com') { $this->checkField($locator); } elseif ($domain->id() == 'one_example_com') { $this->uncheckField($locator); } else { $this->assertSession()->fieldNotExists($locator); } // Some Domain Access field rights exist for this user. This adds // one to the count. $locator = DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD . '[' . $domain->id() . ']'; if (in_array($domain->id(), $new_ids)) { $this->findField($locator); $this->checkField($locator); } else { $this->assertSession()->fieldNotExists($locator); } } // The all affiliates field should not be present.. $locator = DOMAIN_ACCESS_ALL_FIELD . '[value]'; $this->assertSession()->fieldNotExists($locator); // Save the form. $this->pressButton('edit-submit'); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); // Now, check the user. $storage->resetCache([$testuser->id()]); $testuser = $storage->load($testuser->id()); // Check that two values are set. $values = $manager->getFieldValues($testuser, DOMAIN_ADMIN_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 2, 'User saved with two domain admin records.'); $values = $manager->getFieldValues($testuser, DOMAIN_ACCESS_FIELD); $this->assert(count($values) == 3, 'User saved with three domain access records.'); } }