# Install web server and secure it on debian 9 Fail2ban, Ufw, Proftpd, Knockd, Nginx, Mariadb, php7.0-fpm, redis, vhosts, git barre repos, zabbix-agent, dotfiles and more ## how to use it on a fresh install as root 1 install git ``` apt-get install git ``` 2 clone the repo ``` git clone https://github.com/bachy/debian-web-server.git ``` 3 run the script as root ``` su cd debian-web-server chmod a+x install.sh ./install.sh ``` ## ref http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ https://www.thefanclub.co.za/how-to/how-secure-ubuntu-1204-lts-server-part-1-basics https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/lamp/lamp-server-on-debian-7-wheezy https://www.evernote.com/Home.action#n=28425519-ee9f-4efc-a13b-5426f4b31a78&ses=1&sh=5&sds=5&x=git%2520deploy& https://github.com/Mins/TuxLite