Browse Source

admin views update for path aliases

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 6 years ago

+ 16 - 10

@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ dependencies:
     - field_group
     - file
+    - path
     - synonyms
     - text
     - workflow
@@ -28,11 +29,11 @@ third_party_settings:
+        - group_contenu
         - group_taxonomy
         - group_article
         - group_transcription
         - group_infos
-        - group_contenu
       parent_name: ''
       weight: 1
       format_type: tabs
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ third_party_settings:
         - field_nbr_locuteurs
         - field_description
       parent_name: group_onglets
-      weight: 26
+      weight: 2
       format_type: tab
         id: ''
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ third_party_settings:
         - langcode
         - field_workflow
       parent_name: group_onglets
-      weight: 30
+      weight: 6
       format_type: tab
         id: ''
@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ third_party_settings:
         - body
       parent_name: group_onglets
-      weight: 28
+      weight: 4
       format_type: tab
         id: ''
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ third_party_settings:
         - field_transcript_vo
         - field_transcript_trad
       parent_name: group_onglets
-      weight: 29
+      weight: 5
       format_type: tab
         id: ''
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ third_party_settings:
         - field_langues
         - field_genres
       parent_name: group_onglets
-      weight: 27
+      weight: 3
       format_type: tab
         id: ''
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ content:
     region: content
     type: options_buttons
-    weight: 40
+    weight: 3
     settings: {  }
     third_party_settings: {  }
     region: content
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ content:
     type: boolean_checkbox
       display_label: true
-    weight: 41
+    weight: 4
     third_party_settings: {  }
     region: content
@@ -231,6 +232,12 @@ content:
     third_party_settings: {  }
     type: string_textfield
     region: content
+  path:
+    type: path
+    weight: 6
+    region: content
+    settings: {  }
+    third_party_settings: {  }
     type: string_textfield
     weight: 0
@@ -240,7 +247,7 @@ content:
       placeholder: ''
     third_party_settings: {  }
-    weight: 50
+    weight: 5
     region: content
     settings: {  }
     third_party_settings: {  }
@@ -248,7 +255,6 @@ hidden:
   created: true
   field_collectionneurs: true
   field_locuteurs: true
-  path: true
   promote: true
   status: true
   sticky: true

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ dependencies: {  }
   default_config_hash: Da5YWhJdKLxaJ9gDRI1u5oCbm5WBxiiDgA4M1QrOEPQ
 id: '403'
-label: '403 access denied'
+label: 'page 403 accès refusé'
   canonical_url: '[site:url]'
   shortlink: '[site:url]'

+ 3 - 0

@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ permissions:
   - 'access toolbar'
   - 'access user profiles'
   - 'administer productions menu items'
+  - 'administer url aliases'
   - 'administer users'
   - 'change own username'
   - 'create content translations'
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ permissions:
   - 'create terms in genres'
   - 'create terms in langues'
   - 'create terms in locuteurs'
+  - 'create url aliases'
   - 'delete any autre_son content'
   - 'delete any enregistrement content'
   - 'delete any evenement content'
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ permissions:
   - 'execute views_bulk_edit all'
   - 'execute workflow_node_given_state_action node'
   - 'execute workflow_node_next_state_action node'
+  - 'notify of path changes'
   - 'revert any corpus_documents workflow_transition'
   - 'revert any generique workflow_transition'
   - 'revert autre_son revisions'

+ 3 - 0

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ weight: -8
 is_admin: null
   - 'access any corpus_documents workflow_transion overview'
+  - 'administer url aliases'
   - 'create corpus_documents workflow_transition'
   - 'create enregistrement content'
   - 'create generique workflow_transition'
@@ -15,9 +16,11 @@ permissions:
   - 'create terms in genres'
   - 'create terms in langues'
   - 'create terms in locuteurs'
+  - 'create url aliases'
   - 'delete own enregistrement content'
   - 'edit any enregistrement content'
   - 'edit own enregistrement content'
+  - 'notify of path changes'
   - 'revert enregistrement revisions'
   - 'schedule corpus_documents workflow_transition'
   - 'use text format wysiwyg'

