installSchema('node', 'node_access'); $this->installEntitySchema('node'); $this->installEntitySchema('user'); $this->installEntitySchema('content_moderation_state'); $this->installConfig(['system', 'content_moderation']); NodeType::create([ 'type' => 'example', ])->save(); $workflow = $this->createEditorialWorkflow(); $workflow->getTypePlugin() ->addState('test1', 'Test one') ->addState('test2', 'Test two') ->addState('test3', 'Test three') ->addEntityTypeAndBundle('node', 'example'); $workflow->save(); $this->workflow = $workflow; $this->copyConfig($this->container->get(''), $this->container->get('')); } /** * Test deleting a state via config import. */ public function testDeletingStateViaConfiguration() { $config_sync = \Drupal::service(''); // Alter the workflow data. $config_data = $this->config('workflows.workflow.editorial')->get(); unset($config_data['type_settings']['states']['test1']); $config_sync->write('workflows.workflow.editorial', $config_data); // Alter the data of another entity type. $config_data = $this->config('node.type.example')->get(); $config_data['description'] = 'A new description'; $config_sync->write('node.type.example', $config_data); // Alter the values of simple config. $config_data = $this->config('core.extension')->get(); $config_data['module']['node'] = 1; $config_sync->write('core.extension', $config_data); // There are no Nodes with the moderation state test1, so this should run // with no errors. $this->configImporter()->reset()->import(); $node = Node::create([ 'type' => 'example', 'title' => 'Test title', 'moderation_state' => 'test2', ]); $node->save(); $config_data = $this->config('workflows.workflow.editorial')->get(); unset($config_data['type_settings']['states']['test2']); unset($config_data['type_settings']['states']['test3']); \Drupal::service('')->write('workflows.workflow.editorial', $config_data); // Now there is a Node with the moderation state test2, this will fail. try { $this->configImporter()->reset()->import(); $this->fail('ConfigImporterException not thrown, invalid import was not stopped due to deleted state.'); } catch (ConfigImporterException $e) { $this->assertEqual($e->getMessage(), 'There were errors validating the config synchronization.' . PHP_EOL . 'The moderation state Test two is being used, but is not in the source storage.'); $error_log = $this->configImporter->getErrors(); $expected = ['The moderation state Test two is being used, but is not in the source storage.']; $this->assertEqual($expected, $error_log); } \Drupal::service('')->delete('workflows.workflow.editorial'); // An error should be thrown when trying to delete an in use workflow. try { $this->configImporter()->reset()->import(); $this->fail('ConfigImporterException not thrown, invalid import was not stopped due to deleted workflow.'); } catch (ConfigImporterException $e) { $this->assertEqual($e->getMessage(), 'There were errors validating the config synchronization.' . PHP_EOL . 'The moderation state Test two is being used, but is not in the source storage.' . PHP_EOL . 'The workflow Editorial is being used, and cannot be deleted.'); $error_log = $this->configImporter->getErrors(); $expected = [ 'The moderation state Test two is being used, but is not in the source storage.', 'The workflow Editorial is being used, and cannot be deleted.', ]; $this->assertEqual($expected, $error_log); } } }