# Hey, thank you for testing and contributing to wavesurfer.js! ## Please make sure you can check all of these points below before opening an issue: (You don't have to post this section) - [ ] I have checked [the FAQ](https://wavesurfer-js.org/faq/) and it doesn't solve my problem. - [ ] I have checked [the documentation](https://wavesurfer-js.org/docs/) and it doesn't solve my problem - [ ] I have searched for [already open issues](https://github.com/katspaugh/wavesurfer.js/issues) which desribe my problem. - [ ] The issue I'm having is related to and caused by wavesurfer.js, not by other software (which maybe packages and uses wavesurfer incorrectly) – In that case you should open the issue on the respective project pages. ## Please make sure you provide the following information (if applicable): ### Wavesurfer.js version(s): ### Browser version(s): ### Code needed to reproduce the issue: (Please reduce your code as much as possible and only post the minimum code needed to reproduce the issue. [A Code pen](http://codepen.io/) is an excellent way to share such code) ### Use behaviour needed to reproduce the issue: