' . t('About') . ''; $output .= '
' . t('The Workflow module adds a field to Entities to store field values as Workflow states. You can control "state transitions" and add action to specific transitions.') . '
'; } return $output; } /** * Implements hook_permission(). */ function workflow_permission() { return array( 'schedule workflow transitions' => array( 'title' => t('Schedule workflow transitions'), 'description' => t('Schedule workflow transitions.'), ), 'show workflow state form' => array( 'title' => t('Show workflow state change on node view'), 'description' => t('Show workflow state change form on node viewing.'), ), 'participate in workflow' => array( 'title' => t('Participate in workflows'), 'description' => t('Role is enabled for transitions on the workflow admin pages.'), ), 'edit workflow comment' => array( 'title' => t('Edit comment in workflow transitions'), 'description' => t('Edit comment of Logged transitions via a Views link.'), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_menu_alter(). * * hook_menu() in workflownode sets a '/workflow' menu item for entity type 'node'. * hook_menu_alter() in workflowfield sets a '/workflow' menu item for each relevant entity type. */ function workflow_menu_alter(&$items) { // @todo: Move menu-items to a UI Controller class via workflow.entity.inc: $items['workflow_transition/%workflow_transition/edit'] = array( // %workflow_transition maps to function workflow_transition_load() 'title' => 'Edit workflow log comment', 'description' => 'Edit workflow transition comment.', // 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', // 'page arguments' => array('workflow_transition_form_wrapper', 1), 'page callback' => 'entity_ui_get_form', // @todo: below parameter should be the machine_name of the entity type. 'page arguments' => array('WorkflowTransition', 1), 'access arguments' => array('edit workflow comment'), // 'file' => 'workflow.transition.page.inc', 'menu wildcard' => '%workflow_transition', ); if (module_exists('workflownode')) { $type = 'node'; $items['node/%node/workflow'] = array( 'title' => 'Workflow', 'page callback' => 'workflow_tab_page', 'page arguments' => array($type, 1), 'access callback' => 'workflow_tab_access', 'access arguments' => array($type, 1), 'file' => 'workflow.pages.inc', 'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'workflow'), 'weight' => 2, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'module' => 'workflow', ); } if (!module_exists('workflowfield')) { return; } $menu_item = array( 'title' => 'Workflow', 'page callback' => 'workflow_tab_page', 'access callback' => 'workflow_tab_access', 'file' => 'workflow.pages.inc', 'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'workflow'), 'weight' => 2, 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK, 'module' => 'workflow', ); // Get a cross-bundle map of all workflow fields so we can add the workflow // tab to all entities with a workflow field. foreach (_workflow_info_fields() as $field_info) { if (TRUE) { // Loop over the entity types that have this field. foreach ($field_info['bundles'] as $type => $bundles) { $entity_info = entity_get_info($type); // Add the workflow tab in the Entity Admin UI. if (!empty($entity_info['admin ui']['path'])) { $admin_path = $entity_info['admin ui']['path']; $entity_position = substr_count($admin_path, '/') + 2; $wildcard = (isset($entity_info['admin ui']['menu wildcard']) ? $entity_info['admin ui']['menu wildcard'] : '%entity_object'); $items["$admin_path/manage/$wildcard/workflow"] = $menu_item + array( 'page arguments' => array($type, $entity_position), 'access arguments' => array($type, $entity_position), 'load arguments' => array($type), ); } // We can only continue if the entity relies on a ENTITY_TYPE_load() load hook. if ($entity_info['load hook'] == $type . '_load') { try { foreach ($bundles as $bundle) { // Get the default entity values. $values = array($entity_info['entity keys']['id'] => '%' . $type); if ($entity_info['entity keys']['bundle']) { $values[$entity_info['entity keys']['bundle']] = $bundle; } // Create a dummy entity and get the URI. $entity = @entity_create($type, $values); if (!