Explorar el Código

roles and permissions

ouidade hace 1 año

+ 2 - 2

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ features:
   favicon: true
   node_user_picture: false
-  path: 'public://logo.jpg'
-  use_default: true
+  path: 'public://logo.png'
+  use_default: false
 mobile_menu_all_widths: 0
 site_branding_bg_color: default

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+uuid: 591697e4-4428-479c-a5bb-4a910d1c2704
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+  config:
+    - user.role.editor
+  module:
+    - user
+id: user_add_role_action.editor
+label: 'Add the Editor role to the selected user(s)'
+type: user
+plugin: user_add_role_action
+  rid: editor

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-uuid: d0317719-7acb-4cac-951d-e12bdecd3366
-langcode: en
+uuid: 51ad768f-6378-4c36-b507-932feef02893
+langcode: fr
 status: true

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 9241d40d-7a55-4e0c-8358-dc475b567e38
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - user.role.user
-  module:
-    - user
-id: user_add_role_action.user
-label: 'Add the User role to the selected user(s)'
-type: user
-plugin: user_add_role_action
-  rid: user

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+uuid: ab29e112-b9f5-4a96-8ab0-1bb4e95d5a14
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+  config:
+    - user.role.editor
+  module:
+    - user
+id: user_remove_role_action.editor
+label: 'Remove the Editor role from the selected user(s)'
+type: user
+plugin: user_remove_role_action
+  rid: editor

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-uuid: 8375ec51-487d-4b65-872e-ae3a8a4432c8
-langcode: en
+uuid: a9285224-5fa2-4d94-b2ec-88d43550e9c1
+langcode: fr
 status: true

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-uuid: d1578067-45ae-435c-b92d-6bc6ef65b71e
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - user.role.user
-  module:
-    - user
-id: user_remove_role_action.user
-label: 'Remove the User role from the selected user(s)'
-type: user
-plugin: user_remove_role_action
-  rid: user

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+uuid: beddf5b8-6532-4373-9290-6d30ba62954d
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+  config:
+    - node.type.book
+    - node.type.static
+  module:
+    - book
+    - content_translation
+    - node
+    - system
+    - tablefield
+    - toolbar
+id: editor
+label: Editor
+weight: -5
+is_admin: null
+  - 'access administration pages'
+  - 'access content overview'
+  - 'access printer-friendly version'
+  - 'access toolbar'
+  - 'add content to books'
+  - 'addrow tablefield'
+  - 'administer book outlines'
+  - 'create book content'
+  - 'create content translations'
+  - 'create new books'
+  - 'create static content'
+  - 'delete own book content'
+  - 'delete own static content'
+  - 'edit any book content'
+  - 'edit any static content'
+  - 'edit own book content'
+  - 'edit own static content'
+  - 'export tablefield'
+  - 'import tablefield'
+  - 'rebuild tablefield'
+  - 'update content translations'
+  - 'view book revisions'
+  - 'view own unpublished content'
+  - 'view static revisions'
+  - 'view the administration theme'

+ 4 - 10

@@ -1,19 +1,13 @@
-uuid: 57e7cc05-7e78-4c10-b624-4908b87f226e
-langcode: en
+uuid: db60f537-3369-4dd0-af59-8af8e234cfed
+langcode: fr
 status: true
-  config:
-    - filter.format.wysiwyg
-    - node.type.book
     - content_translation
-    - filter
 id: translator
 label: Translator
-weight: -3
-is_admin: false
+weight: -4
+is_admin: null
   - 'create content translations'
-  - 'translate book node'
   - 'update content translations'
-  - 'use text format wysiwyg'

