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node-jsmin2 Build status Donate on Gittip

Another port of JSMin -- this time outputting a coordinate map

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install node-jsmin2


JSMin is a function that minifies a single set of JavaScript and outputs an object with a code and codeMap.

 * jsmin - Refer to LICENSE in base directory
 * @param {String} input JavaScript to minifiy
 * @return {Object} retObj
 * @return {String} retObj.code Minified JavaScript
 * @return {Object} retObj.codeMap Point to point map from source JavaScript to minified JavaScript


// Load in jsmin and jQuery
var jsmin = require('node-jsmin2'),
    jquerySrc = fs.readFileSync('jquery.js', 'utf8');

// Process the jquery source via jsmin
var jqueryMinObj = jsmin(jquerySrc);

// Minified code is available at
// jqueryMinObj.code;

// Coordinate map of source code to minified code is available at
// jqueryMinObj.codeMap;


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint your code via grunt and test via npm test.


Copyright (c) 2012 Todd Wolfson The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. (see LICENSE)