<?php /** * @file * Install file for l10n remote updates. */ /** * Implements hook_schema(). */ function l10n_update_schema() { $schema['l10n_update_project'] = array( 'description' => 'Update information for project translations.', 'fields' => array( 'name' => array( 'description' => 'A unique short name to identify the project.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '255', 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'project_type' => array( 'description' => 'Project type, may be core, module, theme', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '50', 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'core' => array( 'description' => 'Core compatibility string for this project.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '128', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'version' => array( 'description' => 'Human readable name for project used on the interface.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '128', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'l10n_server' => array( 'description' => 'Localization server for this project.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '255', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'l10n_path' => array( 'description' => 'Server path this project updates.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '255', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'status' => array( 'description' => 'Status flag. TBD', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 1, ), ), 'primary key' => array('name'), ); $schema['l10n_update_file'] = array( 'description' => 'File and download information for project translations.', 'fields' => array( 'project' => array( 'description' => 'A unique short name to identify the project.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '255', 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'language' => array( 'description' => 'Reference to the {languages}.language for this translation.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '12', 'not null' => TRUE, ), 'type' => array( 'description' => 'File origin: download or localfile', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '50', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'filename' => array( 'description' => 'Link to translation file for download.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'fileurl' => array( 'description' => 'Link to translation file for download.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'uri' => array( 'description' => 'File system path for importing the file.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'timestamp' => array( 'description' => 'Unix timestamp of the time the file was downloaded or saved to disk. Zero if not yet downloaded', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => FALSE, 'disp-width' => '11', 'default' => 0, ), 'version' => array( 'description' => 'Version tag of the downloaded file.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '128', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', ), 'status' => array( 'description' => 'Status flag. TBD', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 1, ), 'last_checked' => array( 'description' => 'Unix timestamp of the last time this translation was downloaded from or checked at remote server and confirmed to be the most recent release available.', 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => FALSE, 'disp-width' => '11', 'default' => 0, ), ), 'primary key' => array('project', 'language'), ); $schema['cache_l10n_update'] = drupal_get_schema_unprocessed('system', 'cache'); $schema['cache_l10n_update']['description'] = 'Cache table for the Localization Update module to store information about available releases, fetched from central server.'; return $schema; } /** * Implements hook_schema_alter(). */ function l10n_update_schema_alter(&$schema) { $schema['locales_target']['fields']['l10n_status'] = array( 'type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, ); } /** * Implements hook_install(). */ function l10n_update_install() { db_add_field('locales_target', 'l10n_status', array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0)); variable_set('l10n_update_rebuild_projects', 1); } /** * Implements hook_uninstall(). */ function l10n_update_uninstall() { db_drop_field('locales_target', 'l10n_status'); variable_del('l10n_update_check_disabled'); variable_del('l10n_update_check_frequency'); variable_del('l10n_update_check_mode'); variable_del('l10n_update_default_server'); variable_del('l10n_update_default_update_url'); variable_del('l10n_update_download_store'); variable_del('l10n_update_import_mode'); variable_del('l10n_update_rebuild_projects'); } /** * Implements hook_requirements(). */ function l10n_update_requirements($phase) { if ($phase == 'runtime') { $requirements['l10n_update']['title'] = t('Translation update status'); if (variable_get('l10n_update_check_frequency', 0)) { if (l10n_update_get_projects() && l10n_update_language_list()) { if (l10n_update_available_updates()) { $requirements['l10n_update']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; $requirements['l10n_update']['value'] = t('There are available updates'); $requirements['l10n_update']['description'] = t('There are new or updated translations available for currently installed modules and themes. To check for updates, you can visit the <a