1. Title 7.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  2. -------------------------
  3. Title 7.x-1.0-alpha9, 2017-01-13
  4. --------------------------------
  5. #2757739 by dewalt, Pol: Token value is not sanitized, when replaced from title field.
  6. #2813673 by plach, czigor, Stevel: Tests broken since new permission in drupal core.
  7. Title 7.x-1.0-alpha8, 2016-03-28
  8. --------------------------------
  9. #2465141 by DuaelFr, Matthijs, jfrederick: Used entity_uri() options if given.
  10. #2602568 by sdstyles: Fixed title_entity_label() should be documented as
  11. callback implementation.
  12. #2605040 by ShaxA, joelpittet, sylus: Removed recursive call to
  13. entity_get_info().
  14. #2040055 by flux423, cs_shadow, visabhishek, plach, OlyN: Fixed Notice:
  15. Undefined index: safe_value in title_field_formatter_view().
  16. #2426105 by Peacog, jcisio: Fixed Views "Link this field to the original entity"
  17. doesn't work when using relationship.
  18. #2286147 by plach: Language fallback does not work when an entity translation is
  19. unpublished.
  20. #2286145 by plach: Prevent empty translations from being synced into the legacy
  21. field.
  22. #1772116 by duellj, GaëlG | f4o: Fixed Menu link title is not getting node title
  23. by default.
  24. #1779268 by ndobromirov | brycesenz: Undefined index: field_name in
  25. title_field_views_data_alter().
  26. #1441224 by MiroslavBanov | OPIN: Fieldgroup and Title break Manage Fields UI.
  27. #1980520 by StoraH, pbz1912: Fixed Empty wrapper tags.
  28. #1920096 by Johnny vd Laar | GiorgosK: Fixed Title incompatibility with the Term
  29. reference widget
  30. #1991712 by milesw: Fixed Title displays wrong revision using Revisioning
  31. module.
  32. #1907078 by sylus: Fixed Undefined index: field_name() in
  33. title_field_replacement_enabled().
  34. #1961810 by peximo | fcortez: Fixed Wrap tag classes are not being inserted.
  35. #1850866 by B-Prod: Fixed Undefined index 'format' in
  36. title_field_text_with_summary_sync_set().
  37. #1269076 by plach, das-peter, danielnolde | renat: Fixed Translated
  38. title_field replaces node->title with translated value.
  39. Title 7.x-1.0-alpha7, 2013-03-18
  40. --------------------------------
  41. #1919640 by peximo: Fixed Empty tag shown when the title field is displayed.
  42. #1869438 by jsacksick: Fixed hook_field_attach_create_bundle() implementation
  43. isn't correct.
  44. #1280962 by mvc: Fixed Better description of field replacement dialogue.
  45. #1900282: Fixed wrong files[] directive in the title_test module.
  46. #1898618 by muka: Fixed Handle case when title property is not set (avoiding
  47. error).
  48. #1885356 by peximo: Fixed Empty HTML class in Linked and wrapped format.
  49. #1865604 by GaëlG, plach: Fixed Title module overrides label callback (prevents
  50. term label localization).
  51. Title 7.x-1.0-alpha5, 2012-12-18
  52. --------------------------------
  53. #1869228 by plach: Updated system dependencies.
  54. #1062814 by Andreas Radloff, jucallme | Scott J: Added Formatters.
  55. #1849344 by peximo: Fixed Duplicate description element in taxonomy display
  56. form.
  57. #1482052 by peximo | joel rotelli, epieddy: Fixed Undefined property:
  58. stdClass::$type dans title_tokens_alter().
  59. #1761142 by joel_osc, plach | no2e: Fixed Replaced taxonomy description:
  60. can't delete content (but editing works).
  61. #1736476 by guillaumev: Made sure entity is accurate in title_entity_language().
  62. #1748008 by vasike: Replaced fields should inherit the legacy field access.
  63. #1808454 by plach: Fixed help and permissions for the admin settings.
  64. #1835486 by plach: Fixed Automated tests are failing.
  65. #1808454 by peximo: Overhauled the admin settings form.
  66. #1773514 by peximo: Added Module's configuration page.
  67. #1396450 by logaritmisk, plach | mgifford: Fixed Notice: Undefined index:
  68. fieldable in title_entity_info_alter() (line 28 of title/title.module).
  69. Title 7.x-1.0-alpha4, 2012-08-11
  70. --------------------------------
  71. #1708046 by plach | steinmb: Fixed Term description is overwritten.
  72. #1709938 by Amitaibu: Prevented notice in title_field_attach_create_bundle().