+ 319 - 26

@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ dependencies:
     - text
     - translation_views
     - user
+    - views_bulk_operations
     - workflow
   default_config_hash: YIwhIF9MSP1E_HMam6MrYeti_UqMXQiLDMjDsPFKK8s
@@ -990,7 +991,7 @@ display:
       path: admin/content/production
         type: tab
-        title: Content
+        title: Productions
         description: ''
         expanded: false
         parent: 'menu_link_content:8b5fed48-c008-4041-9bda-06f997582175'
@@ -1296,6 +1297,91 @@ display:
           1: AND
+        views_bulk_operations_bulk_form:
+          id: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
+          table: views
+          field: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          label: 'Views bulk operations'
+          exclude: false
+          alter:
+            alter_text: false
+            text: ''
+            make_link: false
+            path: ''
+            absolute: false
+            external: false
+            replace_spaces: false
+            path_case: none
+            trim_whitespace: false
+            alt: ''
+            rel: ''
+            link_class: ''
+            prefix: ''
+            suffix: ''
+            target: ''
+            nl2br: false
+            max_length: 0
+            word_boundary: true
+            ellipsis: true
+            more_link: false
+            more_link_text: ''
+            more_link_path: ''
+            strip_tags: false
+            trim: false
+            preserve_tags: ''
+            html: false
+          element_type: ''
+          element_class: ''
+          element_label_type: ''
+          element_label_class: ''
+          element_label_colon: true
+          element_wrapper_type: ''
+          element_wrapper_class: ''
+          element_default_classes: true
+          empty: ''
+          hide_empty: false
+          empty_zero: false
+          hide_alter_empty: true
+          batch: true
+          batch_size: 10
+          form_step: true
+          buttons: false
+          clear_on_exposed: false
+          action_title: Action
+          selected_actions:
+            domain_access_none_action: 0
+            domain_access_remove_action: 0
+            domain_access_all_action: 0
+            domain_access_add_action: 0
+            node_promote_action: 0
+            node_unpromote_action: 0
+            node_unpublish_by_keyword_action: 0
+            node_assign_owner_action: 0
+            node_publish_action: 0
+            node_unpublish_action: 0
+            node_make_unsticky_action: 0
+            node_save_action: node_save_action
+            node_make_sticky_action: 0
+            views_bulk_edit: 0
+            views_bulk_operations_delete_entity: 0
+            workflow_node_given_state_action: workflow_node_given_state_action
+            workflow_node_next_state_action: 0
+            pathauto_update_alias: pathauto_update_alias
+            'entity:delete_action:node': 0
+            'entity:unpublish_action:node': 0
+            'entity:publish_action:node': 0
+            'entity:save_action:node': 0
+          preconfiguration:
+            node_save_action:
+              label_override: ''
+            workflow_node_given_state_action:
+              label_override: ''
+            pathauto_update_alias:
+              label_override: ''
+          plugin_id: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
           id: field_visuel
           table: node__field_visuel
@@ -1690,6 +1776,59 @@ display:
           separator: ', '
           field_api_classes: false
           plugin_id: field
+        view_node:
+          id: view_node
+          table: node
+          field: view_node
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          label: 'Lien vers Content'
+          exclude: false
+          alter:
+            alter_text: false
+            text: ''
+            make_link: false
+            path: ''
+            absolute: false
+            external: false
+            replace_spaces: false
+            path_case: none
+            trim_whitespace: false
+            alt: ''
+            rel: ''
+            link_class: ''
+            prefix: ''
+            suffix: ''
+            target: ''
+            nl2br: false
+            max_length: 0
+            word_boundary: true
+            ellipsis: true
+            more_link: false
+            more_link_text: ''
+            more_link_path: ''
+            strip_tags: false
+            trim: false
+            preserve_tags: ''
+            html: false
+          element_type: ''
+          element_class: ''
+          element_label_type: ''
+          element_label_class: ''
+          element_label_colon: true
+          element_wrapper_type: ''
+          element_wrapper_class: ''
+          element_default_classes: true
+          empty: ''
+          hide_empty: false
+          empty_zero: false
+          hide_alter_empty: true
+          text: voir
+          output_url_as_text: true
+          absolute: true
+          entity_type: node
+          plugin_id: entity_link
           id: term_node_tid
           table: node_field_data
@@ -1994,16 +2133,17 @@ display:
             field_visuel: field_visuel
             field_page_type: field_page_type
