/** * @file * reha behaviors. */ (function (Drupal) { 'use strict'; Drupal.behaviors.reha = { attach: function (context, settings) { console.log('It works!'); } }; } (Drupal)); jQuery(document).ready(function($){ // menu déroulant ////////////// contacts /////// $(".bouton-contact").click(function(event) { // Fermer .connexion-full s'il est déroulé if ($(".connexion-full").is(":visible")) { $(".connexion-full").slideUp(); } if ($(".connected-full").is(":visible")) { $(".connected-full").slideUp(); } // Ouvrir .contacts-full $(".contacts-full").slideToggle(); }); ////////////// connexion /////// $(".bouton-connexion").click(function(event) { // Fermer .contacts-full s'il est déroulé if ($(".contacts-full").is(":visible")) { $(".contacts-full").slideUp(); } // Ouvrir .connexion-full $(".connexion-full").slideToggle(); }); $(".bouton-connected").click(function(event) { // Fermer .contacts-full s'il est déroulé if ($(".contacts-full").is(":visible")) { $(".contacts-full").slideUp(); } // Ouvrir .connected-full $(".connected-full").slideToggle(); 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console.log('slick actu'); }); $(document).ready(function(){ $('.page-node-site .node-type-site .field--name-field-image > div:nth-child(2)').slick({ slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, dots: true, arrows: false, adaptiveHeight: true, // centerMode: true, // centerPadding: '100px', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 810, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, adaptiveHeight: true, arrows: false, draggable: true, centerMode: true, } }] }); console.log('slick actu'); }); // ///////////////// //// ancre dans texte au click parragraphe correspondant arrive en dessous du header // (function($, window) { // var adjustAnchor = function() { // var $anchor = $('.block-region-first'), // fixedElementHeight = 300; // console.log($anchor); // if ($anchor.length > 0) { // $('html, body').stop().animate({scrollTop: $anchor.offset().top - fixedElementHeight }, 0); // } // }; // $(window).on('hashchange', function() { // adjustAnchor(); // }); // }); function adjustAnchor() { var $anchor = $(window.location.hash); // Select the anchor element based on the hash in the URL var fixedElementHeight = $('.block-region-first').outerHeight(); // Get the height of the sticky element if ($anchor.length > 0) { $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: $anchor.offset().top - fixedElementHeight // Adjust the scroll position to account for the sticky element height }, 0); } } // Call the function on page load if there's a hash if (window.location.hash) { adjustAnchor(); } // Adjust the anchor on hash change $(window).on('hashchange', function() { adjustAnchor(); }); ////////////////////////////////////////// // menu ancre paragraphe quand actif jQuery(function($) { // Function to set the active class based on the current path function setActiveLink() { var path = window.location.href; console.log(path); $(".layout__region--first .block-region-first li a").each(function() { if (this.href === path) { $(this).closest('a').addClass('active'); } }); } // Initially set the active link based on the current URL setActiveLink(); // Update the active link on click $(".layout__region--first .block-region-first li a").on('click', function() { $(".layout__region--first .block-region-first li a").removeClass('active'); 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