# Install web server and secure it on alpine linux - [x] upgrade - [x] adduser - [x] misc - [x] Ufw (to be replaced by awall) - [x] Fail2ban - [ ] Proftpd - [ ] Knockd - [ ] Mariadb - [ ] php7-fpm - [ ] Nginx - [ ] letsencrypt - [ ] vhosts - [ ] redis - [ ] git barre repos - [ ] zabbix-agent - [ ] urbackup-client - [ ] dotfiles and more ## how to use it on a fresh install as root 1 install git ``` apk add git ``` 2 clone the repo ``` git clone https://figureslibres.io/gogs/bachir/alpine-web-server.git ``` 3 run the script as root ``` su cd alpine-web-server chmod a+x install.sh ./install.sh ``` ## ref