# Install web server and secure it on alpine linux 3.9 ## Branches each alpine linux stable release has it's branch (master is a clone of the last one) - [3.8](https://figureslibres.io/gogs/bachir/alpine-web-werver/src/3.8) - [3.9](https://figureslibres.io/gogs/bachir/alpine-web-werver/src/3.9) ([master](https://figureslibres.io/gogs/bachir/alpine-web-werver)) ## Features - [x] upgrade - [x] bash - [x] misc - [x] dotfiles - [x] user - [x] secure openssh - [x] Ufw (may be eventualy replaced by awall ?) - [x] Fail2ban - [x] Knockd - [x] Mariadb (bug https://bugs.alpinelinux.org/issues/9046) - [ ] mysql backups - [x] php7-fpm (7.2) - [x] Nginx - [x] drush - [x] composer - [ ] letsencrypt - [ ] vhosts - [x] redis - [x] zabbix-agent (3.4 || 4) - [x] urbackup-client - [ ] solr - [ ] git barre repos - [ ] Proftpd - [x] passwd generator ## how to use it on a fresh install as root 1 install git ``` apk add git ``` 2 clone the repo ``` git clone -b 3.10 --single-branch https://figureslibres.io/gogs/bachir/alpine-web-werver.git ``` 3 you have to be root ``` su ``` 4 install bash ``` cd alpine-web-server . bin/bash ``` 5 run the full install ``` . install.sh ``` All script in bin/ can be ran seperatly, but from the repos source exclusively eg: ```. bin/vhost.sh```. Be aware that all scripts need bash and some depends on packages and config installed by bin/misc.sh, run it once right after bin/bash.sh if you wont use the full install.sh. ## ref [Alpine Linux wiki](https://wiki.alpinelinux.org)