/** * @file * Attaches show/hide functionality to checkboxes in the "Processor" tab. */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; Drupal.behaviors.searchApiProcessor = { attach: function (context, settings) { $('.search-api-status-wrapper input.form-checkbox', context).each(function () { var $checkbox = $(this); var processor_id = $checkbox.data('id'); var $rows = $('.search-api-processor-weight--' + processor_id, context); var tab = $('.search-api-processor-settings-' + processor_id, context).data('verticalTab'); // Bind a click handler to this checkbox to conditionally show and hide // the processor's table row and vertical tab pane. $checkbox.on('click.searchApiUpdate', function () { if ($checkbox.is(':checked')) { $rows.show(); if (tab) { tab.tabShow().updateSummary(); } } else { $rows.hide(); if (tab) { tab.tabHide().updateSummary(); } } }); // Attach summary for configurable items (only for screen-readers). if (tab) { tab.details.drupalSetSummary(function () { return $checkbox.is(':checked') ? Drupal.t('Enabled') : Drupal.t('Disabled'); }); } // Trigger our bound click handler to update elements to initial state. $checkbox.triggerHandler('click.searchApiUpdate'); }); } }; })(jQuery);