// _ // (_)________ ____ // / / ___/ __ \/ __ \ // / (__ ) /_/ / / / / // __/ /____/\____/_/ /_/ // /___/ module.exports = { lang:'fr', langs:[ { 'lc':'lat', 'label':'Latin (Carl Gebhardt)', 'db':'0-LAT-ethicadb.json'}, { 'lc':'fr', 'label':'Français (Traduction par Charles Appuhn)', 'db':'2-Appuhn-FR-ethicadb.json' }, { 'lc':'bra', 'label':'Brazilian (Tradução Roberto Brandão)', 'db':'ethica-bresilen.json' }, { 'lc':'en', 'label':'English (Translated by R. H. M. Elwes)', 'db':'3-Elwes-EN-ethicadb.json' } ], data:[], loaded_dbs:0, data_byid:[], data_strct:{}, load: function(callback) { // load all dbs, when all loaded call main app callback function for (var i = 0; i < this.langs.length; i++) { this.loadJSON(this.langs[i].lc, '/assets/jsondb/'+this.langs[i].db, callback) } }, loadJSON: function(lc, file, callback){ var xobj = new XMLHttpRequest(); xobj.overrideMimeType("application/json"); // TODO: load and unzip gziped json // xobj.setRequestHeader('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip'); xobj.onreadystatechange = function () { // console.log('onreadystatechange', xobj.readyState); switch(xobj.readyState){ case 3: console.log('loading'); break; case 4: if (xobj.status === 200) { this.onJSONLoaded(lc, xobj.responseText, callback); } else { console.log("Status de la réponse: %d (%s)", xobj.status, xobj.statusText); } break; } }.bind(this); xobj.open('GET', file, true); xobj.send(null); }, onJSONLoaded: function(lc, json, callback){ console.log('onDBLoaded '+lc); this.data[lc] = JSON.parse(json); this.loaded_dbs ++; // if (this.loaded_dbs == this.langs.length) { this.parseByID(callback); } }, parseByID: function(callback){ for(l in this.data){ // console.log('l', l); this.data_byid[l] = {}; for (p in this.data[l]) { // console.log(this.data[l][p]); for (e in this.data[l][p].enonces) { // console.log('e',e); this.data_byid[l][this.data[l][p].enonces[e].id] = this.data[l][p].enonces[e]; for (c in this.data[l][p].enonces[e].childs){ // console.log(_db[p][e][c]); this.data_byid[l][this.data[l][p].enonces[e].childs[c].id] = this.data[l][p].enonces[e].childs[c]; } } } } // console.log('this.data_byid', this.data_byid); this.parseStrct(callback); }, parseStrct: function(callback){ var id, item, obj, links_match, link, tid; for (id in this.data_byid[this.langs[0].lc]) { item = this.data_byid[this.langs[0].lc][id]; // console.log(item); // skeep titles as they don't have structure data if(item.type == "title") continue; obj = { 'to':[], 'from':[], }; // get links links_match = item.text.match(/\[[^\]]+\]\([^\)]+\)/g); // console.log(links_match); // if links exist on text if(links_match){ for(link of links_match){ // console.log(link); // get the target id tid = link.match(/\((.+)\)/)[1]; // avoid duplicates if (obj.to.indexOf(tid) == -1) obj.to.push(tid); // add id to "from" links in target // if target exists if(typeof this.data_strct[tid] !== 'undefined'){ // avoid duplicates if (this.data_strct[tid].from.indexOf(tid) == -1) this.data_strct[tid].from.push(id); }else{ // if targets does not exists, the db has an issue, warn about that console.log('!! warning : '+tid+' target id does not exists'); } } } // add the item links to the main links listings this.data_strct[id] = obj; } // console.log('data_strct',this.data_strct); callback(); } }