installSchema('node', 'node_access'); $this->installEntitySchema('node'); $this->installEntitySchema('user'); $this->installEntitySchema('content_moderation_state'); $this->installConfig('content_moderation'); $this->installSchema('system', ['sequences']); $this->adminUser = $this->createUser(array_keys($this->container->get('user.permissions')->getPermissions())); } /** * Test valid transitions. * * @covers ::validate */ public function testValidTransition() { $this->setCurrentUser($this->adminUser); $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test title', ]); $node->moderation_state->value = 'draft'; $node->save(); $node->moderation_state->value = 'published'; $this->assertCount(0, $node->validate()); $node->save(); $this->assertEquals('published', $node->moderation_state->value); } /** * Test invalid transitions. * * @covers ::validate */ public function testInvalidTransition() { $this->setCurrentUser($this->adminUser); $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test title', ]); $node->moderation_state->value = 'draft'; $node->save(); $node->moderation_state->value = 'archived'; $violations = $node->validate(); $this->assertCount(1, $violations); $this->assertEquals('Invalid state transition from Draft to Archived', $violations->get(0)->getMessage()); } /** * Test validation with an invalid state. */ public function testInvalidState() { $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test title', ]); $node->moderation_state->value = 'invalid_state'; $violations = $node->validate(); $this->assertCount(1, $violations); $this->assertEquals('State invalid_state does not exist on Editorial workflow', $violations->get(0)->getMessage()); } /** * Test validation with content that has no initial state or an invalid state. */ public function testInvalidStateWithoutExisting() { $this->setCurrentUser($this->adminUser); // Create content without moderation enabled for the content type. $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test title', ]); $node->save(); // Enable moderation to test validation on existing content, with no // explicit state. $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addState('deleted_state', 'Deleted state'); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); // Validate the invalid state. $node->moderation_state->value = 'invalid_state'; $violations = $node->validate(); $this->assertCount(1, $violations); // Assign the node to a state we're going to delete. $node->moderation_state->value = 'deleted_state'; $node->save(); // Delete the state so $node->original contains an invalid state when // validating. $workflow->getTypePlugin()->deleteState('deleted_state'); $workflow->save(); // When there is an invalid state, the content will revert to "draft". This // will allow a draft to draft transition. $node->moderation_state->value = 'draft'; $violations = $node->validate(); $this->assertCount(0, $violations); // This will disallow a draft to archived transition. $node->moderation_state->value = 'archived'; $violations = $node->validate(); $this->assertCount(1, $violations); } /** * Test state transition validation with multiple languages. */ public function testInvalidStateMultilingual() { $this->setCurrentUser($this->adminUser); ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('fr')->save(); $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'English Published Node', 'langcode' => 'en', 'moderation_state' => 'published', ]); $node->save(); $node_fr = $node->addTranslation('fr', $node->toArray()); $node_fr->setTitle('French Published Node'); $node_fr->save(); $this->assertEquals('published', $node_fr->moderation_state->value); // Create a pending revision of the original node. $node->moderation_state = 'draft'; $node->setNewRevision(TRUE); $node->isDefaultRevision(FALSE); $node->save(); // For the pending english revision, there should be a violation from draft // to archived. $node->moderation_state = 'archived'; $violations = $node->validate(); $this->assertCount(1, $violations); $this->assertEquals('Invalid state transition from Draft to Archived', $violations->get(0)->getMessage()); // From the default french published revision, there should be none. $node_fr = Node::load($node->id())->getTranslation('fr'); $this->assertEquals('published', $node_fr->moderation_state->value); $node_fr->moderation_state = 'archived'; $violations = $node_fr->validate(); $this->assertCount(0, $violations); // From the latest french revision, there should also be no violation. $node_fr = Node::load($node->id())->getTranslation('fr'); $this->assertEquals('published', $node_fr->moderation_state->value); $node_fr->moderation_state = 'archived'; $violations = $node_fr->validate(); $this->assertCount(0, $violations); } /** * Tests that content without prior moderation information can be moderated. */ public function testExistingContentWithNoModeration() { $this->setCurrentUser($this->adminUser); $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */ $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test title', ]); $node->save(); $nid = $node->id(); // Enable moderation for our node type. $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $node = Node::load($nid); // Having no previous state should not break validation. $violations = $node->validate(); $this->assertCount(0, $violations); // Having no previous state should not break saving the node. $node->setTitle('New'); $node->save(); } /** * Tests that content without prior moderation information can be translated. */ public function testExistingMultilingualContentWithNoModeration() { $this->setCurrentUser($this->adminUser); // Enable French. ConfigurableLanguage::createFromLangcode('fr')->save(); $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node */ $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test title', 'langcode' => 'en', ]); $node->save(); $nid = $node->id(); $node = Node::load($nid); // Creating a translation shouldn't break, even though there's no previous // moderated revision for the new language. $node_fr = $node->addTranslation('fr'); $node_fr->setTitle('Francais'); $node_fr->save(); // Enable moderation for our node type. $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); // Reload the French version of the node. $node = Node::load($nid); $node_fr = $node->getTranslation('fr'); /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node_fr */ $node_fr->setTitle('Nouveau'); $node_fr->save(); } /** * @dataProvider transitionAccessValidationTestCases */ public function testTransitionAccessValidation($permissions, $target_state, $messages) { $node_type = NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ]); $node_type->save(); $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addState('foo', 'Foo'); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addTransition('draft_to_foo', 'Draft to foo', ['draft'], 'foo'); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addTransition('foo_to_foo', 'Foo to foo', ['foo'], 'foo'); $workflow->getTypePlugin()->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $this->setCurrentUser($this->createUser($permissions)); $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test content', 'moderation_state' => $target_state, ]); $this->assertTrue($node->isNew()); $violations = $node->validate(); $this->assertCount(count($messages), $violations); foreach ($messages as $i => $message) { $this->assertEquals($message, $violations->get($i)->getMessage()); } } /** * Test cases for ::testTransitionAccessValidation. */ public function transitionAccessValidationTestCases() { return [ 'Invalid transition, no permissions validated' => [ [], 'archived', ['Invalid state transition from Draft to Archived'], ], 'Valid transition, missing permission' => [ [], 'published', ['You do not have access to transition from Draft to Published'], ], 'Valid transition, granted published permission' => [ ['use editorial transition publish'], 'published', [], ], 'Valid transition, granted draft permission' => [ ['use editorial transition create_new_draft'], 'draft', [], ], 'Valid transition, incorrect permission granted' => [ ['use editorial transition create_new_draft'], 'published', ['You do not have access to transition from Draft to Published'], ], // Test with an additional state and set of transitions, since the // "published" transition can start from either "draft" or "published", it // does not capture bugs that fail to correctly distinguish the initial // workflow state from the set state of a new entity. 'Valid transition, granted foo permission' => [ ['use editorial transition draft_to_foo'], 'foo', [], ], 'Valid transition, incorrect foo permission granted' => [ ['use editorial transition foo_to_foo'], 'foo', ['You do not have access to transition from Draft to Foo'], ], ]; } }