Browse Source

node path aliases

bach 3 years ago

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+uuid: 3168d6f7-8273-444b-b00a-8bdb1fbbb7b3
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+  module:
+    - node
+id: actu
+label: actu
+type: 'canonical_entities:node'
+pattern: 'actus/[node:title]'
+  aaa1540e-3c81-430f-b75d-8ecc84f14a08:
+    id: node_type
+    bundles:
+      actualite: actualite
+    negate: false
+    context_mapping:
+      node: node
+    uuid: aaa1540e-3c81-430f-b75d-8ecc84f14a08
+selection_logic: and
+weight: -5
+relationships: {  }

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+uuid: e361c3f7-78de-406d-92a0-fca46d996c4e
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+  module:
+    - node
+id: ressources
+label: ressources
+type: 'canonical_entities:node'
+pattern: 'ressources/[node:title]'
+  d6cdb357-4722-45ca-8a64-2a3f2a92a963:
+    id: node_type
+    bundles:
+      offre_de_service: offre_de_service
+      ressource: ressource
+    negate: false
+    context_mapping:
+      node: node
+    uuid: d6cdb357-4722-45ca-8a64-2a3f2a92a963
+selection_logic: and
+weight: -5
+relationships: {  }

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+uuid: 3bf0b1d7-808d-43b0-8ac8-60773312f1c4
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+  module:
+    - node
+id: static
+label: Static
+type: 'canonical_entities:node'
+pattern: '[node:title]'
+  d3c0e436-3760-4e9c-947b-2a9eeb782a98:
+    id: node_type
+    bundles:
+      static: static
+    negate: false
+    context_mapping:
+      node: node
+    uuid: d3c0e436-3760-4e9c-947b-2a9eeb782a98
+selection_logic: and
+weight: -5
+relationships: {  }

