uuid: 7477819f-4a97-4fbd-941b-58452df5dbf0 langcode: fr status: true dependencies: config: - system.menu.admin module: - maillog - user enforced: module: - maillog _core: default_config_hash: UPFuSMCXmT-hnRq7Pxy8FJnXDDSFW_9zkaKsxtnWOqU id: maillog_overview label: 'Maillog overview' module: views description: '' tag: '' base_table: maillog base_field: id display: default: id: default display_title: Principal display_plugin: default position: 1 display_options: title: 'Maillog overview' fields: id: id: id table: maillog field: id relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' plugin_id: standard label: '#' exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: null word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: true element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: 'There are currently no mails to report.' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true sent_date: id: sent_date table: maillog field: sent_date relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' plugin_id: date label: Date exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: null word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: true element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true date_format: short custom_date_format: '' timezone: '' subject: id: subject table: maillog field: subject relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' plugin_id: standard label: Objet exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: true path: '/admin/reports/maillog/details/{{id}}' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: null word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: true element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true header_from: id: header_from table: maillog field: header_from relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' plugin_id: standard label: 'A partir de' exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: null word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: true element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true header_to: id: header_to table: maillog field: header_to relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' plugin_id: standard label: À exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: null word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: true element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true pager: type: full options: offset: 0 items_per_page: 10 total_pages: null id: 0 tags: next: "suivant\_›" previous: "‹\_précédent" first: "«\_premier" last: "dernier\_»" expose: items_per_page: false items_per_page_label: 'Éléments par page' items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 20, 40, 60' items_per_page_options_all: false items_per_page_options_all_label: '- Tout -' offset: false offset_label: Décalage quantity: 9 exposed_form: type: basic options: submit_button: Appliquer reset_button: false reset_button_label: Réinitialiser exposed_sorts_label: 'Trier par' expose_sort_order: true sort_asc_label: Asc sort_desc_label: Desc access: type: perm options: perm: 'view maillog' cache: type: none options: { } empty: area_text_custom: id: area_text_custom table: views field: area_text_custom relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' plugin_id: text_custom empty: true content: 'There are no mail logs in the database.' tokenize: false sorts: sent_date: id: sent_date table: maillog field: sent_date relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' plugin_id: date order: DESC expose: label: '' exposed: false granularity: second arguments: { } filters: { } style: type: table options: grouping: { } row_class: '' default_row_class: true columns: id: id sent_date: sent_date subject: subject header_from: header_from header_to: header_to default: '-1' info: id: sortable: false default_sort_order: asc align: '' separator: '' empty_column: false responsive: '' sent_date: sortable: false default_sort_order: asc align: '' separator: '' empty_column: false responsive: '' subject: sortable: false default_sort_order: asc align: '' separator: '' empty_column: false responsive: '' header_from: sortable: false default_sort_order: asc align: '' separator: '' empty_column: false responsive: '' header_to: sortable: false default_sort_order: asc align: '' separator: '' empty_column: false responsive: '' override: true sticky: false summary: '' empty_table: true caption: '' description: '' row: type: fields query: type: views_query options: query_comment: '' disable_sql_rewrite: false distinct: false query_tags: { } relationships: { } header: { } footer: { } display_extenders: { } cache_metadata: max-age: 0 contexts: - 'languages:language_interface' - url.query_args - user.permissions tags: { } cacheable: false page_1: id: page_1 display_title: Page display_plugin: page position: 1 display_options: display_extenders: { } path: admin/reports/maillog menu: type: normal title: Maillog description: '' weight: 0 menu_name: admin parent: system.admin_reports context: '0' cache_metadata: max-age: 0 contexts: - 'languages:language_interface' - url.query_args - user.permissions tags: { } cacheable: false