uuid: cb9973b9-2081-4b73-bc74-6e8ff3897d10 langcode: fr status: true dependencies: config: - filter.format.wysiwyg - node.type.actualite - node.type.offre_de_service - node.type.partenaires_logo_footer_ - node.type.projet - node.type.question_reponse - node.type.ressource - node.type.static - taxonomy.vocabulary.actu_type - taxonomy.vocabulary.collection - taxonomy.vocabulary.structure - taxonomy.vocabulary.tag_ressource - taxonomy.vocabulary.type_de_protagoniste - taxonomy.vocabulary.types_de_ressource module: - actions_permissions - administerusersbyrole - config_pages - content_lock - file - filter - menu_admin_per_menu - node - role_delegation - system - taxonomy - toolbar - webform _core: default_config_hash: oPv8PkAuHYeKKe1c48A3-O9VsF3Nl1XBsMKrgqxo8vs id: admin label: Admin weight: -7 is_admin: null permissions: - 'access administration pages' - 'access content overview' - 'access files overview' - 'access taxonomy overview' - 'access toolbar' - 'access users overview' - 'access webform submission user' - 'administer burger menu items' - 'administer footer menu items' - 'administer header-menu menu items' - 'administer nodes' - 'administer users' - 'administer webform submission' - 'assign admin role' - 'assign editeur role' - 'break content lock' - 'cancel users by role' - 'change own username' - 'create actualite content' - 'create offre_de_service content' - 'create partenaires_logo_footer_ content' - 'create projet content' - 'create question_reponse content' - 'create ressource content' - 'create static content' - 'create terms in actu_type' - 'create terms in collection' - 'create terms in structure' - 'create terms in tag_ressource' - 'create terms in type_de_protagoniste' - 'create terms in types_de_ressource' - 'create users' - 'delete terms in actu_type' - 'delete terms in collection' - 'delete terms in structure' - 'delete terms in tag_ressource' - 'delete terms in type_de_protagoniste' - 'delete terms in types_de_ressource' - 'edit annuaire_de_recherche config page entity' - 'edit any actualite content' - 'edit any offre_de_service content' - 'edit any partenaires_logo_footer_ content' - 'edit any projet content' - 'edit any question_reponse content' - 'edit any ressource content' - 'edit any static content' - 'edit base_de_donnees config page entity' - 'edit faq config page entity' - 'edit les_projets config page entity' - 'edit offres_de_services config page entity' - 'edit own actualite content' - 'edit own offre_de_service content' - 'edit own partenaires_logo_footer_ content' - 'edit own projet content' - 'edit own question_reponse content' - 'edit own ressource content' - 'edit own static content' - 'edit terms in actu_type' - 'edit terms in collection' - 'edit terms in structure' - 'edit terms in tag_ressource' - 'edit terms in type_de_protagoniste' - 'edit terms in types_de_ressource' - 'edit users by role' - 'edit users with role editeur' - 'execute entity:save_action menu_link_content' - 'execute entity:save_action node' - 'execute entity:save_action taxonomy_term' - 'execute entity:save_action user' - 'execute node_assign_owner_action node' - 'execute node_promote_action node' - 'execute node_unpromote_action node' - 'execute user_add_role_action user' - 'execute user_block_user_action user' - 'execute user_remove_role_action user' - 'execute user_unblock_user_action user' - 'execute vbo_cancel_user_action user' - 'execute views_bulk_edit all' - 'revert actualite revisions' - 'revert offre_de_service revisions' - 'revert partenaires_logo_footer_ revisions' - 'revert projet revisions' - 'revert question_reponse revisions' - 'revert ressource revisions' - 'revert static revisions' - 'role-assign users by role' - 'role-assign users with role editeur' - 'use text format wysiwyg' - 'view actualite revisions' - 'view any webform submission' - 'view offre_de_service revisions' - 'view own unpublished content' - 'view partenaires_logo_footer_ revisions' - 'view projet revisions' - 'view question_reponse revisions' - 'view ressource revisions' - 'view static revisions' - 'view the administration theme'