bach 1 年之前

+ 1 - 0

@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 # Ignore Drupal's file directory

+ 1 - 0

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
         "drupal/linked_field": "^1.5",
         "drupal/login_destination": "^2.0@beta",
         "drupal/mailsystem": "^4.4",
+        "drupal/mimemail": "^1.0@alpha",
         "drupal/page_manager": "^4.0@RC",
         "drupal/panels": "^4.7",
         "drupal/paragraphs": "^1.16",

+ 51 - 1

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
         "Read more about it at",
         "This file is @generated automatically"
-    "content-hash": "73f4d7fd3f57dc8b0c4ac584f3868baf",
+    "content-hash": "cdf7fc854d9e9b3060ff43d97e7f3ed3",
     "packages": [
             "name": "asm89/stack-cors",
@@ -5708,6 +5708,55 @@
                 "issues": ""
+        {
+            "name": "drupal/mimemail",
+            "version": "1.0.0-alpha6",
+            "source": {
+                "type": "git",
+                "url": "",
+                "reference": "8.x-1.0-alpha6"
+            },
+            "dist": {
+                "type": "zip",
+                "url": "",
+                "reference": "8.x-1.0-alpha6",
+                "shasum": "c25246747dac4372c7d5a5a5fd0f276d9e468eff"
+            },
+            "require": {
+                "drupal/core": "^9.3 || ^10",
+                "drupal/mailsystem": "^4"
+            },
+            "require-dev": {
+                "drupal/rules": "^3"
+            },
+            "type": "drupal-module",
+            "extra": {
+                "drupal": {
+                    "version": "8.x-1.0-alpha6",
+                    "datestamp": "1697143284",
+                    "security-coverage": {
+                        "status": "not-covered",
+                        "message": "Alpha releases are not covered by Drupal security advisories."
+                    }
+                }
+            },
+            "notification-url": "",
+            "license": [
+                "GPL-2.0-or-later"
+            ],
+            "authors": [
+                {
+                    "name": "TR",
+                    "homepage": ""
+                }
+            ],
+            "description": "Sends MIME-encoded emails with embedded images and attachments.",
+            "homepage": "",
+            "support": {
+                "source": "",
+                "issues": ""
+            }
+        },
             "name": "drupal/page_manager",
             "version": "4.0.0-rc2",
@@ -12698,6 +12747,7 @@
     "minimum-stability": "stable",
     "stability-flags": {
         "drupal/login_destination": 20,
+        "drupal/mimemail": 15,
         "drupal/page_manager": 5,
         "drupal/phone_number": 15,
         "drupal/rules": 15,

+ 1 - 0

@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ module:
   menu_block: 0
   menu_link_content: 0
   menu_ui: 0
+  mimemail: 0
   mysql: 0
   node: 0
   options: 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ langcode: fr
 theme: current
   sender: php_mail
-  formatter: php_mail
+  formatter: mime_mail

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  default_config_hash: rpfRQVoEn2ZWd_lw-iULKPiuina5CqcmzXWlz1OjTwM
+langcode: fr
+name: 'Programme  REHA-héritages'
+simple_address: false
+sitestyle: false
+textonly: true
+linkonly: false
+user_plaintext_field: ''
+format: wysiwyg
+preserve_class: false
+  incoming: false
+  key: nEX93IxO3ghGoTn1TQxVSEj-Qx0Xj1S_8YcJ0gImnTA