  73. #1541414 by peximo, plach | int_ua: Added No 'Link this field to the original
  74. piece of content' option in Views UI for fields replaced with Title module.
  75. #1704536 by RoySegall, Amitaibu, plach: Attach title field automatically when a
  76. new entity bundle is created.
  77. #1699092 by plach: Fixed Notices when submitting an empty taxonomy term
  78. description.
  79. #1665006 by mikey_p: Fixed Doesn't work when legacy title field is NULL.
  80. #1613514 by steven.wichers, Amitaibu: Fixed Importing nodes in bulk fail to
  81. create titles for all nodes after the first one.
  82. #1644736 by plach: Fixed When initializing replaced fields all bundles are
  83. processed.
  84. #1631958 by plach | Goekmen: Fixed Undefined index: base path in
  85. EntityTranslationDefaultHandler.
  86. #1635006 by nikosnikos: Fixed Description summary desappear in taxonomy term.
  87. #1528590 by torrance123, JonMcL: Fixed Reference to $form_state['values'] is
  88. altering Views Bulk Operations modify action form submit.
  89. #1445848 by danielnolde: Added Retain the original legacy field value to entity
  90. in sync.
  91. #1620986 by plach: Perform reverse synchronization more reliably.
  92. #1519930 by plach, steinmb: Use the upcoming entity_language() function to
  93. determine the entity language.
  94. #1586002 by plach, Pisco: (follow-up) Fixed notices when changing node language.
  95. Title 7.x-1.0-alpha3, 2012-06-05
  96. --------------------------------
  97. #1586002 by plach, Pisco | liquidcms: Fixed Entity language handling broken.
  98. #1608980 by helior: Fixed Possible undefined indexes in
  99. title_field_replacement_info().
  100. #1362790 by colan, amateescu: Fixed Undefined property: stdClass::$title in
  101. title_entity_update().
  102. #1433060 by plach: Added Allow to use entity label fields in the entity content
  103. area.
  104. #1367118 by plach | BrightBold: Fixed Wrong menu item declaration for the field
  105. replacement callback.
  106. #1357220 by colan: Fixed Module should be listed in the Fields package.
  107. #1323288 by das-peter: Fixed entitycache integration.
  108. Title 7.x-1.0-alpha2, 2011-09-09
  109. --------------------------------
  110. #1229892 by plach | chrisdolby: Fixed Strict warning: Only variables should be
  111. assigned by reference in title_field_attach_submit() - line 482 of
  112. title.module.
  113. #1219860 by plach, claudiu.cristea: Fixed Undefined index 'format'.
  114. #1210670 by claudiu.cristea, das-peter | vasike: Fixed Entity translation errors
  115. for Taxonomies entities.
  116. Title 7.x-1.0-alpha1, 2011-09-07
  117. --------------------------------
  118. #1200320 by das-peter: Fixed Call field_attach_presave() before
  119. field_attach_update() in field replacement batch.
  120. #1155128 by das-peter | Dave Reid, plach: Enhanced support for tokens.
  121. #1169394 by plach: Synchronized code after core fixes.
  122. #1146724 by plach | das-peter, joostvdl: Fixed Replacing field values are not
  123. initialized.
  124. #1157438 by das-peter: Fixed Reset sync cache on entitycache reset.
  125. #1116586 by plach | tte: Fixed Exception when a node's title is not converted
  126. immediately.
  127. #1138646 by plach | joostvdl, sun: Fixed Notice: Undefined index: label in
  128. entity_get_info().
  129. #1141674 by plach | manveru: Fixed Notices about missing $description.
  130. #924968 by plach: Updated the change log.
  131. #924968 by plach: Improved comments/PHP docs.
  132. #924968 by plach: Introduced tests for field replacement UI.
  133. #924968 by plach: Fixed field replacement checkbox broken.
  134. #924968 by plach: Polished API as title_field_replacement_toggle does not belong
  135. to
  136. #924968 by plach: Fixed comments/PHP docs.
  137. #924968 by plach: Disabled entity_label() support until #1096446 is fixed.
  138. #924968 by plach: Introduced tests for field replacement workflow.
  139. #924968 by plach: Moved administration code into
  140. #924968 by plach: Added entity_label() support.
  141. #924968 by plach: Fixed resave needed if field values altered before save.
  142. #924968 by plach: Fixed entity forms to support nested subforms.
  143. #924968 by plach: Added PHP docs.
  144. #924968 by plach, das-peter, sun, fago, klonos: Introduced field replacement API
  145. and UI.
  146. by sun: Initial baseline of module files.