# muntadas-protocols muntadas-protocols powered by grav in docker environement (nginx, php:7.3-fpm) ## Install docker ``` sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose docker-machine ``` ## Clone this repos this will clone this repos (main docker environement) and the grav source code ``` git clone --recursive -o figureslibres.io https://figureslibres.io/gogs/bachir/docker-muntadas-protocols.git ``` ## Hosts and reverse proxy add to your /etc/hosts : ``` dev.muntadas-protocols.figli.io ``` configure your apache/nginx vhosts to add a reverse proxy that will redirect the dev.materio.com to our container ``` ServerName dev.muntadas-protocols.figli.io ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ProxyRequests Off ``` ## Docker ### start daemon launch the docker daemon ``` sudo systemctl start docker ``` ### build only before the first run (may take some time) ``` make build ``` ### run then each time you want to launch the app ``` make up ``` ### loging in ``` make exec_php ``` ### fixing permissions run the fixeperms.sh script from the php container ``` make exec_php chmod +x fixperms.sh ./fixeperms.sh ``` ## Visualize You can now visit http://dev.muntadas-protocols.figli.io or simply http://localhost:8882 on your browser ## online https://muntadas-protocols.figli.io