/** * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. * See the following change record for more information, * https://www.drupal.org/node/2815083 * @preserve **/ (function ($, Backbone, Drupal, document) { var queryString = decodeURI(window.location.search); Drupal.behaviors.tour = { attach: function attach(context) { $('body').once('tour').each(function () { var model = new Drupal.tour.models.StateModel(); new Drupal.tour.views.ToggleTourView({ el: $(context).find('#toolbar-tab-tour'), model: model }); model.on('change:isActive', function (model, isActive) { $(document).trigger(isActive ? 'drupalTourStarted' : 'drupalTourStopped'); }).set('tour', $(context).find('ol#tour')); if (/tour=?/i.test(queryString)) { model.set('isActive', true); } }); } }; Drupal.tour = Drupal.tour || { models: {}, views: {} }; Drupal.tour.models.StateModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: { tour: [], isActive: false, activeTour: [] } }); Drupal.tour.views.ToggleTourView = Backbone.View.extend({ events: { click: 'onClick' }, initialize: function initialize() { this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:tour change:isActive', this.render); this.listenTo(this.model, 'change:isActive', this.toggleTour); }, render: function render() { this.$el.toggleClass('hidden', this._getTour().length === 0); var isActive = this.model.get('isActive'); this.$el.find('button').toggleClass('is-active', isActive).prop('aria-pressed', isActive); return this; }, toggleTour: function toggleTour() { if (this.model.get('isActive')) { var $tour = this._getTour(); this._removeIrrelevantTourItems($tour, this._getDocument()); var that = this; if ($tour.find('li').length) { $tour.joyride({ autoStart: true, postRideCallback: function postRideCallback() { that.model.set('isActive', false); }, template: { link: '×', button: '' } }); this.model.set({ isActive: true, activeTour: $tour }); } } else { this.model.get('activeTour').joyride('destroy'); this.model.set({ isActive: false, activeTour: [] }); } }, onClick: function onClick(event) { this.model.set('isActive', !this.model.get('isActive')); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }, _getTour: function _getTour() { return this.model.get('tour'); }, _getDocument: function _getDocument() { return $(document); }, _removeIrrelevantTourItems: function _removeIrrelevantTourItems($tour, $document) { var removals = false; var tips = /tips=([^&]+)/.exec(queryString); $tour.find('li').each(function () { var $this = $(this); var itemId = $this.attr('data-id'); var itemClass = $this.attr('data-class'); if (tips && !$(this).hasClass(tips[1])) { removals = true; $this.remove(); return; } if (!itemId && !itemClass || itemId && $document.find('#' + itemId).length || itemClass && $document.find('.' + itemClass).length) { return; } removals = true; $this.remove(); }); if (removals) { var total = $tour.find('li').length; if (!total) { this.model.set({ tour: [] }); } $tour.find('li').each(function (index) { var progress = Drupal.t('!tour_item of !total', { '!tour_item': index + 1, '!total': total }); $(this).find('.tour-progress').text(progress); }).eq(-1).attr('data-text', Drupal.t('End tour')); } } }); })(jQuery, Backbone, Drupal, document);