@@ -58,69 +58,72 @@ function edlp_mobile_page_attachments(array &$attachments) {
$is_mobile_domain = false;
global $base_root;
- //dpm($base_root, '$base_root');
+ // dpm($base_root, '$base_root');
- $current_domain = preg_replace('/http:\/\/|https:\/\//i', '', $base_root);
- //dpm($current_domain, '$current_domain');
+ $current_hostname = preg_replace('/http:\/\/|https:\/\//i', '', $base_root);
+ // dpm($current_hostname, '$current_hostname');
$domain_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('domain');
- $domains = $domain_storage->loadMultiple();
- //dpm($domains);
- $domain_alias_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('domain_alias');
- //dpm($domain_alias_storage);
- foreach ($domains as $domain_id => $domain) {
- if($domain->isActive()){
- //dpm($domain);
- $alias_ids = $domain_alias_storage->getQuery()->condition('domain_id', $domain_id)->execute();
- //dpm($alias_ids, 'alias_ids');
- $aliases = $domain_alias_storage->loadMultiple($alias_ids);
- // dpm($aliases, 'aliases');
- foreach ($aliases as $alias_id => $alias) {
- if($alias->getPattern() == $current_domain){
- // we found the current domain and current alias
- // dpm($domain, 'domain');
- // dpm($alias, 'alias');
- $env = $alias->getEnvironment();
- $env_aliases = $domain_alias_storage->loadByEnvironment($env);
- // dpm($env_aliases, '$env_aliases');
- // find out mibile alias and desktop alias
- // this is dirty
- // TODO: set target device as domain setting
- if ($domain->id() == 'm_encyclopediedelaparole_org'){
- // current domain/alias is mobile
- $is_mobile_domain = true;
- $mobile_url = $alias->getPattern();
- // find desktop pattern
- foreach ($env_aliases as $env_alias_id => $env_alias) {
- if($env_alias_id != $alias_id){
- // we found the desktop pattern
- $desktop_url = $env_alias->getPattern();
- }
- }
- }else{
- // current domain/alias is mobile
- $is_mobile_domain = false;
- $desktop_url = $alias->getPattern();
- // find desktop pattern
- foreach ($env_aliases as $env_alias_id => $env_alias) {
- if($env_alias_id != $alias_id){
- // we found the desktop pattern
- $mobile_url = $env_alias->getPattern();
- }
- }
- }
+ $mobile_domain = $domain_storage->load('m_encyclopediedelaparole_org');
+ // dpm($mobile_domain, 'mobile_domain');
+ $desktop_domain = $domain_storage->load('encyclopediedelaparole_org');
+ // dpm($desktop_domain, 'desktop_domain');
+ $current_domain = $domain_storage->loadByHostname($current_hostname);
+ // dpm($current_domain, 'current_domain');
+ if($current_domain){
+ // we are in a main domain
+ $is_mobile_domain = ($current_domain->id() == $mobile_domain->id());
+ $mobile_url = $mobile_domain->getHostname();
+ $desktop_url = $desktop_domain->getHostname();
+ }else{
+ // we are not in a main domain, so we look for an alias
+ $domain_alias_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('domain_alias');
+ $alias = $domain_alias_storage->loadByHostname($current_hostname);
+ // dpm($alias, '$alias');
+ $domain_id = $alias->getDomainId();
+ // dpm($domain_id, 'domain_id');
+ $current_domain = $domain_storage->load($domain_id);
+ // dpm($current_domain, 'current_domain');
+ $env = $alias->getEnvironment();
+ $env_aliases = $domain_alias_storage->loadByEnvironment($env);
+ // dpm($env_aliases, '$env_aliases');
+ // find out mibile alias and desktop alias
+ // this is dirty
+ // TODO: set target device as domain setting
+ if ($domain_id == 'm_encyclopediedelaparole_org'){
+ // current domain/alias is mobile
+ $is_mobile_domain = true;
+ $mobile_url = $alias->getPattern();
+ // find desktop pattern
+ // we assume that there is only two alias by env (mobile or desktop)
+ foreach ($env_aliases as $env_alias_id => $env_alias) {
+ if($env_alias_id != $alias->id()){
+ // we found the desktop pattern
+ $desktop_url = $env_alias->getPattern();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ // current domain/alias is desktop
+ $is_mobile_domain = false;
+ $desktop_url = $alias->getPattern();
+ // find mobile pattern
+ // we assume that there is only two alias by env (mobile or desktop)
+ foreach ($env_aliases as $env_alias_id => $env_alias) {
+ if($env_alias_id != $alias->id()){
+ // we found the desktop pattern
+ $mobile_url = $env_alias->getPattern();
- break;
- // $mobile =
$current_path = \Drupal::service('path.current')->getPath();
$is_front = \Drupal::service('path.matcher')->isFrontPage();
$current_language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();