bundle.js 24 KB

  1. /*
  2. * ATTENTION: The "eval" devtool has been used (maybe by default in mode: "development").
  3. * This devtool is neither made for production nor for readable output files.
  4. * It uses "eval()" calls to create a separate source file in the browser devtools.
  5. * If you are trying to read the output file, select a different devtool (https://webpack.js.org/configuration/devtool/)
  6. * or disable the default devtool with "devtool: false".
  7. * If you are looking for production-ready output files, see mode: "production" (https://webpack.js.org/configuration/mode/).
  8. */
  9. /******/ (function() { // webpackBootstrap
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  11. /***/ "./scss/styles.scss":
  12. /*!**************************!*\
  13. !*** ./scss/styles.scss ***!
  14. \**************************/
  15. /***/ (function(__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
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  19. /***/ "./scripts/extlink.js":
  20. /*!****************************!*\
  21. !*** ./scripts/extlink.js ***!
  22. \****************************/
  23. /***/ (function() {
  24. eval("/**\n * @file\n * External links js file.\n */\n\n (function ($, Drupal, drupalSettings) {\n\n 'use strict';\n \n Drupal.extlink = Drupal.extlink || {};\n \n Drupal.extlink.attach = function (context, drupalSettings) {\n if (typeof drupalSettings.data === 'undefined' || !drupalSettings.data.hasOwnProperty('extlink')) {\n return;\n }\n \n // Define the jQuery method (either 'append' or 'prepend') of placing the\n // icon, defaults to 'append'.\n var extIconPlacement = 'append';\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extIconPlacement && drupalSettings.data.extlink.extIconPlacement != '0') {\n extIconPlacement = drupalSettings.data.extlink.extIconPlacement;\n }\n \n // Strip the host name down, removing ports, subdomains, or www.\n var pattern = /^(([^\\/:]+?\\.)*)([^\\.:]{1,})((\\.[a-z0-9]{1,253})*)(:[0-9]{1,5})?$/;\n var host = window.location.host.replace(pattern, '$2$3$6');\n var subdomain = window.location.host.replace(host, '');\n \n // Determine what subdomains are considered internal.\n var subdomains;\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extSubdomains) {\n subdomains = '([^/]*\\\\.)?';\n }\n else if (subdomain === 'www.' || subdomain === '') {\n subdomains = '(www\\\\.)?';\n }\n else {\n subdomains = subdomain.replace('.', '\\\\.');\n }\n \n // Whitelisted domains.\n var whitelistedDomains = false;\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.whitelistedDomains) {\n whitelistedDomains = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < drupalSettings.data.extlink.whitelistedDomains.length; i++) {\n whitelistedDomains.push(new RegExp('^https?:\\\\/\\\\/' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.whitelistedDomains[i].replace(/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/gm,'') + '.*$', 'i'));\n }\n }\n \n // Build regular expressions that define an internal link.\n var internal_link = new RegExp('^https?://([^@]*@)?' + subdomains + host, 'i');\n \n // Extra internal link matching.\n var extInclude = false;\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extInclude) {\n extInclude = new RegExp(drupalSettings.data.extlink.extInclude.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\'), 'i');\n }\n \n // Extra external link matching.\n var extExclude = false;\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extExclude) {\n extExclude = new RegExp(drupalSettings.data.extlink.extExclude.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\'), 'i');\n }\n \n // Extra external link CSS selector exclusion.\n var extCssExclude = false;\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extCssExclude) {\n extCssExclude = drupalSettings.data.extlink.extCssExclude;\n }\n \n // Extra external link CSS selector explicit.\n var extCssExplicit = false;\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extCssExplicit) {\n extCssExplicit = drupalSettings.data.extlink.extCssExplicit;\n }\n \n // Find all links which are NOT internal and begin with http as opposed\n // to ftp://, javascript:, etc. other kinds of links.\n // When operating on the 'this' variable, the host has been appended to\n // all links by the browser, even local ones.\n // In jQuery 1.1 and higher, we'd use a filter method here, but it is not\n // available in jQuery 1.0 (Drupal 5 default).