#!/bin/sh # TODO check if root echo '\033[35m ______________ _______ _____ __ __ / ____/ _/ __ \/ ____/ | / / | / / / / / /_ / // /_/ / __/ | | /| / / /| | / / / / / __/ _/ // _, _/ /___ | |/ |/ / ___ |/ /___/ /___ /_/ /___/_/ |_/_____/ |__/|__/_/ |_/_____/_____/ \033[0m' echo "\033[35;1mInstalling ufw and setup firewall (allowing only ssh and http) \033[0m" if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run as root" exit fi sleep 2 apt-get --yes --force-yes install ufw # ufw allow ssh # knockd will open the ssh port ufw allow http ufw allow https # TODO ask for allowing ssh for some ip ufw enable ufw status verbose echo "\033[92;1mufw installed and firwall configured\033[Om"