/** * @Author: Bachir Soussi Chiadmi * @Date: 16-04-2017 * @Email: bachir@figureslibres.io * @Last modified by: bach * @Last modified time: 18-04-2017 * @License: GPL-V3 */ require('normalize.css/normalize.css'); require('./fonts/amiri/amiri.css'); require('./fonts/dejavu/dejavu.css'); require('./fonts/opensans/opensans.css'); var m = require('mithril'); console.log("Hello Ethica"); const db_fr = require('./jsondb/2-Appuhn-FR-ethicadb.json') console.log(db_fr); // console.log("DataItems", DataItems); // var DataItemsBySlug = {}; // for (item in DataItems) { // // console.log(item); // DataItemsBySlug[DataItems[item].slug] = DataItems[item]; // } // console.log("DataItemsBySlug", DataItemsBySlug); // __ _ __ // / / (_)___ / /__ // / / / / __ \/ //_/ // / /___/ / / / / ,< // /_____/_/_/ /_/_/|_| var _Link = { targetslug:"", opened:false, oninit: function(vn){ // console.log("vn.attrs", vn.attrs); vn.state.targetslug = vn.attrs.href.replace(/^.*\/(.+)$/, "$1").replace(/^(.+)\/$/, "$1"); }, view: function(vn){ if(vn.state.opened){ // return m('div', "Hello "+vn.state.targetslug); // console.log('vn.state.targetslug', vn.state); return m('div', {'class':'opened-link'}, [ m('span', {'class':"link text"}, vn.children), m(_Item, DataItemsBySlug[vn.state.targetslug]) ] ); }else{ return m('a', { 'class':'link', 'href':'#'+vn.state.targetslug, 'rel':vn.state.targetslug, onclick:function(e){ e.preventDefault(); vn.state.opened = true; return false; } }, vn.children); } } } // ______ __ // /_ __/__ _ __/ /_ // / / / _ \| |/_/ __/ // / / / __/> ) for (var j = 0; j < childs[i].childNodes.length; j++) { // if not textnode if(typeof childs[i].childNodes[j].localName != "undefined"){ switch (childs[i].childNodes[j].localName) { case 'a': // console.log('childs[i].childNodes[j]', childs[i].childNodes[j]); p.childs.push({ tag:'a', href:childs[i].childNodes[j].attributes.href.value, text:childs[i].childNodes[j].innerHTML }); break; } }else{ // if textnode // console.log(childs[i].childNodes[j]); // console.log("["+childs[i].childNodes[j].textContent+"]"); p.childs.push({ tag:'#text', text:childs[i].childNodes[j].textContent //+ (childs[i].childNodes[j].nextSibling ? " " : "") }); } } vn.state.textchilds.push(p); } } }, view: function(vn){ // console.log('_Text :: view : '+vn.attrs.slug, vn); return m('div', {'class':'text'}, // loop through first level paragraph vn.state.textchilds.map(function(p,i){ // create paragraph and loop through text and link nodes return m('div', {'class':'paragraph'}, p.childs.map(function(c,j) { console.log('c',c); // return p.childs.map(function(c,j) { // create text and link node switch (c.tag) { case 'a': return m(_Link, { href:c.href }, c.text); break; case '#text': // console.log("["+c.text+"]"); return m.trust(c.text); break; } }) // /map ); // /m.div.paragraph }) // /map ); // /m.div.text } // view: } // ______ // / _/ /____ ____ ___ // / // __/ _ \/ __ `__ \ // _/ // /_/ __/ / / / / / // /___/\__/\___/_/ /_/ /_/ var _Item = { slug:null, part:null, type:null, active:0, oninit: function(vn){ // console.log('vn.attrs', vn.attrs); vn.state.slug = vn.attrs.slug; vn.state.part = vn.state.slug.match(/^(\d)(.+)/)[1]; }, view: function(vn){ return m("section", { 'id':vn.attrs.slug, 'class':'item'+(vn.state.active ? ' active' : '') }, [ // create title node m("h1", { 'ref':vn.attrs.href, onclick: function(e){ vn.state.active = vn.state.active ? 0 : 1; } }, "Part "+vn.state.part+" : "+vn.attrs.title), // create text node m(_Text, {'text':vn.attrs.text, 'slug':vn.attrs.slug}) ] ) } }; // ______ // /_ __/_______ ___ // / / / ___/ _ \/ _ \ // / / / / / __/ __/ // /_/ /_/ \___/\___/ var _Tree = { view: function(){ // return m('main', {id:"content"}, DataItems.map(c => m(_Item,c))); return m('main', {id:"content"}, DataItems.map(function(c){ return m(_Item,c); })); } } // m.mount(document.getElementById('app'), _Tree);