             title: title
-            field_view_mode: field_view_mode
             field_workflow_generic: field_workflow_generic
+            field_view_mode: field_view_mode
             operations: title
-            translation_status: translation_status
             field_son: title
+            view_node: title
             term_node_tid: term_node_tid
             name: name
-            changed: changed
-            status: status
             field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil: field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil
+            translation_status: translation_status
+            status: status
+            changed: changed
               sortable: false
@@ -2026,14 +2166,14 @@ display:
               separator: '<br/>'
               empty_column: false
               responsive: ''
-            field_view_mode:
+            field_workflow_generic:
               sortable: false
               default_sort_order: asc
               align: ''
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: ''
-            field_workflow_generic:
+            field_view_mode:
               sortable: false
               default_sort_order: asc
               align: ''
@@ -2045,14 +2185,14 @@ display:
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: ''
-            translation_status:
-              sortable: false
-              default_sort_order: asc
+            field_son:
               align: ''
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: ''
-            field_son:
+            view_node:
+              sortable: false
+              default_sort_order: asc
               align: ''
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
@@ -2069,27 +2209,34 @@ display:
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: priority-low
-            changed:
-              sortable: true
-              default_sort_order: desc
+            field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil:
+              sortable: false
+              default_sort_order: asc
               align: ''
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
-              responsive: priority-low
-            status:
-              sortable: true
+              responsive: ''
+            translation_status:
+              sortable: false
               default_sort_order: asc
               align: ''
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: ''
-            field_afficher_en_page_d_acceuil:
-              sortable: false
+            status:
+              sortable: true
               default_sort_order: asc
               align: ''
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: ''
+            changed:
+              sortable: true
+              default_sort_order: desc
+              align: ''
+              separator: ''
+              empty_column: false
+              responsive: priority-low
           default: changed
           empty_table: true
@@ -2108,7 +2255,7 @@ display:
         - user
         - 'user.node_grants:view'
         - user.roles
-      max-age: -1
+      max-age: 0
         - ''
         - ''
@@ -2557,6 +2704,91 @@ display:
           2: AND
       title: Collection
+        views_bulk_operations_bulk_form:
+          id: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
+          table: views
+          field: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          label: 'Views bulk operations'
+          exclude: false
+          alter:
+            alter_text: false
+            text: ''
+            make_link: false
+            path: ''
+            absolute: false
+            external: false
+            replace_spaces: false
+            path_case: none
+            trim_whitespace: false
+            alt: ''
+            rel: ''
+            link_class: ''
+            prefix: ''
+            suffix: ''
+            target: ''
+            nl2br: false
+            max_length: 0
+            word_boundary: true
+            ellipsis: true
+            more_link: false
+            more_link_text: ''
+            more_link_path: ''
+            strip_tags: false
+            trim: false
+            preserve_tags: ''
+            html: false
+          element_type: ''
+          element_class: ''
+          element_label_type: ''
+          element_label_class: ''
+          element_label_colon: true
+          element_wrapper_type: ''
+          element_wrapper_class: ''
+          element_default_classes: true
+          empty: ''
+          hide_empty: false
+          empty_zero: false
+          hide_alter_empty: true
+          batch: true
+          batch_size: 10
+          form_step: true
+          buttons: false
+          clear_on_exposed: true
+          action_title: Action
+          selected_actions:
+            domain_access_none_action: 0
+            domain_access_remove_action: 0
+            domain_access_all_action: 0
+            domain_access_add_action: 0
+            node_promote_action: 0
+            node_unpromote_action: 0
+            node_unpublish_by_keyword_action: 0
+            node_assign_owner_action: 0
+            node_publish_action: 0
+            node_unpublish_action: 0
+            node_make_unsticky_action: 0
