composer.json 5.3 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "drupal/recommended-project",
  3. "description": "Project template for Drupal projects with a relocated document root",
  4. "type": "project",
  5. "license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
  6. "homepage": "",
  7. "support": {
  8. "docs": "",
  9. "chat": ""
  10. },
  11. "repositories": [
  12. {
  13. "type": "composer",
  14. "url": ""
  15. }
  16. ],
  17. "require": {
  18. "composer/installers": "^2.0",
  19. "drupal/address": "^1.12",
  20. "drupal/admin_theme": "^1.0",
  21. "drupal/advanced_email_validation": "^1.1",
  22. "drupal/amswap": "^3.2",
  23. "drupal/conditional_fields": "^4.0@alpha",
  24. "drupal/config_pages": "^2.15",
  25. "drupal/content_as_config": "^1.0",
  26. "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": "^10.1",
  27. "drupal/core-project-message": "^10.1",
  28. "drupal/core-recommended": "^10.1",
  29. "drupal/image_delta_formatter": "^1.2",
  30. "drupal/image_field_caption": "^2.0",
  31. "drupal/linked_field": "^1.5",
  32. "drupal/login_destination": "^2.0@beta",
  33. "drupal/mailsystem": "^4.4",
  34. "drupal/matomo": "^1.23",
  35. "drupal/mimemail": "^1.0@alpha",
  36. "drupal/notify": "^2.0@beta",
  37. "drupal/page_manager": "^4.0@RC",
  38. "drupal/panels": "^4.7",
  39. "drupal/paragraphs": "^1.16",
  40. "drupal/phone_number": "^2.0@alpha",
  41. "drupal/quick_node_clone": "^1.18",
  42. "drupal/rules": "^3.0@alpha",
  43. "drupal/social_media_links": "^2.9",
  44. "drupal/typed_data": "^1.0@beta",
  45. "drupal/webform": "^6.2",
  46. "wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin": "^2.1"
  47. },
  48. "conflict": {
  49. "drupal/drupal": "*"
  50. },
  51. "minimum-stability": "stable",
  52. "prefer-stable": true,
  53. "config": {
  54. "allow-plugins": {
  55. "composer/installers": true,
  56. "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": true,
  57. "drupal/core-project-message": true,
  58. "phpstan/extension-installer": true,
  59. "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": true,
  60. "wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin": true,
  61. "cweagans/composer-patches": true
  62. },
  63. "sort-packages": true
  64. },
  65. "extra": {
  66. "drupal-scaffold": {
  67. "locations": {
  68. "web-root": "web/"
  69. }
  70. },
  71. "installer-paths": {
  72. "web/core": [
  73. "type:drupal-core"
  74. ],
  75. "web/libraries/{$name}": [
  76. "type:drupal-library"
  77. ],
  78. "web/modules/contrib/{$name}": [
  79. "type:drupal-module"
  80. ],
  81. "web/profiles/contrib/{$name}": [
  82. "type:drupal-profile"
  83. ],
  84. "web/themes/contrib/{$name}": [
  85. "type:drupal-theme"
  86. ],
  87. "drush/Commands/contrib/{$name}": [
  88. "type:drupal-drush"
  89. ],
  90. "web/modules/custom/{$name}": [
  91. "type:drupal-custom-module"
  92. ],
  93. "web/profiles/custom/{$name}": [
  94. "type:drupal-custom-profile"
  95. ],
  96. "web/themes/custom/{$name}": [
  97. "type:drupal-custom-theme"
  98. ]
  99. },
  100. "drupal-core-project-message": {
  101. "include-keys": [
  102. "homepage",
  103. "support"
  104. ],
  105. "post-create-project-cmd-message": [
  106. "<bg=blue;fg=white> </>",
  107. "<bg=blue;fg=white> Congratulations, you’ve installed the Drupal codebase </>",
  108. "<bg=blue;fg=white> from the drupal/recommended-project template! </>",
  109. "<bg=blue;fg=white> </>",
  110. "",
  111. "<bg=yellow;fg=black>Next steps</>:",
  112. " * Install the site:",
  113. " * Read the user guide:",
  114. " * Get support:",
  115. " * Get involved with the Drupal community:",
  116. "",
  117. " * Remove the plugin that prints this message:",
  118. " composer remove drupal/core-project-message"
  119. ]
  120. },
  121. "merge-plugin": {
  122. "include": [
  123. "web/profiles/drupal-starterkit-profile/composer.json"
  124. ],
  125. "recurse": true,
  126. "replace": false,
  127. "merge-extra": true
  128. },
  129. "patches": {
  130. "drupal/social_media_links":{
  131. "Replace Twitter with X": ""
  132. },
  133. "drupal/nodeaccess":{
  134. "Preserve role grants when adding custom grants on node": ""
  135. }
  136. }
  137. }
  138. }