+ 0 - 181

@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 79b90747-e6d3-4872-9cfe-6f321f2f5a46
-langcode: fr
-status: true
-  config:
-    - node.type.book
-  module:
-    - actions_permissions
-    - ban
-    - block
-    - block_class
-    - block_content
-    - book
-    - book_access_code
-    - bulkdelete
-    - config
-    - config_pages
-    - config_translation
-    - contact
-    - content_lock
-    - content_translation
-    - context_ui
-    - contextual
-    - devel
-    - devel_generate
-    - embed
-    - entity_browser
-    - entity_reference_revisions
-    - extlink
-    - field_ui
-    - node
-    - paragraphs
-    - path_alias_xt
-    - profile
-    - tablefield
-    - taxonomy
-  default_config_hash: i1HX2g6ycNxMoSaVKRrMZtmApin-bVKG1d0FG04peQw
-id: user
-label: Editor
-weight: -4
-is_admin: null
-  - 'access config_pages overview'
-  - 'access contextual links'
-  - 'access devel information'
-  - 'access printer-friendly version'
-  - 'access site-wide contact form'
-  - 'access user contact forms'
-  - 'add access codes'
-  - 'add content to books'
-  - 'addrow tablefield'
-  - 'administer access codes'
-  - 'administer block classes'
-  - 'administer block_content display'
-  - 'administer block_content fields'
-  - 'administer block_content form display'
-  - 'administer blocks'
-  - 'administer book access code settings'
-  - 'administer book outlines'
-  - 'administer config_pages display'
-  - 'administer config_pages fields'
-  - 'administer config_pages form display'
-  - 'administer config_pages types'
-  - 'administer contact forms'
-  - 'administer contact_message display'
-  - 'administer contact_message fields'
-  - 'administer contact_message form display'
-  - 'administer content lock'
-  - 'administer content translation'
-  - 'administer contexts'
-  - 'administer devel_generate'
-  - 'administer display modes'
-  - 'administer embed buttons'
-  - 'administer entity browsers'
-  - 'administer extended path aliases'
-  - 'administer extlink'
-  - 'administer node display'
-  - 'administer node fields'
-  - 'administer node form display'
-  - 'administer paragraph display'
-  - 'administer paragraph fields'
-  - 'administer paragraph form display'
-  - 'administer profile display'
-  - 'administer profile fields'
-  - 'administer profile form display'
-  - 'administer taxonomy_term display'
-  - 'administer taxonomy_term fields'
-  - 'administer taxonomy_term form display'
-  - 'administer user display'
-  - 'administer user fields'
-  - 'administer user form display'
-  - 'ban IP addresses'
-  - 'break content lock'
-  - 'bulkdelete nodes'
-  - 'bypass book access code checks'
-  - 'create book content'
-  - 'create content translations'
-  - 'create defalut workflow_transition'
-  - 'create default workflow_transition'
-  - 'create new books'
-  - 'delete access codes'
-  - 'delete any book content'
-  - 'delete book revisions'
-  - 'delete config_pages entity'
-  - 'delete content translations'
-  - 'delete orphan revisions'
-  - 'delete own book content'
-  - 'edit access codes'
-  - 'edit any book content'
-  - 'edit config_pages entity'
-  - 'edit own book content'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock access_code'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock block_content'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock config_pages'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock contact_message'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock file'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock menu_link_content'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock node'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock paragraph'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock path_alias'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock profile'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock redirect'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock search_api_task'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock taxonomy_term'
-  - 'execute entity:break_lock user'
-  - 'execute entity:publish_action access_code'
-  - 'execute entity:publish_action block_content'
-  - 'execute entity:publish_action menu_link_content'
-  - 'execute entity:publish_action node'
-  - 'execute entity:publish_action paragraph'
-  - 'execute entity:publish_action path_alias'
-  - 'execute entity:publish_action profile'
-  - 'execute entity:publish_action taxonomy_term'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action access_code'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action block_content'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action config_pages'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action file'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action menu_link_content'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action node'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action profile'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action taxonomy_term'
-  - 'execute entity:save_action user'
-  - 'execute entity:unpublish_action access_code'
-  - 'execute entity:unpublish_action block_content'
-  - 'execute entity:unpublish_action menu_link_content'
-  - 'execute entity:unpublish_action node'
-  - 'execute entity:unpublish_action paragraph'
-  - 'execute entity:unpublish_action path_alias'
-  - 'execute entity:unpublish_action profile'
-  - 'execute entity:unpublish_action taxonomy_term'
-  - 'execute node_assign_owner_action node'
-  - 'execute node_make_sticky_action node'
-  - 'execute node_make_unsticky_action node'
-  - 'execute node_promote_action node'
-  - 'execute node_unpromote_action node'
-  - 'execute node_unpublish_by_keyword_action node'
-  - 'execute user_add_role_action user'
-  - 'execute user_block_user_action user'
-  - 'execute user_remove_role_action user'
-  - 'execute user_unblock_user_action user'
-  - 'execute vbo_cancel_user_action user'
-  - 'execute views_bulk_edit all'
-  - 'execute views_bulk_operations_delete_entity all'
-  - 'export configuration'
-  - 'export tablefield'
-  - 'import configuration'
-  - 'import tablefield'
-  - 'rebuild tablefield'
-  - 'switch users'
-  - 'synchronize configuration'
-  - 'translate any entity'
-  - 'translate block_content'
-  - 'translate book node'
-  - 'translate configuration'
-  - 'translate editable entities'
-  - 'translate paragraph'
-  - 'translate user'
-  - 'update content translations'
-  - 'view config_pages entity'
-  - 'view own unpublished content'