+ 207 - 207

@@ -1,3 +1,208 @@
+  actu_type:
+    -
+      vid: actu_type
+      tid: '4'
+      langcode: und
+      name: évènement
+      description__value: null
+      description__format: null
+      weight: '0'
+      parent: '0'
+      uuid: 72d2b968-0581-4b4b-99d9-2e4ddfd360cc
+    -
+      vid: actu_type
+      tid: '3'
+      langcode: und
+      name: information
+      description__value: null
+      description__format: null
+      weight: '0'
+      parent: '0'
+      uuid: 95dcbd7e-7f1f-48ad-9bb1-42022a29b18d
+  collection: {  }
+  structure: {  }
+  types_de_ressource: {  }
+  type_de_protagoniste:
+    -
+      vid: type_de_protagoniste
+      tid: '7'
+      langcode: und
+      name: Architecte
+      description__value: null
+      description__format: null
+      weight: '0'
+      parent: '0'
+      uuid: 99341211-e4c0-4ffb-867c-dd119932cc44
+    -
+      vid: type_de_protagoniste
+      tid: '9'
+      langcode: und
+      name: Autre
+      description__value: null
+      description__format: null
+      weight: '0'
+      parent: '0'
+      uuid: 98c5c685-e290-42e4-9214-effbe50bf78c
+    -
+      vid: type_de_protagoniste
+      tid: '8'
+      langcode: und
+      name: Chercheur.euse
+      description__value: null
+      description__format: null
+      weight: '0'
+      parent: '0'
+      uuid: 5ccf3e8a-77d2-408d-a477-86f4f737fbe7
+    -
+      vid: type_de_protagoniste
+      tid: '5'
+      langcode: und
+      name: Collectivité
+      description__value: null
+      description__format: null
+      weight: '0'
+      parent: '0'
+      uuid: 5eed05fa-d0d0-43e0-bbea-6ff81f844802
+    -
+      vid: type_de_protagoniste
+      tid: '6'
+      langcode: und
+      name: 'Maître d''ouvrage'
+      description__value: null
+      description__format: null
+      weight: '0'
+      parent: '0'
+      uuid: 8a648f8a-00f8-420c-be09-7bfa5e778af6
+  -
+    info: 'Actualité Link'
+    langcode: fr
+    uuid: 3ee1f633-aaa7-4b4c-a42a-02206e26d3a2
+    bundle: link
+    revision_id: null
+    rev_id_current: null
+    fields:
+      field_description: {  }
+      field_lien:
+        -
+          uri: 'internal:/actualites'
+          title: 'Voir toutes les actualités'
+          options: {  }
+  -
+    info: 'logo gouv'
+    langcode: fr
+    uuid: c7d5e705-b1c9-41f0-af19-a54357bf64c4
+    bundle: logo_block
+    revision_id: null
+    rev_id_current: null
+    fields:
+      field_link:
+        -
+          uri: 'internal:/'
+          title: ''
+          options: {  }
+      field_logo:
+        -
+          target_id: '45'
+          alt: ''
+          title: ''
+          width: '92'
+          height: '33'
+  -
+    info: 'logo eql'
+    langcode: fr
+    uuid: 471ad4df-2ba5-4305-aadd-d7d733b9693e
+    bundle: logo_block
+    revision_id: null
+    rev_id_current: null
+    fields:
+      field_link:
+        -
+          uri: 'internal:/'
+          title: ''
+          options: {  }
+      field_logo:
+        -
+          target_id: '46'
+          alt: ''
+          title: ''
+          width: '4592'
+          height: '4592'
+  -
+    info: 'Faq link'
+    langcode: fr
+    uuid: 1bb9024b-d95f-4137-894c-362abf10a483
+    bundle: link
+    revision_id: null
+    rev_id_current: null
+    fields:
+      field_description:
+        -
+          value: "<p>Retrouvez toutes vos questions pour répondre à l'appel à manifestation d'intérêt.</p>\r\n"
+          format: wysiwyg
+      field_lien:
+        -
+          uri: 'internal:/faq'
+          title: 'Foire aux questions'
+          options: {  }
+  -
+    info: 'Candidature link'
+    langcode: fr
+    uuid: 9448ca2a-90e3-488b-89cf-8ec6a986a9ca
+    bundle: link
+    revision_id: null
+    rev_id_current: null
+    fields:
+      field_description: {  }
+      field_lien:
+        -
+          uri: ''
+          title: 'Déposer sa candidature'
+          options: {  }
+  -
+    info: 'FAQ question link'
+    langcode: fr
+    uuid: 10aba627-5586-4529-b44e-c0b4551a4398
+    bundle: link
+    revision_id: null
+    rev_id_current: null
+    fields:
+      field_description:
+        -
+          value: "<p>Votre question n’existe pas ?<br />\r\nN’hésitez pas à nous la poser, nous tenterons d’y répondre.</p>\r\n"
+          format: wysiwyg
+      field_lien:
+        -
+          uri: 'internal:/form/question'
+          title: 'Foire aux questions'
+          options: {  }
+  -
+    info: 'social network'
+    langcode: fr
+    uuid: dbcf6df0-ddee-477d-a97e-c4a29e06781d
+    bundle: custom
+    revision_id: null
+    rev_id_current: null
+    fields:
+      body:
+        -
+          value: "<a class=\"link-youtube\" href=\"\">youtube</a> \r\n<a class=\"link-linkedin\" href=\"\">linkedin</a> \r\n<a class=\"link-twitter\" href=\"\">twitter</a></p>\r\n"
+          summary: ''
+          format: wysiwyg
+  -
+    info: 'date limite de candidature'
+    langcode: fr
+    uuid: 7db64d87-3e22-4fbd-9c11-2b95f5bef695
+    bundle: custom
+    revision_id: null
+    rev_id_current: null
+    fields:
+      body:
+        -
+          value: "<p>Date limite de candidature</p>\r\n\r\n<p>18 FEV. 2022</p>\r\n"
+          summary: ''
+          format: wysiwyg
     menu_name: header-menu
@@ -85,7 +290,7 @@ menus:
     uuid: 0a630b2b-73fe-47d0-8957-84c2e25ff941
     menu_name: footer
-    title: contact
+    title: Contact
     parent: null
     uri: 'internal:/node/5'
     link_title: ''
@@ -97,7 +302,7 @@ menus:
