#!/bin/sh # bachir soussi chiadmi # get the current position _cwd="$(pwd)" echo -e '\033[35m _______ __ / ____(_) /_ / / __/ / __/ / /_/ / / /_ \____/_/\__/ \033[0m' echo -e "\033[35;1mCreate new git barre repos and deploy script\033[0m" echo "Git barre repo will be installed in chosen user home directory" echo "git prod repos will be installed in public_html directory of provided domain, the domain have to exists as shortcut in chosen user/www before running this script. Please run first vhost.sh script and say yes to the question create a shortcut !" while [ "$vh" != "yes" ] && [ "$vh" != "no" ] do echo -n "Should we create a barre repo? [yes|no] " read vh # vh=${vh:-y} done if [ "$vh" = "yes" ]; then # get the current position _cwd="$(pwd)" # check for assets forlder _assets="$_cwd/assets" if [ ! -d "$_assets" ]; then _assets="$_cwd/../assets" if [ ! -d "$_assets" ]; then echo "!! can't find assets directory !!" exit fi fi # if $user var does not exists (vhost.sh ran directly) ask for it if [ -z ${user+x} ]; then while [ "$user" = "" ] do read -p "enter an existing user name ? " user if [ "$user" != "" ]; then # check if user already exists if id "$user" >/dev/null 2>&1; then read -p "is user name $user correcte [y|n] " validated if [ "$validated" = "y" ]; then break else user="" fi else echo "user $user doesn't exists, you must provide an existing user" user="" fi fi done fi while [ "$_domain" = "" ] do read -p "enter a domain name ? " _domain if [ "$_domain" != "" ]; then read -p "is domain $_domain correcte [y|n] " validated if [ "$validated" = "y" ]; then break else _domain="" fi fi done # ask for simple php conf or drupal conf while [ "$_drupal" != "yes" ] && [ "$_drupal" != "no" ] do echo -n "Is your site is a drupal one? [yes|no] " read _drupal done # TODO check for /home/"$user"/www/"$_domain" if [ ! -d /home/"$user"/www/"$_domain" ]; then echo "/home/$user/www/$_domain does not exists !" exit fi # setup bare repositorie to push to mkdir /home/"$user"/git-repositories mkdir /home/"$user"/git-repositories/"$_domain".git cd /home/"$user"/git-repositories/"$_domain".git git init --bare echo "adding deploy script" if [ "$_drupal" = "yes" ]; then cp "$_assets"/deploy-drupal.sh /home/"$user"/www/"$_domain"/deploy.sh else cp "$_assets"/deploy-simple.sh /home/"$user"/www/"$_domain"/deploy.sh fi echo "creating hooks that will update the site repo" # cp "$_assets"/git-pre-receive /home/"$user"/git-repositories/"$_domain".git/hooks/pre-receive cp "$_assets"/git-post-receive /home/"$user"/git-repositories/"$_domain".git/hooks/post-receive # sed -i -r "s/PRODDIR=\"www\"/PRODDIR=/home/$user/www/$_domain/g" /home/"$user"/git-repositories/"$_domain".git/hooks/pre-receive sed -i -r "s#PRODDIR=\"www\"#PRODDIR=\"/home/$user/www/$_domain\"#g" /home/"$user"/git-repositories/"$_domain".git/hooks/post-receive chown -R "$user":"$user" /home/"$user"/git-repositories cd /home/"$user"/git-repositories/"$_domain".git/hooks/ chmod +x post-receive # pre-receive # setup git repo on site folder chown -R "$user":"$user" /home/"$user"/www/"$_domain"/public_html cd /home/"$user"/www/"$_domain"/public_html git init # link to the bare repo git remote add origin /home/"$user"/git-repositories/"$_domain".git cd "$_cwd" # done echo "git repos for $_domain install succeed" echo "your site stay now to /home/$user/www/$_domain" echo "you can push updates on prod branch through $user@IP.IP.IP.IP:git-repositories/$_domain.git" echo "* * *" else echo "Git barre repo creation aborted" fi