getSetting('link_options') == 'home') { return ['']; } return ['url']; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function blockForm($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $defaults = $this->defaultConfiguration(); $elements['link_options'] = [ '#title' => $this->t('Link paths'), '#type' => 'radios', '#required' => TRUE, '#options' => ['active' => $this->t('Link to active url'), 'home' => $this->t('Link to site home page')], '#default_value' => !empty($this->configuration['link_options']) ? $this->configuration['link_options'] : $defaults['link_options'], '#description' => $this->t('Determines how links to each domain will be written. Note that some paths may not be accessible on all domains.'), ]; $options = [ 'select' => $this->t('JavaScript select list'), 'menus' => $this->t('Menu-style tab links'), 'ul' => $this->t('Unordered list of links'), ]; $elements['link_theme'] = [ '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Link theme'), '#default_value' => !empty($this->configuration['link_theme']) ? $this->configuration['link_theme'] : $defaults['link_theme'], '#options' => $options, '#description' => $this->t('Select how to display the block output.'), ]; $options = [ 'name' => $this->t('The domain display name'), 'hostname' => $this->t('The raw hostname'), 'url' => $this->t('The domain base URL'), ]; $elements['link_label'] = [ '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => $this->t('Link text'), '#default_value' => !empty($this->configuration['link_label']) ? $this->configuration['link_label'] : $defaults['link_label'], '#options' => $options, '#description' => $this->t('Select the text to display for each link.'), ]; return $elements; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function blockSubmit($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Process the block's submission handling if no errors occurred only. if (!$form_state->getErrors()) { foreach (array_keys($this->defaultConfiguration()) as $element) { $this->configuration[$element] = $form_state->getValue($element); } } } /** * Overrides \Drupal\block\BlockBase::access(). */ public function access(AccountInterface $account, $return_as_object = FALSE) { $access = AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermissions($account, ['administer domains', 'use domain nav block'], 'OR'); return $return_as_object ? $access : $access->isAllowed(); } /** * Build the output. */ public function build() { /** @var \Drupal\domain\DomainInterface $active_domain */ $active_domain = \Drupal::service('domain.negotiator')->getActiveDomain(); $access_handler = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getAccessControlHandler('domain'); $account = \Drupal::currentUser(); // Determine the visible domain list. $items = []; $add_path = ($this->getSetting('link_options') == 'active'); /** @var \Drupal\domain\DomainInterface $domain */ foreach (\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('domain')->loadMultipleSorted() as $domain) { // Set the URL. $options = ['absolute' => TRUE, 'https' => ($domain->getScheme() == 'https')]; if ($add_path) { $url = Url::fromUri($domain->getUrl(), $options); } else { $url = Url::fromUri($domain->getPath(), $options); } // Set the label text. $label = $domain->label(); if ($this->getSetting('link_label') == 'hostname') { $label = $domain->getHostname(); } elseif ($this->getSetting('link_label') == 'url') { $label = $domain->getPath(); } // Handles menu links. if ($domain->status() || $account->hasPermission('access inactive domains')) { if ($this->getSetting('link_theme') == 'menus') { // @TODO: active trail isn't working properly, likely because this // isn't really a menu. $items[] = [ 'title' => $label, 'url' => $url, 'attributes' => [], 'below' => [], 'is_expanded' => FALSE, 'is_collapsed' => FALSE, 'in_active_trail' => $domain->isActive(), ]; } elseif ($this->getSetting('link_theme') == 'select') { $items[] = [ 'label' => $label, 'url' => $url->toString(), 'active' => $domain->isActive(), ]; } else { $items[] = ['#markup' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($label, $url)->toString()]; } } } // Set the proper theme. switch ($this->getSetting('link_theme')) { case 'select': $build['#theme'] = 'domain_nav_block'; $build['#items'] = $items; break; case 'menus': // Map the $items params to what menu.html.twig expects. $build['#items'] = $items; $build['#menu_name'] = 'domain-nav'; $build['#sorted'] = TRUE; $build['#theme'] = 'menu__' . strtr($build['#menu_name'], '-', '_'); break; case 'ul': default: $build['#theme'] = 'item_list'; $build['#items'] = $items; break; } return $build; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function defaultConfiguration() { return [ 'link_options' => 'home', 'link_theme' => 'ul', 'link_label' => 'name', ]; } /** * Gets the configuration for the block, loading defaults if not set. * * @param string $key * The setting key to retrieve, a string. * * @return string * The setting value, a string. */ public function getSetting($key) { if (isset($this->settings[$key])) { return $this->settings[$key]; } $defaults = $this->defaultConfiguration(); if (isset($this->configuration[$key])) { $this->settings[$key] = $this->configuration[$key]; } else { $this->settings[$key] = $defaults[$key]; } return $this->settings[$key]; } }