field--node--title.html.twig 1.1 KB

  1. {#
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Default theme implementation for the node title field.
  5. *
  6. * This is an override of field.html.twig for the node title field. See that
  7. * template for documentation about its details and overrides.
  8. *
  9. * Available variables:
  10. * - attributes: HTML attributes for the containing span element.
  11. * - items: List of all the field items. Each item contains:
  12. * - attributes: List of HTML attributes for each item.
  13. * - content: The field item content.
  14. * - entity_type: The entity type to which the field belongs.
  15. * - field_name: The name of the field.
  16. * - field_type: The type of the field.
  17. * - label_display: The display settings for the label.
  18. * - is_inline: If false, display an ordinary field.
  19. * If true, display an inline format, suitable for inside elements such as
  20. * <span>, <h2> and so on.
  21. *
  22. * @see field.html.twig
  23. * @see node_preprocess_field__node()
  24. *
  25. * @ingroup themeable
  26. *
  27. * @todo Delete as part of
  28. */
  29. #}
  30. {% if not is_inline %}
  31. {% include "field.html.twig" %}
  32. {% else %}
  33. <span{{ attributes }}>
  34. {%- for item in items -%}
  35. {{ item.content }}
  36. {%- endfor -%}
  37. </span>
  38. {% endif %}