poll.inc 4.2 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Support for poll nodes.
  5. *
  6. * Each poll node will have multiple choices, and multiple votes. It's
  7. * not practical to bring this information in through your migration's
  8. * source query, you need to pull it separately in prepareRow():
  9. *
  10. * @code
  11. * ...
  12. * $this->addFieldMapping('active')
  13. * ->defaultValue(1);
  14. * $this->addFieldMapping('runtime', 'seconds_to_run')
  15. * $this->addFieldMapping('choice', 'src_choices')
  16. * ->description('src_choices populated in prepareRow()');
  17. * $this->addFieldMapping('votes', 'src_votes')
  18. * ->description('src_votes populated in prepareRow()');
  19. * ...
  20. * public function prepareRow($row);
  21. * $choices = Database::getConnection('default', 'legacy')
  22. * ->select('src_poll_choice', 'c')
  23. * ->fields('c', array('choice_label', 'choice_order', 'choice_total'))
  24. * ->condition('c.choiceid', $row->src_contentid);
  25. * ->execute();
  26. * $row->src_choices = array();
  27. * foreach ($choices as $choice) {
  28. * $row->src_choices[] = array(
  29. * 'chtext' => $choice->choice_label,
  30. * 'chvotes' => $choice->choice_total,
  31. * 'weight' => $choice->choice_order,
  32. * );
  33. * }
  34. * // Note that we won't know until much later what the chid is for each
  35. * // choice, so it's best to tie the votes to choices by text.
  36. * $query = Database::getConnection('default', 'legacy')
  37. * ->select('src_poll_vote', 'v')
  38. * ->fields('v', array('choice_uid', 'hostname', 'timestamp'))
  39. * ->condition('v.choiceid', $row->src_contentid);
  40. * $votes = $query->innerJoin('src_poll_choice', 'c', 'v.choice_id=c.choice_id')
  41. * ->fields('c', array('choice_label'))
  42. * ->execute();
  43. * $row->src_votes = array();
  44. * foreach ($votes as $vote) {
  45. * $row->src_votes[] = array(
  46. * 'chtext' => $choice->choice_label,
  47. * 'uid' => $choice->choice_uid,
  48. * 'hostname' => $choice->hostname,
  49. * 'timestamp' => $choice->timestamp,
  50. * );
  51. * }
  52. * return TRUE;
  53. * }
  54. * @endcode
  55. */
  56. class MigratePollEntityHandler extends MigrateDestinationHandler {
  57. public function __construct() {
  58. $this->registerTypes(array('node'));
  59. }
  60. public function fields($entity_type, $bundle) {
  61. if ($bundle == 'poll') {
  62. $fields = array(
  63. 'active' => t('Poll: Active status'),
  64. 'runtime' => t('Poll: How long the poll runs for in seconds'),
  65. 'choice' => t('Poll: Choices. Each choice is an array with chtext, chvotes, and weight keys.'),
  66. 'votes' => t('Poll: Votes. Each vote is an array with chid (or chtext), uid, hostname, and timestamp keys'),
  67. );
  68. }
  69. else {
  70. $fields = array();
  71. }
  72. return $fields;
  73. }
  74. public function complete($entity, stdClass $row) {
  75. if ($entity->type == 'poll') {
  76. // Update settings overridden by !user_access('administer nodes') check in
  77. // poll_insert().
  78. db_update('poll')
  79. ->fields(array('active' => $entity->active))
  80. ->condition('nid', $entity->nid)
  81. ->execute();
  82. // Update vote summary count, again overridden by
  83. // !user_access('administer nodes') check in poll_insert().
  84. foreach ($row->choice as $choice) {
  85. // Have no mapping tracking for chid, so assume choice text is unique.
  86. db_update('poll_choice')
  87. ->fields(array('chvotes' => $choice['chvotes'], 'weight' => $choice['weight']))
  88. ->condition('nid', $entity->nid)
  89. ->condition('chtext', $choice['chtext'])
  90. ->execute();
  91. }
  92. // Insert actual votes.
  93. foreach ($row->votes as $vote) {
  94. $chid = $vote['chid'];
  95. if (!isset($chid)) {
  96. $result = db_select('poll_choice', 'pc')
  97. ->fields('pc', array('chid'))
  98. ->condition('pc.nid', $entity->nid)
  99. ->condition('pc.chtext', $vote['chtext'])
  100. ->execute();
  101. $chid = $result->fetchField();
  102. }
  103. db_insert('poll_vote')
  104. ->fields(array(
  105. 'chid' => $chid,
  106. 'nid' => $entity->nid,
  107. 'uid' => $vote['uid'],
  108. 'hostname' => $vote['hostname'],
  109. 'timestamp' => $vote['timestamp'],
  110. ))
  111. ->execute();
  112. }
  113. }
  114. }
  115. }