@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
var _canvas = _$canvas[0];
var _ctx = _canvas.getContext('2d');
var _canvas_props = {
- 'margin_top':100,
+ 'margin_top':90,
- 'margin_bottom':100,
+ 'margin_bottom':65,
var _physics = new Physics();
@@ -142,41 +142,12 @@
function initPhysics(){
_attracter = _physics.makeParticle(1000);
_attracter.fixed = true;
- _repulser_top = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _repulser_top.fixed = true;
- _repulser_center = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _repulser_center.fixed = true;
- _repulser_bottom = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _repulser_bottom.fixed = true;
- _scrambler_TL = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _scrambler_TL.fixed = true;
- _scrambler_TR = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _scrambler_TR.fixed = true;
- _scrambler_BR = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _scrambler_BR.fixed = true;
- _scrambler_BL = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _scrambler_BL.fixed = true;
- _scrambler_CR = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _scrambler_CR.fixed = true;
- _scrambler_CL = _physics.makeParticle(100);
- _scrambler_CL.fixed = true;
- // move _attracter and _repulser on window resize
+ // move _attracter on window resize
function resizePhysics(){
// attracters
_attracter.position = {x:_canvas.width/2, y:_canvas.height/2};
- // repulsers
- _repulser_top.position = {x:_canvas.width/2, y:0};
- _repulser_center.position = {x:_canvas.width/2, y:_canvas.height/2};
- _repulser_bottom.position = {x:_canvas.width/2, y:_canvas.height};
- // scramblers
- _scrambler_TL.position = {x:-200, y:_canvas.height/40};
- _scrambler_BL.position = {x:-200, y:_canvas.height-_canvas.height/40};
- // _scrambler_CL.position = {x:-200, y:_canvas.height/2};
- _scrambler_TR.position = {x:_canvas.width+200, y:_canvas.height/40};
- _scrambler_BR.position = {x:_canvas.width+200, y:_canvas.height-_canvas.height/40};
- // _scrambler_CR.position = {x:_canvas.width+200, y:_canvas.height/2};
// _ _ _
@@ -265,40 +236,26 @@
this.x = this.wall_limits.left + Math.random()*(this.wall_limits.right - this.wall_limits.left);
this.y = this.wall_limits.top + Math.random()*(this.wall_limits.bottom - this.wall_limits.top);
+ this.ori_pos = {x:this.x,y:this.y};
+ // TODO: don't forget to move ori_pos on window resize
- // if(this.id == '620'){
- // _node_pop_up.setNode(this);
- // }
Node.prototype.initPhysics = function(){
// particule
this.p = _physics.makeParticle(this.mass, this.x, this.y);
this.p.velocity = new Physics.Vector((Math.random()-0.5)*_p_velocity_factor, (Math.random()-0.5)*_p_velocity_factor);
+ // origin position particule
+ this.ori_p = _physics.makeParticle(1000, this.ori_pos.x, this.ori_pos.y);
+ this.ori_p.fixed = true;
+ // TODO: don't forget to move ori_p on window resize
+ this.ori_p_attract = _physics.makeAttraction(this.ori_p, this.p, 1000, _canvas.width*2);
+ this.ori_p_attract.on = false;
// attracter
this.attract = _physics.makeAttraction(_attracter, this.p, 1000, _canvas.width*2);
this.attract.on = false;
- // repulsers
- this.repulse_top = _physics.makeAttraction(_repulser_top, this.p, -60, _canvas.height/6);
- this.repulse_center = _physics.makeAttraction(_repulser_center, this.p, -50, _canvas.height/6);
- this.repulse_bottom = _physics.makeAttraction(_repulser_bottom, this.p, -60, _canvas.height/6);
- this.repulse_top.on = false;
- this.repulse_center.on = false;
- this.repulse_bottom.on = false;
- // Scramblers
- this.scramble_TL = _physics.makeAttraction(_scrambler_TL, this.p, -100, _canvas.height/2.5);
- this.scramble_TR = _physics.makeAttraction(_scrambler_TR, this.p, -100, _canvas.height/2.5);