     uuid: 7061edd7-5301-4a4a-87bc-3488241ab669
     menu_name: footer
-    title: 'mentions légales'
+    title: 'Mentions légales'
     parent: null
     uri: 'internal:/node/6'
     link_title: ''
@@ -215,208 +420,3 @@ menus:
     weight: '-48'
     langcode: fr
     uuid: 4d296aca-5316-4106-828a-01624ca7853e
-  actu_type:
-    -
-      vid: actu_type
-      tid: '4'
-      langcode: und
-      name: évènement
-      description__value: null
-      description__format: null
-      weight: '0'
-      parent: '0'
-      uuid: 72d2b968-0581-4b4b-99d9-2e4ddfd360cc
-    -
-      vid: actu_type
-      tid: '3'
-      langcode: und
-      name: information
-      description__value: null
-      description__format: null
-      weight: '0'
-      parent: '0'
-      uuid: 95dcbd7e-7f1f-48ad-9bb1-42022a29b18d
-  collection: {  }
-  structure: {  }
-  types_de_ressource: {  }
-  type_de_protagoniste:
-    -
-      vid: type_de_protagoniste
-      tid: '7'
-      langcode: und
-      name: Architecte
-      description__value: null
-      description__format: null
-      weight: '0'
-      parent: '0'
-      uuid: 99341211-e4c0-4ffb-867c-dd119932cc44
-    -
-      vid: type_de_protagoniste
-      tid: '9'
-      langcode: und
-      name: Autre
-      description__value: null
-      description__format: null
-      weight: '0'
-      parent: '0'
-      uuid: 98c5c685-e290-42e4-9214-effbe50bf78c
-    -
-      vid: type_de_protagoniste
-      tid: '8'
-      langcode: und
-      name: Chercheur.euse
-      description__value: null
-      description__format: null
-      weight: '0'
-      parent: '0'
-      uuid: 5ccf3e8a-77d2-408d-a477-86f4f737fbe7
-    -
-      vid: type_de_protagoniste
-      tid: '5'
-      langcode: und
-      name: Collectivité
-      description__value: null
-      description__format: null
-      weight: '0'
-      parent: '0'
-      uuid: 5eed05fa-d0d0-43e0-bbea-6ff81f844802
-    -
-      vid: type_de_protagoniste
-      tid: '6'
-      langcode: und
-      name: 'Maître d''ouvrage'
-      description__value: null
-      description__format: null
-      weight: '0'
-      parent: '0'
-      uuid: 8a648f8a-00f8-420c-be09-7bfa5e778af6
-  -
-    info: 'Actualité Link'
-    langcode: fr
-    uuid: 3ee1f633-aaa7-4b4c-a42a-02206e26d3a2
-    bundle: link
-    revision_id: null
-    rev_id_current: null
-    fields:
-      field_description: {  }
-      field_lien:
-        -
-          uri: 'internal:/actualites'
-          title: 'Voir toutes les actualités'
-          options: {  }
-  -
-    info: 'logo gouv'
-    langcode: fr
-    uuid: c7d5e705-b1c9-41f0-af19-a54357bf64c4
-    bundle: logo_block
-    revision_id: null
-    rev_id_current: null
-    fields:
-      field_link:
-        -
-          uri: 'internal:/'
-          title: ''
-          options: {  }
-      field_logo:
-        -
-          target_id: '45'
-          alt: ''
-          title: ''
-          width: '92'
-          height: '33'
-  -
-    info: 'logo eql'
-    langcode: fr
-    uuid: 471ad4df-2ba5-4305-aadd-d7d733b9693e
-    bundle: logo_block
-    revision_id: null
-    rev_id_current: null
-    fields:
-      field_link:
-        -
-          uri: 'internal:/'
-          title: ''
-          options: {  }
-      field_logo:
-        -
-          target_id: '46'
-          alt: ''
-          title: ''
-          width: '4592'
-          height: '4592'
-  -
-    info: 'Faq link'
-    langcode: fr
-    uuid: 1bb9024b-d95f-4137-894c-362abf10a483
-    bundle: link
-    revision_id: null
-    rev_id_current: null
-    fields:
-      field_description:
-        -
-          value: "<p>Retrouvez toutes vos questions pour répondre à l'appel à manifestation d'intérêt.</p>\r\n"
-          format: wysiwyg
-      field_lien:
-        -
-          uri: 'internal:/faq'
-          title: 'Foire aux questions'
-          options: {  }
-  -
-    info: 'Candidature link'
-    langcode: fr
-    uuid: 9448ca2a-90e3-488b-89cf-8ec6a986a9ca
-    bundle: link
-    revision_id: null
-    rev_id_current: null
-    fields:
-      field_description: {  }
-      field_lien:
-        -
-          uri: ''
-          title: 'Déposer sa candidature'
-          options: {  }
-  -
-    info: 'FAQ question link'
-    langcode: fr
-    uuid: 10aba627-5586-4529-b44e-c0b4551a4398
-    bundle: link
-    revision_id: null
-    rev_id_current: null
-    fields:
-      field_description:
-        -
-          value: "<p>Votre question n’existe pas ?<br />\r\nN’hésitez pas à nous la poser, nous tenterons d’y répondre.</p>\r\n"
-          format: wysiwyg
-      field_lien:
-        -
-          uri: 'internal:/form/question'
-          title: 'Foire aux questions'
-          options: {  }
-  -
-    info: 'social network'
-    langcode: fr
-    uuid: dbcf6df0-ddee-477d-a97e-c4a29e06781d
-    bundle: custom
-    revision_id: null
-    rev_id_current: null
-    fields:
-      body:
-        -
-          value: "<a class=\"link-youtube\" href=\"\">youtube</a> \r\n<a class=\"link-linkedin\" href=\"\">linkedin</a> \r\n<a class=\"link-twitter\" href=\"\">twitter</a></p>\r\n"
-          summary: ''
-          format: wysiwyg
-  -
-    info: 'date limite de candidature'
-    langcode: fr
-    uuid: 7db64d87-3e22-4fbd-9c11-2b95f5bef695
-    bundle: custom
-    revision_id: null
-    rev_id_current: null
-    fields:
-      body:
-        -
-          value: "<p>Date limite de candidature</p>\r\n\r\n<p>18 FEV. 2022</p>\r\n"
-          summary: ''
-          format: wysiwyg