\n var external_links = [];\n var mailto_links = [];\n $('a:not([data-extlink]), area:not([data-extlink])', context).each(function (el) {\n try {\n var url = '';\n if (typeof this.href == 'string') {\n url = this.href.toLowerCase();\n }\n // Handle SVG links (xlink:href).\n else if (typeof this.href == 'object') {\n url = this.href.baseVal;\n }\n if (url.indexOf('http') === 0\n && ((!internal_link.test(url) && !(extExclude && extExclude.test(url))) || (extInclude && extInclude.test(url)))\n && !(extCssExclude && $(this).is(extCssExclude))\n && !(extCssExclude && $(this).parents(extCssExclude).length > 0)\n && !(extCssExplicit && $(this).parents(extCssExplicit).length < 1)) {\n var match = false;\n if (whitelistedDomains) {\n for (var i = 0; i < whitelistedDomains.length; i++) {\n if (whitelistedDomains[i].test(url)) {\n match = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n if (!match) {\n external_links.push(this);\n }\n }\n // Do not include area tags with begin with mailto: (this prohibits\n // icons from being added to image-maps).\n else if (this.tagName !== 'AREA'\n && url.indexOf('mailto:') === 0\n && !(extCssExclude && $(this).parents(extCssExclude).length > 0)\n && !(extCssExplicit && $(this).parents(extCssExplicit).length < 1)) {\n mailto_links.push(this);\n }\n }\n // IE7 throws errors often when dealing with irregular links, such as:\n // <a href=\"node/10\"></a> Empty tags.\n // <a href=\"http://user:pass@example.com\">example</a> User:pass syntax.\n catch (error) {\n return false;\n }\n });\n \n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extClass !== '0' && drupalSettings.data.extlink.extClass !== '') {\n Drupal.extlink.applyClassAndSpan(external_links, drupalSettings.data.extlink.extClass, extIconPlacement);\n }\n \n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass !== '0' && drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass !== '') {\n Drupal.extlink.applyClassAndSpan(mailto_links, drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass, extIconPlacement);\n }\n \n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extTarget) {\n // Apply the target attribute to all links.\n $(external_links).filter(function () {\n // Filter out links with target set if option specified.\n return !(drupalSettings.data.extlink.extTargetNoOverride && $(this).is('a[target]'));\n }).attr({target: '_blank'});\n \n // Add noopener rel attribute to combat phishing.\n $(external_links).attr('rel', function (i, val) {\n // If no rel attribute is present, create one with the value noopener.\n if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n return 'noopener';\n }\n // Check to see if rel contains noopener. Add what doesn't exist.\n if (val.indexOf('noopener') > -1) {\n if (val.indexOf('noopener') === -1) {\n return val + ' noopener';\n }\n // Noopener exists. Nothing needs to be added.\n else {\n return val;\n }\n }\n // Else, append noopener to val.\n else {\n return val + ' noopener';\n }\n });\n }\n \n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extNofollow) {\n $(external_links).attr('rel', function (i, val) {\n // When the link does not have a rel attribute set it to 'nofollow'.\n if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n return 'nofollow';\n }\n var target = 'nofollow';\n // Change the target, if not overriding follow.\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extFollowNoOverride) {\n target = 'follow';\n }\n if (val.indexOf(target) === -1) {\n return val + ' nofollow';\n }\n return val;\n });\n }\n \n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extNoreferrer) {\n $(external_links).attr('rel', function (i, val) {\n // When the link does not have a rel attribute set it to 'noreferrer'.\n if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n return 'noreferrer';\n }\n if (val.indexOf('noreferrer') === -1) {\n return val + ' noreferrer';\n }\n return val;\n });\n }\n \n Drupal.extlink = Drupal.extlink || {};\n \n // Set up default click function for the external links popup. This should be\n // overridden by modules wanting to alter the popup.\n Drupal.extlink.popupClickHandler = Drupal.extlink.popupClickHandler || function () {\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extAlert) {\n return confirm(drupalSettings.data.extlink.extAlertText);\n }\n };\n \n $(external_links).off(\"click.extlink\");\n $(external_links).on(\"click.extlink\", function (e) {\n return Drupal.extlink.popupClickHandler(e, this);\n });\n };\n \n /**\n * Apply a class and a trailing <span> to all links not containing images.