$(document).ready(function() { var _frames; var _$timelaps = $('#timelaps'), _$video = $("#timelapsvid"), _video = document.getElementById('timelapsvid'), _fps = 12, _vid_current_time; var _timeline, _timeline_container = document.getElementById('timeline'), _tl_data_ar = [], _tl_items, _tl_start, _tl_end; var _mapout, _mapout_zoom=7, _mapout_pin, _mapout_provider = "CartoDB.DarkMatter"; var _mapin, _mapin_zoom=15, _mapin_pin, _mapin_provider = "CartoDB.DarkMatter"; var _map_pin_coordinates; var _mapicon = L.icon({ iconUrl: 'assets/icon.svg', iconSize: [20, 20], iconAnchor: [10, 10] }); function init(){ console.log("Init"); loadData(); }; function loadData(){ console.log('loadData'); // $.getJSON('metadata/frame.json',function(data){ // setUpData(data.frames) // }); $.ajax({ dataType:"json", url:'metadata/frames.json', cache: false, success:setUpData }); console.log('getMetaData END'); }; function setUpData(d){ console.log("setUpData"); _frames = d.frames; // console.log(_frames); for (i in _frames) { // convert gps from string to float array _frames[i].gps = _frames[i].gps.split(',').map(function(a) { return parseFloat(a); }); } // timeline _tl_start= new Date(_frames[0].datetime); _tl_end= new Date(_frames[_frames.length-1].datetime); // console.log('_tl_start : '+_tl_start+" | _tl_end"+_tl_end); // map _map_pin_coordinates = _frames[0].gps; console.log(_map_pin_coordinates); initDataReady(); }; function initDataReady(){ console.log("initDataReady"); setupTimeline(); setupMap(); setupVideoEvents(); play(); setTimeout(function(){ _video.play(); }, 2000); } /* _ _ _ _ | | (_) | (_) | |_ _ _ __ ___ ___| |_ _ __ ___ | __| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \ | |_| | | | | | | __/ | | | | | __/ \__|_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|_|_| |_|\___| */ function setupTimeline(){ // Create a DataSet (allows two way data-binding) // _tl_items = new vis.DataSet(_tl_data_ar); // Configuration for the Timeline // var options = {}; // Create a Timeline _timeline = new vis.Timeline(_timeline_container, [], { // height:'50px', showCurrentTime:false, start:_tl_start, end:_tl_end, stack:false }); _timeline.addCustomTime(_tl_start, "videotime"); _timeline.on('click', onClickTimeline) } function onClickTimeline(props){ console.log("onClickTimeline", props.time); // seekVideoTo(props.items[0]); }; function moveTimelineCursor(date){ _timeline.setCustomTime(date, "videotime", {animation:false}); _timeline.moveTo(date, {animation:false}); } /* __ __ | \/ | | \ / | __ _ _ __ | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ | | | | (_| | |_) | |_| |_|\__,_| .__/ | | |_| */ function setupMap(){ console.log('setupMap'); _mapout = L.map('mapout', { center:_map_pin_coordinates, zoom:_mapout_zoom, zoomControl:false, attributionControl:false }); L.tileLayer.provider(_mapout_provider).addTo(_mapout); _mapout_pin = L.marker(_map_pin_coordinates, {icon:_mapicon}).addTo(_mapout); _mapin = L.map('mapin', { center:_map_pin_coordinates, zoom:_mapin_zoom, zoomControl:false, attributionControl:false }); L.tileLayer.provider(_mapin_provider).addTo(_mapin); _mapin_pin = L.marker(_map_pin_coordinates, {icon:_mapicon}).addTo(_mapin); }; function moveMapPin(c){ _mapout.setView(c, _mapout_zoom); _mapout_pin.setLatLng(c); _mapout_pin.update(c); // _mapin.setView(c, _mapin_zoom); _mapin_pin.setLatLng(c); _mapin_pin.update(c); }; /* __ ___ _ \ \ / (_) | | \ \ / / _ __| | ___ ___ \ \/ / | |/ _` |/ _ \/ _ \ \ / | | (_| | __/ (_) | \/ |_|\__,_|\___|\___/ */ function setupVideoEvents(){ // console.log("setupVideoEvents"); _$video.on("click", onClickVid); }; function onClickVid(e){ console.log("onClickVid",e); if(_video.paused){ _video.play(); }else{ _video.pause(); } }; // function seekVideoTo(f){ // console.log("seekVideoTo frame", f); // _video.pause(); // _video.currentTime = f/_fps; // }; /* _ _ _ (_) | | (_) __ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ / _` | '_ \| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ | (_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | \__,_|_| |_|_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| */ function play(millis){ requestAnimationFrame(play); // console.log("_video.playing",_video.paused); if (!_video.paused) { moveTimelineCursor(_frames[vt2f(_video.currentTime)].datetime); moveMapPin(_frames[vt2f(_video.currentTime)].gps); } // now = Date.now(); // delta = now - then; // // if(delta > interval){ // then = now -(delta % interval); // } } /* helpers */ function vt2f(ct){ // console.log("Video Time 2 frame"); return Math.round(ct/(1/_fps)); // console.log("frame", frame); } init(); });