- this.scramble_BR = _physics.makeAttraction(_scrambler_BR, this.p, -100, _canvas.height/2.5);
- this.scramble_BL = _physics.makeAttraction(_scrambler_BL, this.p, -100, _canvas.height/2.5);
- // this.scramble_CR = _physics.makeAttraction(_scrambler_CR, this.p, -50, _canvas.height/4);
- // this.scramble_CL = _physics.makeAttraction(_scrambler_CL, this.p, -50, _canvas.height/4);
- this.scramble_TL.on = false;
- this.scramble_TR.on = false;
- this.scramble_BR.on = false;
- this.scramble_BL.on = false;
- // this.scramble_CR.on = false;
- // this.scramble_CL.on = false;
Node.prototype.calcWallLimits = function(){
@@ -312,9 +269,16 @@
Node.prototype.onResizeCanvas = function(){
+ this.shuffleOriP();
// TODO: when canvas is smaller what about nodes hors champs, they are coming back alone but it's too long
+ Node.prototype.shuffleOriP = function(){
+ this.ori_pos.x = this.wall_limits.left + Math.random()*(this.wall_limits.right - this.wall_limits.left);
+ this.ori_pos.y = this.wall_limits.top + Math.random()*(this.wall_limits.bottom - this.wall_limits.top);
+ this.scramble();
+ };
Node.prototype.onUpdate = function(){
// this.p.velocity.multiplyScalar(0.99);
@@ -331,7 +295,11 @@
// this.checkVelocityThreshold();
+ if(this.scrambling){
+ this.checkOriPDist();
+ }
if(_mouse_in && !this.aside)
@@ -451,35 +419,37 @@
// this.fade();
- this.repulse_top.on = true;
- this.repulse_center.on = true;
- this.repulse_bottom.on = true;
+ this.ori_p.position.x = this.x < _canvas.width /2 ? this.wall_limits.left : this.wall_limits.right;
+ this.ori_p_attract.on = true;
Node.prototype.unsetAside = function(){
+ console.log('unsetAside');
this.aside = false;
+ this.ori_p_attract.on = false;
+ this.ori_p.position.x = this.ori_pos.x;
// this.unFade();
- this.repulse_top.on = false;
- this.repulse_center.on = false;
- this.repulse_bottom.on = false;
Node.prototype.scramble = function(){
this.scrambling = true;
- this.scramble_TL.on = true;
- this.scramble_TR.on = true;
- this.scramble_BR.on = true;
- this.scramble_BL.on = true;
- // this.scramble_CR.on = true;
- // this.scramble_CL.on = true;
+ this.ori_p.position.x = this.ori_pos.x;
+ this.ori_p.position.y = this.ori_pos.y;
+ this.ori_p_attract.on = true;
+ Node.prototype.checkOriPDist = function(){
+ if(this.p.distanceTo(this.ori_p) < 50){
+ this.stopScrambling();
+ }
+ };
Node.prototype.stopScrambling = function(){
this.scrambling = false;
- this.scramble_TL.on = false;
- this.scramble_TR.on = false;
- this.scramble_BR.on = false;
- this.scramble_BL.on = false;
+ this.ori_p_attract.on = false;
+ // this.scramble_TL.on = false;
+ // this.scramble_TR.on = false;
+ // this.scramble_BR.on = false;
+ // this.scramble_BL.on = false;
// this.scramble_CR.on = false;
// this.scramble_CL.on = false;
@@ -726,19 +696,20 @@
// |___/\__|_| \__,_|_|_|_|_.__/_|_|_||_\__, |
// |___/
function scrambleCollection(){
+ console.log('scrambleCollection');
for (var i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++) {
// setTimeout(stopScrambling, 2000);
- stopScrambling();
- };
- function stopScrambling(){
- for (var i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++) {
- setTimeout(function(n){
- n.stopScrambling();
- }.bind(this, _nodes[i]), 1000 + Math.random()*4000);
- }
+ // stopScrambling();
+ // function stopScrambling(){
+ // for (var i = 0; i < _nodes.length; i++) {
+ // setTimeout(function(n){
+ // n.stopScrambling();
+ // }.bind(this, _nodes[i]), 1000 + Math.random()*4000);
+ // }
+ // };
function closeAllEntries(){
_$entrees_block_termlinks.each(function(index, el) {
@@ -857,7 +828,7 @@
_$entrees_block_termlinks.on('click', function(event) {
- console.log('_$entrees_block_termlinks click', this);
+ // console.log('_$entrees_block_termlinks click', this);
openEntree($(this).attr('tid'), true);
// var $link = $(this);