installEntitySchema('user'); $this->installEntitySchema('node'); $this->installEntitySchema('content_moderation_state'); $this->installEntitySchema('entity_test_no_bundle'); $this->installSchema('node', 'node_access'); $this->installConfig('content_moderation_test_views'); $this->installConfig('content_moderation'); $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'another_example', ]); $node_type->save(); $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example_non_moderated', ]); $node_type->save(); ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('fr')->save(); } /** * Tests the content moderation state filter. */ public function testStateFilterViewsRelationship() { $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addState('translated_draft', 'Bar'); $configuration = $workflow->getTypePlugin()->getConfiguration(); $configuration['states']['translated_draft'] += [ 'published' => FALSE, 'default_revision' => FALSE, ]; $workflow->getTypePlugin()->setConfiguration($configuration); $workflow->save(); // Create a published default revision and one forward draft revision. $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test Node', 'moderation_state' => 'published', ]); $node->save(); $node->setNewRevision(); $node->moderation_state = 'draft'; $node->save(); // Create a draft default revision. $second_node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Second Node', 'moderation_state' => 'draft', ]); $second_node->save(); // Create a published default revision. $third_node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Third node', 'moderation_state' => 'published', ]); $third_node->save(); // Add a non-moderated node. $fourth_node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example_non_moderated', 'title' => 'Fourth node', ]); $fourth_node->save(); // Create a translated published revision. $translated_forward_revision = $third_node->addTranslation('fr'); $translated_forward_revision->title = 'Translated Node'; $translated_forward_revision->setNewRevision(TRUE); $translated_forward_revision->moderation_state = 'translated_draft'; $translated_forward_revision->save(); // The three default revisions are listed when no filter is specified. $this->assertNodesWithFilters([$node, $second_node, $third_node], []); // The default revision of node one and three are published. $this->assertNodesWithFilters([$node, $third_node], [ 'default_revision_state' => 'editorial-published', ]); // The default revision of node two is draft. $this->assertNodesWithFilters([$second_node], [ 'default_revision_state' => 'editorial-draft', ]); // Test the same three revisions on a view displaying content revisions. // Both nodes have one draft revision. $this->assertNodesWithFilters([$node, $second_node], [ 'moderation_state' => 'editorial-draft', ], 'test_content_moderation_state_filter_revision_table'); // Creating a new forward revision of node three, creates a second published // revision of of the original language, hence there are two published // revisions of node three. $this->assertNodesWithFilters([$node, $third_node, $third_node], [ 'moderation_state' => 'editorial-published', ], 'test_content_moderation_state_filter_revision_table'); // There is a single forward translated revision with a new state, which is // also filterable. $this->assertNodesWithFilters([$translated_forward_revision], [ 'moderation_state' => 'editorial-translated_draft', ], 'test_content_moderation_state_filter_revision_table'); } /** * Test the moderation filter with a non-translatable entity type. */ public function testNonTranslatableEntityType() { $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('entity_test_no_bundle', 'entity_test_no_bundle'); $workflow->save(); $test_entity = EntityTestNoBundle::create([ 'moderation_state' => 'draft', ]); $test_entity->save(); $view = Views::getView('test_content_moderation_state_filter_entity_test'); $view->setExposedInput([ 'moderation_state' => 'editorial-draft', ]); $view->execute(); $this->assertIdenticalResultset($view, [['id' => $test_entity->id()]], ['id' => 'id']); } /** * Tests the list of states in the filter plugin. */ public function testStateFilterStatesList() { // By default a view of nodes will not have states to filter. $this->assertPluginStates([]); // Adding a content type to the editorial workflow will enable all of the // editorial states. $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $this->assertPluginStates([ 'Editorial' => [ 'editorial-draft' => 'Draft', 'editorial-published' => 'Published', 'editorial-archived' => 'Archived', ], ]); // Adding a workflow which is not content moderation will not add any // additional states to the views filter. $workflow = Workflow::create(['id' => 'test', 'type' => 'workflow_type_complex_test']); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addState('draft', 'Draft'); $workflow->save(); $this->assertPluginStates([ 'Editorial' => [ 'editorial-draft' => 'Draft', 'editorial-published' => 'Published', 'editorial-archived' => 'Archived', ], ]); // Adding a new content moderation workflow will add additional states to // filter. $workflow = Workflow::create(['id' => 'moderation_test', 'type' => 'content_moderation', 'label' => 'Moderation test']); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addState('foo', 'Foo State'); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $this->assertPluginStates([ 'Editorial' => [ 'editorial-draft' => 'Draft', 'editorial-published' => 'Published', 'editorial-archived' => 'Archived', ], 'Moderation test' => [ 'moderation_test-foo' => 'Foo State', 'moderation_test-draft' => 'Draft', 'moderation_test-published' => 'Published', ], ]); // Deleting a workflow will remove the states from the filter. $workflow = Workflow::load('moderation_test'); $workflow->delete(); $this->assertPluginStates([ 'Editorial' => [ 'editorial-draft' => 'Draft', 'editorial-published' => 'Published', 'editorial-archived' => 'Archived', ], ]); // Deleting a state from a workflow will remove the state from the filter. $workflow = Workflow::load('editorial'); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->deleteState('archived'); $workflow->save(); $this->assertPluginStates([ 'Editorial' => [ 'editorial-draft' => 'Draft', 'editorial-published' => 'Published', ], ]); } /** * Assert the plugin states. * * @param string[] $states * The states which should appear in the filter. */ protected function assertPluginStates($states) { $plugin = Views::pluginManager('filter')->createInstance('moderation_state_filter', []); $view = Views::getView('test_content_moderation_state_filter_base_table'); $plugin->init($view, $view->getDisplay()); $this->assertEquals($states, $plugin->getValueOptions()); } /** * Assert the nodes appear when the test view is executed. * * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface[] $nodes * Nodes to assert are in the views result. * @param array $filters * An array of filters to apply to the view. * @param string $view_id * The view to execute for the results. */ protected function assertNodesWithFilters(array $nodes, array $filters, $view_id = 'test_content_moderation_state_filter_base_table') { $view = Views::getView($view_id); $view->setExposedInput($filters); $view->execute(); // Verify the join configuration. $query = $view->getQuery(); $join = $query->getTableInfo('content_moderation_state')['join']; $configuration = $join->configuration; $this->assertEquals('content_moderation_state_field_revision', $configuration['table']); $this->assertEquals('content_entity_revision_id', $configuration['field']); $this->assertEquals('vid', $configuration['left_field']); $this->assertEquals('content_entity_type_id', $configuration['extra'][0]['field']); $this->assertEquals('node', $configuration['extra'][0]['value']); $this->assertEquals('langcode', $configuration['extra'][1]['field']); $this->assertEquals('langcode', $configuration['extra'][1]['left_field']); $expected_result = []; foreach ($nodes as $node) { $expected_result[] = ['nid' => $node->id()]; } $this->assertIdenticalResultset($view, $expected_result, ['nid' => 'nid']); } }