{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for a select element. * * Available variables: * - attributes: HTML attributes for the <select> tag. * - options: The <option> element children. * * @see template_preprocess_select() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% apply spaceless %} <select{{ attributes }}> {% for option in options %} {% if option.type == 'optgroup' %} <optgroup label="{{ option.label }}"> {% for sub_option in option.options %} <option value="{{ sub_option.value }}"{{ sub_option.selected ? ' selected="selected"' }}>{{ sub_option.label }}</option> {% endfor %} </optgroup> {% elseif option.type == 'option' %} <option value="{{ option.value }}"{{ option.selected ? ' selected="selected"' }}>{{ option.label }}</option> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </select> {% endapply %}