{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for a paragraphs summary. * * Available variables: * - expanded: Whether the summary is expanded or not. * - content: Array of content summary items. * - behaviors: Array of behavior summary items. * * @see template_preprocess() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% set classes = [ 'paragraphs-description', expanded ? 'paragraphs-expanded-description' : 'paragraphs-collapsed-description' ] %} {% set label_classes = [ 'field_title' ] %} {% spaceless %} {% if content is not empty or behaviors is not empty %} {# #} {% if content is not empty %} {#
#} {%- for content_item in content -%} {{ content_item }} {%- if not loop.last -%}, {% endif %} {%- endfor -%} {#
#} {% endif %} {% if behaviors is not empty %}
{%- for behavior_item in behaviors -%} {%- if behavior_item.label is not null -%} {{ behavior_item.label }} {%- endif -%} {{ behavior_item.value -}} {%- endfor -%}
{% endif %} {# #} {% endif %} {% endspaceless %}