web/themes/custom/rorschach/Attestation sur l_honneur RARP.pdf

+ 6 - 2

@@ -879,6 +879,8 @@ article.node-type-book {
 #header-top {
   height: 7rem;
+  padding-right: 2rem;
+  padding-left: 2rem;
   background-color: white;
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: row;
@@ -892,8 +894,10 @@ article.node-type-book {
   #header-top .region-header-top-left {
     display: flex;
     flex-direction: row; }
-    #header-top .region-header-top-left #block-rorschach-site-branding img {
-      width: 10%; }
+    #header-top .region-header-top-left #block-rorschach-site-branding {
+      display: flex; }
+      #header-top .region-header-top-left #block-rorschach-site-branding img {
+        width: 50%; }
     #header-top .region-header-top-left #block-rorschach-main-menu {
       align-self: baseline;
       width: 70%;



+ 6 - 79

@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 #header-top {
     height: 7rem;
+    padding-right: 2rem;
+    padding-left: 2rem;
     background-color: $white;
     // box-shadow: 1px 0px 8px $black;
     display: flex;
@@ -42,19 +44,13 @@
     .region-header-top-left {     
         flex-direction: row;
-        // padding: 1rem;
-        // padding-left: 4%;
-        // align-items:center;  
-        // color: $black;  
-        // font-weight: 800;
-        // flex: 1;
+            display: flex;
-                width: 10%;
+                width: 50%;
             align-self: baseline;
@@ -131,76 +127,7 @@
-// menu burger à droite
-        // #block-burger {              
-        //     z-index: 1;
-        //     background-color: $blue-light;
-        //     font-size: 0.7rem;
-        //     color: $white;
-        //     display: block;
-        //     width: 7rem;
-        //     height: 100%;
-        //     margin-top: 0;
-        //     :hover{
-        //         cursor: pointer;
-        //     }
-        //     h2{
-        //         padding-top: 1rem;
-        //     }
-        //     h2:after{
-        //         display: block;
-        //         margin:auto;
-        //         height: 70px;
-        //         content:url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg width="70" height="50" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"> <path id="path930" d="M 5,13 H 65" stroke-linecap="round" stroke="white" stroke-width="3"/><path id="path930-3" d="M 5,25 H 65" stroke-linecap="round" stroke="white" stroke-width="3"/><path id="path930-6" d="M 5,37 H 65" stroke-linecap="round" stroke="white" stroke-width="3"/></svg>'); 
-        //     }        
-        //     #block-burger-menu{
-        //         display: block;
-        //         margin: 0;
-        //         align-self: center;
-        //         text-align: center;
-        //         // height:7rem;
-        //     }
-  // block menu open fond bleu
-        // .ul1:not(.sous-liste){    
-        //     width: 300%;
-        //     position: relative;
-        //     right: 260px;
-        //     margin: 0;
-        //     padding-top: 2rem;
-        //     padding-bottom: 2rem;
-        //     z-index: 99;
-        // }
-        // ul  {
-        //     display: none;
-        //     background-color: $blue-light;
-        //     line-height: 2rem;
-        //     list-style: none;
-        //     .ul1 .sous-liste{
-        //         a{
-        //             opacity: 1;
-        //         }
-        //     }
-        //     a{
-        //         opacity: 0.6;
-        //         color: $white;
-        //         font-weight: 800;
-        //         font-size: 1rem;
-        //     }
-        // }
-        // &.opened ul {
-        //   display: block;
-        // }
-    }   