href="@check_manually">translation update page</a>.', array( '@check_manually' => url('admin/config/regional/translate/update') )); } else { $requirements['l10n_update']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_OK; $requirements['l10n_update']['value'] = t('All your translations are up to date'); } } else { $requirements['l10n_update']['value'] = t('No update data available'); $requirements['l10n_update']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_WARNING; $requirements['l10n_update']['description'] = _l10n_update_no_data(); } } else { $requirements['l10n_update']['value'] = t('Not enabled'); $requirements['l10n_update']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_INFO; } // Test the contents of the .htaccess file in the translations directory. $directory = variable_get('l10n_update_download_store', ''); if ($directory) { l10n_update_ensure_htaccess(); $htaccess_file = $directory . '/.htaccess'; // Check for the string which was added to the recommended .htaccess file // in the latest security update. if (!file_exists($htaccess_file) || !($contents = @file_get_contents($htaccess_file)) || strpos($contents, 'Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2013_003') === FALSE) { $requirements['l10n_update_htaccess'] = array( 'title' => t('Translations directory'), 'value' => t('Not fully protected'), 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR, 'description' => t('See <a href="@url">@url</a> for information about the recommended .htaccess file which should be added to the %directory directory to help protect against arbitrary code execution.', array( '@url' => 'http://drupal.org/SA-CORE-2013-003', '%directory' => $directory )), ); } } return $requirements; } // We must always return array, the installer doesn't use module_invoke_all() return array(); } /** * Add status field to locales_target. */ function l10n_update_update_6001() { if (!db_field_exists('locales_target', 'l10n_status')) { db_add_field('locales_target', 'l10n_status', array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0)); } return t('Added l10n_status field to locales_target.'); } /** * Change status field name to l10n_status. */ function l10n_update_update_6002() { // I18n Strings module adds a 'status' column to 'locales_target' table. // L10n Update module previously added a column with the same name. To avoid // any collision we change the column name here, but only if it was added by // L10n Update module. if (!db_field_exists('locales_target', 'l10n_status') && db_field_exists('locales_target', 'status') && !db_table_exists('i18n_strings')) { db_change_field('locales_target', 'status', 'l10n_status', array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0)); } // Just in case someone did install I18n Strings, we still need to make sure // the 'l10n_status' column gets created. elseif (!db_field_exists('locales_target', 'l10n_status')) { db_add_field('locales_target', 'l10n_status', array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0)); } return t('Resolved possible l10n_status field conflict in locales_target.'); } /** * Rename filepath to uri in {l10n_update_file} table. */ function l10n_update_update_7001() { // Only do this update if the field exists from D6. // If it doesn't, we've got a pure D7 site that doesn't need it. if (db_field_exists('l10n_update_file', 'filepath')) { db_change_field('l10n_update_file', 'filepath', 'uri', array( 'description' => 'File system path for importing the file.', 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 255, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', )); } } /** * Delete 'last_updated' field from {l10n_update_file} table. */ function l10n_update_update_7002() { db_drop_field('l10n_update_file', 'last_updated'); } /** * Delete 'import_date' field from {l10n_update_file} table. */ function l10n_update_update_7003() { db_drop_field('l10n_update_file', 'import_date'); } /** * Create {cache_l10n_update} table. */ function l10n_update_update_7004() { if (!db_table_exists('cache_l10n_update')) { $schema = drupal_get_schema_unprocessed('system', 'cache'); $schema['description'] = 'Cache table for the Localization Update module to store information about available releases, fetched from central server.'; db_create_table('cache_l10n_update', $schema); } } /** * Rebuild registry for 'translations' stream wrapper. */ function l10n_update_update_7005() { registry_rebuild(); } /** * Rebuild registry after removing the stream wrapper. */ function l10n_update_update_7006() { registry_rebuild(); } /** * Increase the length of the {l10n_update_project}.name column. */ function l10n_update_update_7007() { $schema = l10n_update_schema(); db_change_field('l10n_update_project', 'name', 'name', $schema['l10n_update_project']['fields']['name']); } /** * Increase the length of the {l10n_update_file}.project column. */ function l10n_update_update_7008() { $schema = l10n_update_schema(); db_change_field('l10n_update_file', 'project', 'project', $schema['l10n_update_file']['fields']['project']); } /** * Remove 'headers' field from cache table. */ function l10n_update_update_7009() { if (db_field_exists('cache_l10n_update', 'headers')) { db_drop_field('cache_l10n_update', 'headers'); } } /** * Add a .htaccess file to the translations directory. */ function l10n_update_update_7010() { module_load_include('module', 'l10n_update'); l10n_update_ensure_htaccess(); }