# Materio 8.x Docker Environement Materio powered by druapl 8 in docker environement (nginx, php:7-fpm+drush, phpmyadmin, redis) ## Install docker ``` sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose docker-machine ``` ## Clone this repos this will clone this repos (main docker environement) and the edlp drupal 8 source code (without sites/default folder) ``` git clone --recursive -o figli https://figureslibres.io/gogs/bachir/docker-materio-d8.git ``` ### setup /sites/default/settings.php ```cp -r ressources/default public_html/sites/``` ### get the sites/default/files folder get the files from where you have it and rsync it to public_html/sites/default/files/ ## Mysql Copy your-sql-dump.sql into ./ressources/materio_d8.sql It will be automaticly imported into the mysql container db (only) on the first docker-compose up ## Hosts and reverse proxy add to your /etc/hosts : ``` dev.materio.com dev.phpmyadmin.materio.com ``` configure your apache vhosts to add a reverse proxy that will redirect the dev.materio.com to our container ``` ServerName dev.materio.com ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ProxyRequests Off ProxyPreserveHost On proxy_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffers 4 256k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k; ``` ``` ServerName dev.phpmyadmin.materio.com ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / ProxyRequests Off ProxyPreserveHost On proxy_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffers 4 256k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k; ``` ## Docker ### build only before the first run (may take some time) ``` sudo docker-compose build ``` ### run then each time you want to launch the app ``` sudo docker-compose up -d ``` Be aware that a first up, since the db is empty, it will be populated with your file db.sql. It may take some time depending of your db size. ## Druapal Composer install Only at first up, finish to install drupal composer dependencies ``` sudo docker exec -it materiod8_php_1 bash composer install ``` ## Visualize You can now visit http://dev.materio.com on your browser ## Coding ### drush you can access to drush by loging into the php container ``` sudo docker exec -it materiod8_php_1 bash ``` once inside the php container in /var/www/html you can use drush as usual ### gulp Dev process needs gulp to run in: - public_html/sites/all/modules/custom/materio/ - public_html/sites/all/themes/custom/materio/ if you have to modifie js or scss source code, you need to do in each of these 2 folder: ``` npm install gulp ``` ## updateding manualy mysql db copy your db backup into the mysql container ``` sudo docker cp your-db-file.sql materiod8_mysql_1:/root/ ``` log into mysql container ``` sudo docker exec -it materiod8_mysql_1 bash ``` once inside the mysql container you can use mysql command to drop then create and load the db with your file ## Makefile ```makefile build: docker-compose build --build-arg USER_UID=$(USER_UID) --build-arg USER_UNAME=$(USER_UNAME) --build-arg USER_GID=$(USER_GID) --build-arg USER_GNAME=$(USER_GNAME) buildnc: docker-compose build --no-cache --build-arg USER_UID=$(USER_UID) --build-arg USER_UNAME=$(USER_UNAME) --build-arg USER_GID=$(USER_GID) --build-arg USER_GNAME=$(USER_GNAME) up: docker-compose up -d upbuild: docker-compose up -d --build down: docker-compose down php: docker exec -it materiod8_php_1 bash phplegacy: docker exec -it materiod8_php-legacy_1 bash ``` # sources https://www.ostraining.com/blog/drupal/docker/ http://tech.osteel.me/posts/2017/01/15/how-to-use-docker-for-local-web-development-an-update.html https://mmenozzi.github.io/2016/01/22/php-web-development-with-docker/ https://dzone.com/articles/continuous-drupal-maintaining-a-drupal-website-wit// https://github.com/glaux/drupal8docker https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blogs/jeff-geerling/drupal-8-redis-php-7-nginx-and https://chromatichq.com/blog/configuring-redis-caching-drupal-8