\n *\n * @param {object[]} links\n * An array of DOM elements representing the links.\n * @param {string} class_name\n * The class to apply to the links.\n * @param {string} icon_placement\n * 'append' or 'prepend' the icon to the link.\n */\n Drupal.extlink.applyClassAndSpan = function (links, class_name, icon_placement) {\n var $links_to_process;\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extImgClass) {\n $links_to_process = $(links);\n }\n else {\n var links_with_images = $(links).find('img, svg').parents('a');\n $links_to_process = $(links).not(links_with_images);\n }\n \n if (class_name !== '0') {\n $links_to_process.addClass(class_name);\n }\n \n // Add data-extlink attribute.\n $links_to_process.attr('data-extlink', '');\n \n var i;\n var length = $links_to_process.length;\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n var $link = $($links_to_process[i]);\n if (drupalSettings.data.extlink.extUseFontAwesome) {\n if (class_name === drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass) {\n $link[icon_placement]('<span class=\"fa-' + class_name + ' extlink\"><span class=\"' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.extFaMailtoClasses + '\" aria-label=\"' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoLabel + '\"></span></span>');\n }\n else {\n $link[icon_placement]('<span class=\"fa-' + class_name + ' extlink\"><span class=\"' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.extFaLinkClasses + '\" aria-label=\"' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.extLabel + '\"></span></span>');\n }\n }\n else {\n if (class_name === drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoClass) {\n $link[icon_placement]('<svg focusable=\"false\" class=\"' + class_name + '\" role=\"img\" aria-label=\"' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoLabel + '\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 10 70 20\"><metadata><sfw xmlns=\"http://ns.adobe.com/SaveForWeb/1.0/\"><sliceSourceBounds y=\"-8160\" x=\"-8165\" width=\"16389\" height=\"16384\" bottomLeftOrigin=\"true\"/><optimizationSettings><targetSettings targetSettingsID=\"0\" fileFormat=\"PNG24Format\"><PNG24Format transparency=\"true\" filtered=\"false\" interlaced=\"false\" noMatteColor=\"false\" matteColor=\"#FFFFFF\"/></targetSettings></optimizationSettings></sfw></metadata><title>' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.mailtoLabel + '</title><path d=\"M56 14H8c-1.1 0-2 0.9-2 2v32c0 1.1 0.9 2 2 2h48c1.1 0 2-0.9 2-2V16C58 14.9 57.1 14 56 14zM50.5 18L32 33.4 13.5 18H50.5zM10 46V20.3l20.7 17.3C31.1 37.8 31.5 38 32 38s0.9-0.2 1.3-0.5L54 20.3V46H10z\"/></svg>');\n }\n else {\n $link[icon_placement]('<svg focusable=\"false\" class=\"' + class_name + '\" role=\"img\" aria-label=\"' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.extLabel + '\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 80 40\"><metadata><sfw xmlns=\"http://ns.adobe.com/SaveForWeb/1.0/\"><sliceSourceBounds y=\"-8160\" x=\"-8165\" width=\"16389\" height=\"16384\" bottomLeftOrigin=\"true\"/><optimizationSettings><targetSettings targetSettingsID=\"0\" fileFormat=\"PNG24Format\"><PNG24Format transparency=\"true\" filtered=\"false\" interlaced=\"false\" noMatteColor=\"false\" matteColor=\"#FFFFFF\"/></targetSettings></optimizationSettings></sfw></metadata><title>' + drupalSettings.data.extlink.extLabel + '</title><path d=\"M48 26c-1.1 0-2 0.9-2 2v26H10V18h26c1.1 0 2-0.9 2-2s-0.9-2-2-2H8c-1.1 0-2 0.9-2 2v40c0 1.1 0.9 2 2 2h40c1.1 0 2-0.9 2-2V28C50 26.9 49.1 26 48 26z\"/><path d=\"M56 6H44c-1.1 0-2 0.9-2 2s0.9 2 2 2h7.2L30.6 30.6c-0.8 0.8-0.8 2 0 2.8C31 33.8 31.5 34 32 34s1-0.2 1.4-0.6L54 12.8V20c0 1.1 0.9 2 2 2s2-0.9 2-2V8C58 6.9 57.1 6 56 6z\"/></svg>');\n }\n }\n }\n };\n \n Drupal.behaviors.extlink = Drupal.behaviors.extlink || {};\n Drupal.behaviors.extlink.attach = function (context, drupalSettings) {\n // Backwards compatibility, for the benefit of modules overriding extlink\n // functionality by defining an \"extlinkAttach\" global function.\n if (typeof extlinkAttach === 'function') {\n extlinkAttach(context);\n }\n else {\n Drupal.extlink.attach(context, drupalSettings);\n }\n };\n \n })(jQuery, Drupal, drupalSettings);\n \n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://dev.eql.fr/./scripts/extlink.js?");
  25. /***/ }),
  26. /***/ "./scripts/main.js":
  27. /*!*************************!*\
  28. !*** ./scripts/main.js ***!
