drupalCreateUser([ 'access content', ]); $this->drupalLogin($end_user); } /** * Tests the render order of the blocks. */ public function testBlockRenderOrder() { // Enable test blocks and place them in the same region. $region = 'header'; $test_blocks = [ 'stark_powered' => [ 'weight' => '-3', 'id' => 'stark_powered', 'label' => 'Test block A', ], 'stark_by' => [ 'weight' => '3', 'id' => 'stark_by', 'label' => 'Test block C', ], 'stark_drupal' => [ 'weight' => '3', 'id' => 'stark_drupal', 'label' => 'Test block B', ], ]; // Place the test blocks. foreach ($test_blocks as $test_block) { $this->drupalPlaceBlock('system_powered_by_block', [ 'label' => $test_block['label'], 'region' => $region, 'weight' => $test_block['weight'], 'id' => $test_block['id'], ]); } $this->drupalGet(''); $test_content = $this->getSession()->getPage()->getContent(); $controller = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('block'); foreach ($controller->loadMultiple() as $return_block) { $id = $return_block->id(); if ($return_block_weight = $return_block->getWeight()) { $this->assertTrue($test_blocks[$id]['weight'] == $return_block_weight, 'Block weight is set as "' . $return_block_weight . '" for ' . $id . ' block.'); $position[$id] = strpos($test_content, Html::getClass('block-' . $test_blocks[$id]['id'])); } } $this->assertTrue($position['stark_powered'] < $position['stark_by'], 'Blocks with different weight are rendered in the correct order.'); $this->assertTrue($position['stark_drupal'] < $position['stark_by'], 'Blocks with identical weight are rendered in alphabetical order.'); } }