@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * @file
+ * Theme override for a form element.
+ *
+ * @todo Remove when https://www.drupal.org/node/3010558 is fixed.
+ *
+ * @see template_preprocess_form_element()
+ */
+ Most of core-provided js assumes that the CSS class pattern js-form-item-[something] or
+ js-form-type-[something] exists on form items. We have to keep them.
+ set classes = [
+ 'js-form-item',
+ 'form-item',
+ 'js-form-type-' ~ type|clean_class,
+ 'form-type--' ~ type|clean_class,
+ type in ['checkbox', 'radio'] ? 'form-type--boolean',
+ 'js-form-item-' ~ name|clean_class,
+ 'form-item--' ~ name|clean_class,
+ title_display not in ['after', 'before'] ? 'form-item--no-label',
+ disabled == 'disabled' ? 'form-item--disabled',
+ errors ? 'form-item--error',
+ ]
+ set description_classes = [
+ 'form-item__description',
+ description_display == 'invisible' ? 'visually-hidden',
+ ]
+<div{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
+ {% if label_display in ['before', 'invisible'] %}
+ {{ label }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if prefix is not empty %}
+ <span class="form-item__prefix{{disabled == 'disabled' ? ' is-disabled'}}">{{ prefix }}</span>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if description_display == 'before' and description.content %}
+ <div{{ description.attributes.addClass(description_classes) }}>
+ {{ description.content }}
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {{ children }}
+ {% if suffix is not empty %}
+ <span class="form-item__suffix{{disabled == 'disabled' ? ' is-disabled'}}">{{ suffix }}</span>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if label_display == 'after' %}
+ {{ label }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if errors %}
+ <div class="form-item__error-message">
+ {{ errors }}
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if description_display in ['after', 'invisible'] and description.content %}
+ <div{{ description.attributes.addClass(description_classes) }}>
+ {{ description.content }}
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}