+            node_save_action: node_save_action
+            node_make_sticky_action: 0
+            views_bulk_edit: 0
+            views_bulk_operations_delete_entity: 0
+            workflow_node_given_state_action: workflow_node_given_state_action
+            workflow_node_next_state_action: 0
+            pathauto_update_alias: pathauto_update_alias
+            'entity:delete_action:node': 0
+            'entity:unpublish_action:node': 0
+            'entity:publish_action:node': 0
+            'entity:save_action:node': 0
+          preconfiguration:
+            node_save_action:
+              label_override: ''
+            workflow_node_given_state_action:
+              label_override: ''
+            pathauto_update_alias:
+              label_override: ''
+          plugin_id: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
           id: status
           table: node_field_data
@@ -2874,6 +3106,59 @@ display:
           separator: ', '
           field_api_classes: false
           plugin_id: field
+        view_node:
+          id: view_node
+          table: node
+          field: view_node
+          relationship: none
+          group_type: group
+          admin_label: ''
+          label: 'Lien vers Content'
+          exclude: false
+          alter:
+            alter_text: false
+            text: ''
+            make_link: false
+            path: ''
+            absolute: false
+            external: false
+            replace_spaces: false
+            path_case: none
+            trim_whitespace: false
+            alt: ''
+            rel: ''
+            link_class: ''
+            prefix: ''
+            suffix: ''
+            target: ''
+            nl2br: false
+            max_length: 0
+            word_boundary: true
+            ellipsis: true
+            more_link: false
+            more_link_text: ''
+            more_link_path: ''
+            strip_tags: false
+            trim: false
+            preserve_tags: ''
+            html: false
+          element_type: ''
+          element_class: ''
+          element_label_type: ''
+          element_label_class: ''
+          element_label_colon: true
+          element_wrapper_type: ''
+          element_wrapper_class: ''
+          element_default_classes: true
+          empty: ''
+          hide_empty: false
+          empty_zero: false
+          hide_alter_empty: true
+          text: voir
+          output_url_as_text: true
+          absolute: true
+          entity_type: node
+          plugin_id: entity_link
           id: field_nbr_locuteurs
           table: node__field_nbr_locuteurs
@@ -3489,8 +3774,8 @@ display:
             title: title
             field_workflow: field_workflow
             operations: title
-            translation_status: translation_status
             field_son: title
+            view_node: title
             field_nbr_locuteurs: field_nbr_locuteurs
             field_description: field_description
             body: body
@@ -3498,6 +3783,7 @@ display:
             field_genres: field_genres
             field_langues: field_langues
             name: name
+            translation_status: translation_status
             changed: changed
             field_collectionneurs: field_collectionneurs
             field_locuteurs: field_locuteurs
@@ -3528,14 +3814,14 @@ display:
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: ''
-            translation_status:
-              sortable: false
-              default_sort_order: asc
+            field_son:
               align: ''
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: ''
-            field_son:
+            view_node:
+              sortable: false
+              default_sort_order: asc
               align: ''
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
@@ -3583,6 +3869,13 @@ display:
               separator: ''
               empty_column: false
               responsive: priority-low
+            translation_status:
+              sortable: false
+              default_sort_order: asc
+              align: ''
+              separator: ''
+              empty_column: false
+              responsive: ''
               sortable: true
               default_sort_order: desc
@@ -3618,7 +3911,7 @@ display:
         - user
         - 'user.node_grants:view'
         - user.roles
-      max-age: -1
+      max-age: 0
         - ''
         - ''

+ 2 - 2

@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ display:
           exposed: true
             operator_id: status_code_op
-            label: 'Status code'
+            label: 'Code du statut'
             description: ''
             use_operator: false
             operator: status_code_op
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ display:
               administrator: '0'
           is_grouped: true
-            label: 'Status code'
+            label: 'Code du statut'
             description: ''
             identifier: status_code
             optional: true

+ 1 - 1

@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ display:
           relationship: none
           group_type: group
           admin_label: ''
-          label: 'From state'
+          label: 'Depuis l''état'
           exclude: false
             alter_text: false