@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ Be aware that a first up, since the db is empty, it will be populated with your
## Drupal Composer install
Only at first up, finish to install drupal 9 composer dependencies
-make exec_php_d9
+make exec_php
composer install
# or juste
-make d9_composer_install
+make composer_install
## Visualize
@@ -178,9 +178,7 @@ After the first run
### drush
you can access to drush by loging into the php container
-make exec_php_d7
-# or
-make exec_php_d9
+make exec_php
once inside the php container in /var/www/html you can use drush as usual
@@ -196,35 +194,25 @@ git submodule update --checkout src_d7/
# or only d9
git submodule update --checkout src_d9/
# if you updated d9 code then run
-make d9_maj_config
+make maj_config
## Updating manualy the mysql db
copy your db backup into the mysql container
-docker cp your-db-file.sql rorschach_mysql_d7_1:/root/
-# or
-docker cp your-db-file.sql rorschach_mysql_d9_1:/root/
+docker cp your-db-file.sql rorschach-mysql-1:/root/
log into mysql container
-make exec_mysql_d7
-# or
-make exec_mysql_d9
+make exec_mysql
once inside the mysql container you can use mysql command to drop then create and load the db with your file
mysql -uroot -prorschach
-> drop database rorschach_d7;
-> create database rorschach_d7;
+> drop database rorschach;
+> create database rorschach;
> exit;
-mysql -uroot -prorschach rorschach_d7 < your-db-file.sql
-# or
-mysql -uroot -prorschach
-> drop database rorschach_d9;
-> create database rorschach_d9;
-> exit;
-mysql -uroot -prorschach rorschach_d9 < your-db-file.sql
+mysql -uroot -prorschach rorschach < your-db-file-name.sql