README.txt 1.9 KB

  1. Drupal domwindow module:
  2. ------------------------
  3. Maintainers:
  4. Rob Montero ( /
  5. Requires - Drupal 7
  6. License - GPL (see LICENSE)
  7. Overview:
  8. --------
  9. DOMWindow is a lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery.
  10. This module allows for integration of DOMWindow into Drupal.
  11. The jQuery library is a part of Drupal since version 5+.
  12. Images, forms, iframed or inline content etc. can be displayed in a
  13. overlay above the current page.
  14. * jQuery -
  15. * DOMWindow -
  16. Features:
  17. ---------
  18. * Drush command to download and install the DOMWindow plugin in
  19. sites/all/libraries
  20. The DOMWindow plugin:
  21. * Supports displaying inline divs, iframes and ajax loaded markup on a DOM
  22. overlay window.
  23. * Lightweight.
  24. * Robust API with plenty methods to control and tweak the overlay experience.
  25. * Released under the MIT License.
  26. Installation:
  27. ------------
  28. 1. Download the DOMWindow plugin in "sites/all/libraries/jquery.domwindow/".
  29. Link:
  30. Drush users can use the command "drush domwindow-plugin".
  31. 2. Download and unpack the DOMWindow module directory in your modules folder
  32. (this will usually be "sites/all/modules/").
  33. 3. Go to "Administer" -> "Modules" and enable the module.
  34. Drush:
  35. ------
  36. A Drush command is provides for easy installation of the DOMWindow
  37. plugin itself.
  38. % drush domwindow-plugin
  39. The command will download the plugin and unpack it in "sites/all/libraries".
  40. It is possible to add another path as an option to the command, but not
  41. recommended unless you know what you are doing.
  42. Roadmap:
  43. --------
  44. Provide tighter integration with core Drupal and an easier user experience by
  45. implementing functionality like that of the colorbox module.
  46. Change Log:
  47. ----------
  48. 01/14/2012 rmontero Initial commit.
  49. Last updated:
  50. -------------
  51. 01/14/2012