uuid: e93d1bbb-5628-4a43-bfe2-6ba0a496e264
langcode: fr
status: true
dependencies: {  }
  default_config_hash: RCVWP-yHwxSNiQORMIabDgHMEVqOMW58w80BQgRFJ4k
id: node_view
label: 'Vue du nœud'
description: 'When enabled, this overrides the default Drupal behavior for displaying nodes at <em>/node/{node}</em>. If you add variants, you may use selection criteria such as node type or language or user access to provide different views of nodes. If no variant is selected, the default Drupal node view will be used. This page only affects nodes viewed as pages, it will not affect nodes viewed in lists or at other locations.'
use_admin_theme: false
path: '/node/{node}'
access_logic: and
access_conditions: {  }
    machine_name: node
    label: Nœud
    type: 'entity:node'