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- <p>CER's purpose is to keep reference fields synchronized with each other.
- For example, if you have a node ("Alice") with a user reference field,
- and a user ("Bob") with a node reference field, and you make Alice
- reference Bob, CER will automatically give Bob a back-reference to Alice. If
- Alice subsequently dereferences Bob, Bob will automatically deference Alice.
- Or, if Alice is deleted, Bob will lose his reference to Alice. CER does all
- this transparently.</p>
- <p>CER is a powerful module. It lets you create relationships between different
- "reference-type" fields. A <dfn>reference-type</dfn> field is, simply,
- any kind of field that references another entity. Out of the box, CER supports
- Entity Reference, Node Reference, User Reference, and core Taxonomy Term
- Reference fields. It also includes a pair of add-on modules supporting Profile2
- and Commerce Product Reference fields. CER also has an object-oriented plugin
- API that you can leverage if you need to support other types of reference
- fields or alter CER's behavior. (More information about CER's API
- can be found in cer.api.php.)</p>