+ 0 - 228

@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-    # Default ini options for sessions.
-    #
-    # Some distributions of Linux (most notably Debian) ship their PHP
-    # installations with garbage collection (gc) disabled. Since Drupal depends
-    # on PHP's garbage collection for clearing sessions, ensure that garbage
-    # collection occurs by using the most common settings.
-    # @default 1
-    gc_probability: 1
-    # @default 100
-    gc_divisor: 100
-    #
-    # Set session lifetime (in seconds), i.e. the grace period for session
-    # data. Sessions are deleted by the session garbage collector after one
-    # session lifetime has elapsed since the user's last visit. When a session
-    # is deleted, authenticated users are logged out, and the contents of the
-    # user's session is discarded.
-    # @default 200000
-    gc_maxlifetime: 200000
-    #
-    # Set session cookie lifetime (in seconds), i.e. the time from the session
-    # is created to the cookie expires, i.e. when the browser is expected to
-    # discard the cookie. The value 0 means "until the browser is closed".
-    # @default 2000000
-    cookie_lifetime: 2000000
-    #
-    # Drupal automatically generates a unique session cookie name based on the
-    # full domain name used to access the site. This mechanism is sufficient
-    # for most use-cases, including multi-site deployments. However, if it is
-    # desired that a session can be reused across different subdomains, the
-    # cookie domain needs to be set to the shared base domain. Doing so assures
-    # that users remain logged in as they cross between various subdomains.
-    # To maximize compatibility and normalize the behavior across user agents,
-    # the cookie domain should start with a dot.
-    #
-    # @default none
-    # cookie_domain: ''
-    #
-    # Set the SameSite cookie attribute: 'None', 'Lax', or 'Strict'. If set,
-    # this value will override the server value. See
-    # for more
-    # information.
-    # @default no value
-    cookie_samesite: Lax
-    #
-    # Set the session ID string length. The length can be between 22 to 256. The
-    # PHP recommended value is 48. See
-    # for more information.
-    # This value should be kept in sync with
-    # \Drupal\Core\Session\SessionConfiguration::__construct()
-    # @default 48
-    sid_length: 48
-    #
-    # Set the number of bits in encoded session ID character. The possible
-    # values are '4' (0-9, a-f), '5' (0-9, a-v), and '6' (0-9, a-z, A-Z, "-",
-    # ","). The PHP recommended value is 6. See
-    # for more information.
-    # This value should be kept in sync with
-    # \Drupal\Core\Session\SessionConfiguration::__construct()
-    # @default 6
-    sid_bits_per_character: 6
-  twig.config:
-    # Twig debugging:
-    #
-    # When debugging is enabled:
-    # - The markup of each Twig template is surrounded by HTML comments that
-    #   contain theming information, such as template file name suggestions.
-    # - Note that this debugging markup will cause automated tests that directly
-    #   check rendered HTML to fail. When running automated tests, 'debug'
-    #   should be set to FALSE.
-    # - The dump() function can be used in Twig templates to output information
-    #   about template variables.
-    # - Twig templates are automatically recompiled whenever the source code
-    #   changes (see auto_reload below).
-    #
-    # For more information about debugging Twig templates, see
-    #
-    #
-    # Enabling Twig debugging is not recommended in production environments.
-    # @default false
-    debug: true
-    # Twig auto-reload:
-    #
-    # Automatically recompile Twig templates whenever the source code changes.
-    # If you don't provide a value for auto_reload, it will be determined
-    # based on the value of debug.
-    #
-    # Enabling auto-reload is not recommended in production environments.
-    # @default null
-    auto_reload: null
-    # Twig cache:
-    #
-    # By default, Twig templates will be compiled and stored in the filesystem
-    # to increase performance. Disabling the Twig cache will recompile the
-    # templates from source each time they are used. In most cases the
-    # auto_reload setting above should be enabled rather than disabling the
-    # Twig cache.
-    #
-    # Disabling the Twig cache is not recommended in production environments.
-    # @default true
-    cache: true
-    # File extensions:
-    #
-    # List of file extensions the Twig system is allowed to load via the
-    # twig.loader.filesystem service. Files with other extensions will not be
-    # loaded unless they are added here. For example, to allow a file named
-    # 'example.partial' to be loaded, add 'partial' to this list. To load files
-    # with no extension, add an empty string '' to the list.
-    #
-    # @default ['css', 'html', 'js', 'svg', 'twig']
-    allowed_file_extensions:
-      - css
-      - html
-      - js
-      - svg
-      - twig
-  renderer.config:
-    # Renderer required cache contexts:
-    #
-    # The Renderer will automatically associate these cache contexts with every
-    # render array, hence varying every render array by these cache contexts.
-    #
-    # @default ['languages:language_interface', 'theme', 'user.permissions']
-    required_cache_contexts: ['languages:language_interface', 'theme', 'user.permissions']
-    # Renderer automatic placeholdering conditions:
-    #
-    # Drupal allows portions of the page to be automatically deferred when
-    # rendering to improve cache performance. That is especially helpful for
-    # cache contexts that vary widely, such as the active user. On some sites
-    # those may be different, however, such as sites with only a handful of
-    # users. If you know what the high-cardinality cache contexts are for your
-    # site, specify those here. If you're not sure, the defaults are fairly safe
-    # in general.
-    #
-    # For more information about rendering optimizations see
-    #
-    auto_placeholder_conditions:
-      # Max-age at or below which caching is not considered worthwhile.
-      #
-      # Disable by setting to -1.
-      #
-      # @default 0
-      max-age: 0
-      # Cache contexts with a high cardinality.
-      #
-      # Disable by setting to [].
-      #
-      # @default ['session', 'user']
-      contexts: ['session', 'user']
-      # Tags with a high invalidation frequency.
-      #
-      # Disable by setting to [].
-      #
-      # @default []
-      tags: []
-    # Renderer cache debug:
-    #
-    # Allows cache debugging output for each rendered element.
-    #
-    # Enabling render cache debugging is not recommended in production
-    # environments.
-    # @default false
-    debug: false
-  # Cacheability debugging:
-  #
-  # Responses with cacheability metadata (CacheableResponseInterface instances)
-  # get X-Drupal-Cache-Tags, X-Drupal-Cache-Contexts and X-Drupal-Cache-Max-Age
-  # headers.
-  #
-  # For more information about debugging cacheable responses, see
-  #
-  #
-  # Enabling cacheability debugging is not recommended in production
-  # environments.
-  # @default false
-  http.response.debug_cacheability_headers: false
-  factory.keyvalue: {}
-  # Default key/value storage service to use.
-  # @default keyvalue.database
-  # default: keyvalue.database
-  # Collection-specific overrides.
-  # state: keyvalue.database
-  factory.keyvalue.expirable: {}
-  # Default key/value expirable storage service to use.
-  # @default keyvalue.database.expirable
-  # default: keyvalue.database.expirable
-  # Allowed protocols for URL generation.
-  filter_protocols:
-    - http
-    - https
-    - ftp
-    - news
-    - nntp
-    - tel
-    - telnet
-    - mailto
-    - irc
-    - ssh
-    - sftp
-    - webcal
-    - rtsp
-  # Configure Cross-Site HTTP requests (CORS).
-  # Read
-  # for more information about the topic in general.
-  # Note: By default the configuration is disabled.
-  cors.config:
-    enabled: false
-    # Specify allowed headers, like 'x-allowed-header'.
-    allowedHeaders: []
-    # Specify allowed request methods, specify ['*'] to allow all possible ones.
-    allowedMethods: []
-    # Configure requests allowed from specific origins. Do not include trailing
-    # slashes with URLs.
-    allowedOrigins: ['*']
-    # Sets the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
-    exposedHeaders: false
-    # Sets the Access-Control-Max-Age header.
-    maxAge: false
-    # Sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
-    supportsCredentials: false
-  queue.config:
-    # The maximum number of seconds to wait if a queue is temporarily suspended.
-    # This is not applicable when a queue is suspended but does not specify
-    # how long to wait before attempting to resume.
-    suspendMaximumWait: 30