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\n answer.classList.add('opened');\n\n}\n///// répète fonction pour les fichiers, les liens et ressources\n//// il faudrait créer un tableau d'objet ?\n\nvar fichiers = document.getElementsByClassName(\"field--name-field-fichiers\");\nvar questions = document.getElementsByClassName(\"field--name-field-question\");\n\nfor (let i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {\n const question = questions[i]\n question.addEventListener(\"click\", toggleFaqFichiers);\n}\nfunction toggleFaqFichiers(event) {\n // console.log(event, this);\nfor (let i = 0; i < fichiers.length; i++) {\n fichiers[i].classList.remove('opened'); \n}\nlet fichier = this.parentNode.querySelector('.field--name-field-fichiers');\n\nfichier.classList.add('opened');\n}\n\n\n////////////////////////\nvar liens = document.getElementsByClassName(\"field--name-field-liens\");\nvar questions = document.getElementsByClassName(\"field--name-field-question\");\n\nfor (let i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {\n const question = questions[i]\n question.addEventListener(\"click\", toggleFaqLiens);\n}\nfunction toggleFaqLiens(event) {\n // console.log(event, this);\nfor (let i = 0; i < liens.length; i++) {\n liens[i].classList.remove('opened'); \n}\nlet lien = this.parentNode.querySelector('.field--name-field-liens');\n \nlien.classList.add('opened');\n}\n\n//////////////////////\nvar ressources = document.getElementsByClassName(\"field--name-field-ress\");\nvar questions = document.getElementsByClassName(\"field--name-field-question\");\n\nfor (let i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {\n const question = questions[i]\n question.addEventListener(\"click\", toggleFaqRessources);\n}\nfunction toggleFaqRessources(event) {\n // console.log(event, this);\nfor (let i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {\n ressources[i].classList.remove('opened'); \n}\nlet ressource = this.parentNode.querySelector('.field--name-field-ress');\n\nressource.classList.add('opened');\n}\n\n///////////////////////////////\n////////////////////////////////\n// fleche qui tourne faq\n\n// var questions = document.getElementsByClassName(\"field--name-field-question\");\n// var paragraph = document.querySelector('.field--name-field-question p::after');\n// console.log(paragraph)\n// var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element,':after')\n// console.log(styles)\n// var content = styles['content']\n// console.log(content)\n\n\n// for (let i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) {\n// const question = questions[i]\n// question.addEventListener(\"click\", rotateFleche);\n// }\n// function rotateFleche(event) {\n// console.log(event, this);\n// // for (let i = 0; i < answers.length; i++) {\n// // answers[i].classList.remove('opened'); \n// // }\n// }\n\n//////////////////////////////////////////\n// block collection reste bleu quand actif\n \njQuery(function($) {\n var path = window.location.href; // because the 'href' property of the DOM element is the absolute path\n console.log(path);\n $(\".view-id-collections .view-content .views-row a\").each(function() {\n if (this.href === path) {\n $(this).parent().closest('.views-row').addClass('active');\n }\n });\n });\n\n\n\n\n\n// /////////////////\n//// ancre dans texte au click parragraphe correspondant arrive en dessous du header \n\n\n(function($, window) {\n var adjustAnchor = function() {\n var $anchor = $('.block-entity-fieldnodefield-textes'),\n fixedElementHeight = 350;\n if ($anchor.length > 0) {\n $('html, body').stop().animate({scrollTop: $anchor.offset().top - fixedElementHeight }, 0);\n }\n };\n\n $(window).on('hashchange', function() {\n adjustAnchor();\n });\n\n})(jQuery, window);\n\n\n// ///////////////////////////////\n\n\n// slideshow home // marche pas. attention ai rajouter des class dans template views.view.html.twig et views-view-actus-blocks-pages--block-1.html.twig\n\n(function($, window) {\n console.log('hello')\n $(document).ready(function(){\n $('.path-frontpage .view-actus-blocks-pages .view-content').slick({\n slidesToShow: 1,\n // slidesToScroll: 1,\n dots: true,\n arrows: true,\n centerMode: true,\n // centerPadding: '100px',\n responsive: [\n {\n breakpoint: 810,\n settings: {\n slidesToShow: 1,\n adaptiveHeight: true,\n arrows: false,\n draggable: true,\n centerMode: true,\n }\n }]\n });\n console.log('salut slick home');\n $('.page-node-type-actualite .block-entity-fieldnodefield-images .field--type-image').slick({\n dots: true,\n arrows: false,\n adaptiveHeight: true,\n responsive: [\n {\n breakpoint: 800,\n settings: {\n adaptiveHeight: true\n }\n }]\n });\n console.log('salut slick actus');\n $('.page-node-type-projet .block-entity-fieldnodefield-photo .field--type-image').slick({\n slidesToShow: 1,\n dots: true,\n arrows: false,\n draggable: true,\n adaptiveHeight: true,\n responsive: [\n {\n breakpoint: 800,\n settings: {\n adaptiveHeight: true\n }\n }]\n });\n console.log('salut slick projets');\n });\n})(jQuery, window);\n\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://dev.eql.fr/./scripts/main.js?");
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