@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ namespace Drupal\edlp_ajax\Controller;
use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
+use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface;
use Drupal\menu_link_content\Entity\MenuLinkContent;
// use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
+use \Drupal\block\Entity\Block;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableJsonResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata;
use Drupal\core\render\RenderContext;
@@ -94,6 +96,20 @@ class EdlpAjaxController extends ControllerBase {
$data['menu_parents'] = $menu_parents;
+ // translations links
+ $links = \Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguageSwitchLinks(LanguageInterface::TYPE_URL, $this->entity->toUrl());
+ if (isset($links->links)) {
+ $translations_build = [
+ '#theme' => 'links__language_block',
+ '#links' => $links->links,
+ '#attributes' => ['class' => ["language-switcher-{$links->method_id}"]],
+ '#set_active_class' => TRUE,
+ ];
+ $translations_rendered = \Drupal::service('renderer')->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($translations_build) {return render($translations_build);});
+ // dpm($links);
+ $data['translations_links'] = $translations_rendered;
+ }
$data['#cache'] = [
'max-age' => \Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache::PERMANENT,
'tags' => [
@@ -110,8 +126,85 @@ class EdlpAjaxController extends ControllerBase {
return $response;
- dpm($response);
+ // dpm($response);
+ // return array(
+ // '#markup'=>'hello'
+ // );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all visisble blocks from edlptheme as json through ajax.
+ *
+ * @return json
+ */
+ public function blocksjson($blockid) {
+ $block_viewbuilder = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getViewBuilder('block');
+ //
+ $blocksids = [];
+ if(!$blockid){
+ // TODO: get all blocks definition from edlptheme
+ $block_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('block');
+ // dpm($block_storage, '$block_storage');
+ $allblocks = $block_storage->loadMultiple();
+ // dpm($blocks, 'blocks');
+ foreach ($allblocks as $block) {
+ // dpm($block->id(), 'block');
+ // dpm($block->getTheme(), 'theme');
+ // $visibility = $block->getVisibility();
+ if($block->getTheme() == "edlptheme"){
+ // dpm($block, $block->id());
+ $blocksids[] = $block->id();
+ }
+ }
+ // $block_listbuilder = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getListBuilder('block');
+ // dpm($block_listbuilder, '$block_listbuilder');
+ // // foreach ($blocks as $key => $value) {
+ // // $block = \Drupal\block\Entity\Block::load('productions');
+ // // }
+ }
+ else{
+ $blocksids[] = $blockid;
+ }
+ // dpm($blocksids, 'blockids');
+ //
+ $blocks = [];
+ foreach ($blocksids as $id) {
+ $block = Block::load($id);
+ $block_render = $block_viewbuilder->view($block);
+ $rendered = \Drupal::service('renderer')->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($block_render) {
+ return render($block_render);
+ });
+ $blocks[$id] = array(
+ 'rendered'=> $rendered,
+ 'region'=> str_replace('_', '-', $block->getRegion()),
+ 'id'=> preg_replace('/^[^:]+:(.+)$/', 'block-$1', $block->getPluginId())
+ );
+ }
+ // dpm($blocks, 'blocks');
+ //
+ $data = [
+ 'blockid'=>$blockid,
+ 'blocks' => $blocks,
+ '#cache' => [
+ 'max-age' => \Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache::PERMANENT,
+ 'tags' => [
+ 'edlp-ajax-blocks-cache',
+ // $this->entity_type.':'.$this->id // not necessary as we add $renderable as CacheableMetadata to the response
+ ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ // dpm($data);
+ //
+ $response = new CacheableJsonResponse($data);
+ // $response->addCacheableDependency(CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($renderable));
+ $response->addCacheableDependency(CacheableMetadata::createFromRenderArray($data));
+ //
+ return $response;
+ // dpm($response);
+ //
return array(