' . t('About') . ''; $output .= '

' . t('Handle some mobile behaviours') . '

'; return $output; default: } } /** * hook_entity_extra_field_info() */ // function edlp_mobile_entity_extra_field_info(){ // $extra = []; // $extra['domain']['relations'] = [ // 'label' => t('Relations'), // 'description' => 'Display enregistrement relations with other content types', // 'weight' => 99, // ]; // return $extra; // } // should be the right way // function edlp_mobile_entity_field_storage_info(\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) { // if ($entity_type->id() == 'domain') { // $definitions['device'] = \Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition::create('string') // ->setName('Device') // ->setLabel(t('Define a target device for this domain (mobile|desktop)')) // ->setTargetEntityTypeId($entity_type->id()); // return $definitions; // } // } /** * Implements hook_page_attachments(). * @param array $attachments */ function edlp_mobile_page_attachments(array &$attachments) { $is_mobile_domain = false; global $base_root; // dpm($base_root, '$base_root'); $current_hostname = preg_replace('/http:\/\/|https:\/\//i', '', $base_root); // dpm($current_hostname, '$current_hostname'); $domain_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('domain'); $mobile_domain = $domain_storage->load('m_encyclopediedelaparole_org'); // dpm($mobile_domain, 'mobile_domain'); $desktop_domain = $domain_storage->load('encyclopediedelaparole_org'); // dpm($desktop_domain, 'desktop_domain'); $current_domain = $domain_storage->loadByHostname($current_hostname); // dpm($current_domain, 'current_domain'); if($current_domain){ // we are in a main domain $is_mobile_domain = ($current_domain->id() == $mobile_domain->id()); $mobile_url = $mobile_domain->getHostname(); $desktop_url = $desktop_domain->getHostname(); }else{ // we are not in a main domain, so we look for an alias $domain_alias_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('domain_alias'); $alias = $domain_alias_storage->loadByHostname($current_hostname); // dpm($alias, '$alias'); $domain_id = $alias->getDomainId(); // dpm($domain_id, 'domain_id'); $current_domain = $domain_storage->load($domain_id); // dpm($current_domain, 'current_domain'); $env = $alias->getEnvironment(); $env_aliases = $domain_alias_storage->loadByEnvironment($env); // dpm($env_aliases, '$env_aliases'); // find out mibile alias and desktop alias // this is dirty // TODO: set target device as domain setting if ($domain_id == 'm_encyclopediedelaparole_org'){ // current domain/alias is mobile $is_mobile_domain = true; $mobile_url = $alias->getPattern(); // find desktop pattern // we assume that there is only two alias by env (mobile or desktop) foreach ($env_aliases as $env_alias_id => $env_alias) { if($env_alias_id != $alias->id()){ // we found the desktop pattern $desktop_url = $env_alias->getPattern(); break; } } }else{ // current domain/alias is desktop $is_mobile_domain = false; $desktop_url = $alias->getPattern(); // find mobile pattern // we assume that there is only two alias by env (mobile or desktop) foreach ($env_aliases as $env_alias_id => $env_alias) { if($env_alias_id != $alias->id()){ // we found the mobile pattern $mobile_url = $env_alias->getPattern(); break; } } } } $current_path = \Drupal::service('path.current')->getPath(); $is_front = \Drupal::service('path.matcher')->isFrontPage(); $current_language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId(); // $config->set($domain_id . '.site_frontpage', $site_frontpage); // $mobile_home_path = "???"; $mobile_home_path = \Drupal::config('domain_site_settings.domainconfigsettings')->get('m_encyclopediedelaparole_org.site_frontpage', FALSE); // $desktop_home_path = "???"; $desktop_home_path = \Drupal::config('domain_site_settings.domainconfigsettings')->get('encyclopediedelaparole_org.site_frontpage', FALSE); // $redirect = false; $js_str = "var edlp_mobile = {\n current_url:'".$base_root."',\n current_path:'".$current_path."',\n is_front:".($is_front ? 'true':'false').",\n lang_code:'".$current_language."',\n is_mobile_domain:".($is_mobile_domain ? 'true':'false').",\n mobile_url:'".$mobile_url."',\n mobile_home_path:'".$mobile_home_path."',\n desktop_url:'".$desktop_url."',\n desktop_home_path:'".$desktop_home_path."',\n };"; $attachments['#attached']['html_head'][] = [ [ '#type' => 'html_tag', '#tag' => 'script', '#value' => $js_str, '#weight' => -1000, '#group' => 'edlp' ], // A key, to make it possible to recognize this HTML element when altering. 'edlp_mobile', ]; }