
annuaire de recherche

ouidade 3 年之前

+ 60 - 12

@@ -1837,18 +1837,66 @@ a {
             font-weight: 800;
             vertical-align: middle; }
-.path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale span {
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-    height: 4rem;
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-    font-family: "Source Code Pro";
-    text-transform: uppercase;
-    background: #009ee3; }
+.path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content {
+  background: url("../images/pictos/carre-contour-bleu_programme.svg");
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  background-position-y: 20vh;
+  max-width: 100vw;
+  background-size: cover; }
+  .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale span {
+    padding-top: 3rem;
+    padding-bottom: 3rem;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+    color: white; }
+    .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale span h2 {
+      font-family: 'Source Code Pro';
+      font-size: 2rem;
+      font-weight: 800;
+      color: white;
+      background-color: #009ee3;
+      text-transform: uppercase;
+      width: fit-content;
+      margin-left: 10%;
+      margin-top: 8rem;
+      margin-bottom: 6rem; }
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+    flex: 0 1 50%;
+    margin-left: 25%; }
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+      background-color: white;
+      margin-bottom: 4rem; }
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+      margin-bottom: 3rem; }
+      .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div {
+        display: grid;
+        grid-template-columns: auto auto;
+        grid-template-rows: auto auto auto; }
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+          grid-column: 1;
+          grid-row: 1 /span 3;
+          margin-right: 1rem;
+          max-height: 8rem; }
+          .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div .field--name-field-logo a {
+            height: 8rem;
+            width: 8rem; }
+            .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div .field--name-field-logo a img {
+              height: 100%;
+              width: 100%;
+              object-fit: contain; }
+        .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div .field--name-title {
+          grid-column: 2;
+          font-weight: 800; }
+        .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div .field--name-body {
+          grid-column: 2; }
+          .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div .field--name-body p {
+            margin: 0; }
+        .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div .field--name-field-lien {
+          grid-column: 2; }
+          .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div .field--name-field-lien a {
+            color: black;
+            text-decoration: underline; }
+            .path-ressources.annuairederecherche .layout-content .region-content #block-contenudelapageprincipale .layout--threecol-25-50-25 .layout__region--second .block-region-second .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_ div .field--name-field-lien a svg {
+              display: none; }
 .layout-container {

+ 80 - 8

@@ -1,26 +1,98 @@
+        background: url('../images/pictos/carre-contour-bleu_programme.svg');
+        background-repeat: no-repeat;
+        background-position-y: 20vh;
+        max-width: 100vw;
+        background-size: cover;
                     padding-top: 3rem;
                     padding-bottom: 3rem;
                     vertical-align: middle;
+                    color: $white;
-                        margin: 0;
-                        padding-top: 2rem;
-                        height: 4rem;
+                        font-family: 'Source Code Pro';
+                        font-size: 2rem;
+                        font-weight: 800;
                         color: $white;
-                        font-family: "Source Code Pro";
+                        background-color: $blue-light;
                         text-transform: uppercase;
-                        background: $blue-light; 
-                        // padding-left: 13%;
+                        width: fit-content;
+                        margin-left: 10%;
+                        margin-top: 8rem;
+                        margin-bottom: 6rem;
+                .layout--threecol-25-50-25{
+                    .layout__region--second{
+                        flex: 0 1 50%;
+                        margin-left: 25%;
+                        .block-region-second{
+                            .block-config-pages-block{
+                                background-color: $white;
+                                margin-bottom: 4rem;
+                            }
+                            .node-type-partenaires_logo_footer_{
+                                margin-bottom: 3rem;
+                                div{
+                                    display: grid;
+                                    grid-template-columns: auto auto;
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+                                        grid-column: 1;
+                                        grid-row: 1 /span 3;
+                                        margin-right: 1rem;
+                                        max-height: 8rem;
+                                        a{
+                                            height: 8rem;
+                                            width: 8rem;
+                                            img{
+                                                height: 100%;
+                                                width: 100%;
+                                                object-fit: contain;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    .field--name-title{
+                                        grid-column: 2;
+                                        font-weight: 800;
+                                    }
+                                    .field--name-body{
+                                        grid-column: 2;
+                                        p {margin: 0;}
+                                    }
+                                    .field--name-field-lien{
+                                        grid-column: 2;
+                                        a{
+                                            color: $black;
+                                            text-decoration: underline;
+                                            svg{
+                                                display: none;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                    } 
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
-        }    
-    }
+        }
+    }    

+ 14 - 0

@@ -72,6 +72,20 @@
+                        // .view-filters{
+                        //     .views-exposed-form-base-de-donnees-block-1{
+                        //         .form-item-field-type-de-ressource-target-id{
+                        //             #edit-field-type-de-ressource-target-id{
+                        //                 label{
+                        //                     display: none;
+                        //                 }
+                        //             }
+                        //         }
+                        //     }
+                        // }

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ * @file
+ * Default theme implementation for a select element.
+ *
+ * Available variables:
+ * - attributes: HTML attributes for the <select> tag.
+ * - options: The <option> element children.
+ *
+ * @see template_preprocess_select()
+ *
+ * @ingroup themeable
+ */
+{% apply spaceless %}
+  <select{{ attributes }}>
+    {% for option in options %}
+      {% if option.type == 'optgroup' %}
+        <optgroup label="{{ option.label }}">
+          {% for sub_option in option.options %}
+            <option value="{{ sub_option.value }}"{{ sub_option.selected ? ' selected="selected"' }}>{{ sub_option.label }}</option>
+          {% endfor %}
+        </optgroup>
+      {% elseif option.type == 'option' %}
+        <option value="{{ option.value }}"{{ option.selected ? ' selected="selected"' }}>{{ option.label }}</option>
+      {% endif %}
+    {% endfor %}
+  </select>
+{% endapply %}