$entity) { // Some entities (entity_example.module, ECK) are not complete. $entity = new stdClass($values); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $entity->{$key} = $value; } } $uri = entity_uri($type, $entity); if (isset($uri['path'])) { $uri = $uri['path']; // Add the workflow tab if possible. if (isset($items[$uri]) && !isset($items[$uri . '/workflow'])) { $entity_position = array_search('%' . $type, explode('/', $uri)); if ($entity_position) { $items[$uri . '/workflow'] = $menu_item + array( 'page arguments' => array($type, $entity_position), 'access arguments' => array($type, $entity_position), ); } } } } } catch (Exception $ex) { // The $type entity could not be created or the URI building failed. // workflow_debug( __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $ex->getMessage(), ''); } } } } } } /** * Implements hook_admin_paths_alter(). * * If node edits are done in admin mode, then workflow history tab will be too. * * @todo: add support for every $entity_type. */ function workflow_admin_paths_alter(&$paths) { if (isset($paths['node/*/edit'])) { $paths['node/*/workflow'] = $paths['node/*/edit']; } if (isset($paths['user/*/edit'])) { $paths['user/*/workflow'] = $paths['user/*/edit']; } } /** * Menu access control callback. Determine access to Workflow tab. * * The History tab should not be used with multiple workflows per node. * Use the dedicated view for this use case. * * @todo D8: remove this in favour of View 'Workflow history per entity'. */ function workflow_tab_access($entity_type, $entity) { global $user; static $access = array(); // $figure out the $entity's bundle and id. list($entity_id, , $entity_bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity); if (isset($access[$user->uid][$entity_type][$entity_id])) { return $access[$user->uid][$entity_type][$entity_id]; } // When having multiple workflows per bundle, use Views display // 'Workflow history per entity' instead! if (!is_null($field_name = workflow_get_field_name($entity, $entity_type, NULL, $entity_id))) { // Get the role IDs of the user. Workflow only stores Ids, not role names. $roles = array_keys($user->roles); // Some entities (e.g., taxonomy_term) do not have a uid. $entity_uid = isset($entity->uid) ? $entity->uid : 0; // If this is a new page, give the authorship role. if (!$entity_id) { $roles = array_merge(array(WORKFLOW_ROLE_AUTHOR_RID), $roles); } // Add 'author' role to user if user is author of this entity. // N.B.1: Some entities (e.g, taxonomy_term) do not have a uid. // N.B.2: If 'anonymous' is the author, don't allow access to History Tab, // since anyone can access it, and it will be published in Search engines. elseif (($entity_uid > 0) && ($user->uid > 0) && ($entity_uid == $user->uid)) { $roles = array_merge(array(WORKFLOW_ROLE_AUTHOR_RID), $roles); } // Get the permissions from the workflow settings. // @todo: workflow_tab_access(): what to do with multiple workflow_fields per bundle? Use Views instead! $tab_roles = array(); $history_tab_show = FALSE; $fields = _workflow_info_fields($entity, $entity_type, $entity_bundle); foreach ($fields as $field) { $tab_roles += $field['settings']['history']['roles']; $history_tab_show |= $field['settings']['history']['history_tab_show']; } if ($history_tab_show == FALSE) { $access[$user->uid][$entity_type][$entity_id] = FALSE; } elseif (user_access('administer nodes') || array_intersect($roles, $tab_roles)) { $access[$user->uid][$entity_type][$entity_id] = TRUE; } else { $access[$user->uid][$entity_type][$entity_id] = FALSE; } return $access[$user->uid][$entity_type][$entity_id]; } return FALSE; } /** * Implements hook_hook_info(). * * Allow adopters to place their hook implementations in either * their main module or in a module.workflow.inc file. */ function workflow_hook_info() { $hooks['workflow'] = array('group' => 'workflow'); return $hooks; } /** * Implements hook_features_api(). */ function workflow_features_api() { return array( 'workflow' => array( 'name' => t('Workflow'), 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'workflow') . '/workflow.features.inc', 'default_hook' => 'workflow_default_workflows', 'feature_source' => TRUE, ), ); } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function workflow_theme() { return array( 'workflow_history_table_row' => array( 'variables' => array( 'history' => NULL, 'old_state_name' => NULL, 'state_name' => NULL, ), ), 'workflow_history_table' => array( 'variables' => array( 'header' => array(), 'rows' => array(), 'footer' => NULL, ), ), 'workflow_history_current_state' => array( 'variables' => array( 'state_name' => NULL, 'state_system_name' => NULL, 'sid' => NULL, ), ), 'workflow_current_state' => array( 'variables' => array( 'state' => NULL, 'state_system_name' => NULL, 'sid' => NULL, ), ), 'workflow_deleted_state' => array( 'variables' => array( 'state_name' => NULL, 'state_system_name' => NULL, 'sid' => NULL, ), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_cron(). */ function workflow_cron() { $clear_cache = FALSE; // If the time now is greater than the time to execute a transition, do it. foreach (WorkflowScheduledTransition::loadBetween(0, REQUEST_TIME) as $scheduled_transition) { /* @var $scheduled_transition WorkflowScheduledTransition */ $entity_type = $scheduled_transition->entity_type; $entity = $scheduled_transition->getEntity(); $field_name = $scheduled_transition->field_name; // If user didn't give a comment, create one. if (empty($scheduled_transition->comment)) { $scheduled_transition->addDefaultComment(); } $current_sid = workflow_node_current_state($entity, $entity_type, $field_name); // Make sure transition is still valid: the node must still be in the state // it was in, when the transition was scheduled. if ($current_sid == $scheduled_transition->old_sid) { // Do transition. Force it because user who scheduled was checked. // The scheduled transition is not scheduled anymore, and is also deleted from DB. // A watchdog message is created with the result. $scheduled_transition->schedule(FALSE); workflow_execute_transition($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $scheduled_transition, TRUE); if (!$field_name) { $clear_cache = TRUE; } } else { // Node is not in the same state it was when the transition // was scheduled. Defer to the node's current state and // abandon the scheduled transition. $scheduled_transition->delete(); } } if ($clear_cache) { // Clear the cache so that if the transition resulted in a node // being published, the anonymous user can see it. cache_clear_all(); } } /** * Implements hook_user_delete(). */ function workflow_user_delete($account) { // Update tables for deleted account, move account to user 0 (anon.) // ALERT: This may cause previously non-anon posts to suddenly be accessible to anon. workflow_update_workflow_node_uid($account->uid, 0); workflow_update_workflow_node_history_uid($account->uid, 0); } /** * Implements hook_user_role_insert(). * * Make sure new roles are allowed to participate in workflows by default. * @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2484431 */ //function workflow_user_role_insert($role) { // user_role_change_permissions($role->rid, array('participate in workflow' => 1)); //} /** * Business related functions, the API. */ /** * Implements hook_forms(). * * Allows the workflow tab form to be repeated multiple times on a page. * See http://drupal.org/node/1970846. */ function workflow_forms($form_id, $args) { $forms = array(); if (strpos($form_id, 'workflow_transition_form_') !== FALSE) { $forms[$form_id] = array('callback' => 'workflow_transition_form'); } // For the 'edit a comment' form. if (strpos($form_id, 'WorkflowTransition_edit_') !== FALSE) { $forms[$form_id] = array('callback' => 'workflow_transition_wrapper_form'); } return $forms; } /** * Creates a form element to show the current value of a Workflow state. * * @params * Like a normal Field API function. * @param int $default_value * Extra param for performance and edge cases. * * @return array * Form element, resembling the formatter of List module. * If state 0 is given, return an empty form element. */ function workflow_state_formatter($entity_type, $entity, $field = array(), $instance = array(), $default_value = NULL) { $list_element = array(); $field_name = isset($field['field_name']) ? $field['field_name'] : ''; $current_sid = workflow_node_current_state($entity, $entity_type, $field_name); if (!$current_sid && !$default_value) { $list_element = array(); } elseif ($field_name) { // This is a Workflow Field workflow. Use the Field API field view. $field_name = $field['field_name']; // Add the 'current value' formatter for this field. $list_display = $instance['display']['default']; $list_display['type'] = 'list_default'; // Clone the entity and restore old value, in case you want to show an // executed transition. if ($default_value != $current_sid) { $entity = clone $entity; $entity->{$field_name}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $default_value; } // Generate a renderable array for the field. Use default language determination ($langcode = NULL). $list_element = field_view_field($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $list_display); // Make sure the current value is before the form. (which has weight = 0.005) $list_element['#weight'] = 0; } else { // This is a Workflow Node workflow. $current_sid = ($default_value == NULL) ? $current_sid : $default_value; $current_state = workflow_state_load_single($current_sid); $args = array( 'state' => $current_state ? workflow_get_sid_label($current_sid) : 'unknown state', 'state_system_name' => $current_state ? $current_state->getName() : 'unknown state', 'sid' => $current_sid, ); $list_element = array( '#type' => 'item', // '#title' => t('Current state'), '#markup' => theme('workflow_current_state', $args), ); } return $list_element; } /** * Saves the workflow field, rather then the whole entity. * * This is especially important when adding a new entity, and having an extra * activity: * - a Rules action after adding, cloning an entity (#2425453, #2550719) * - revisions are expected after each update. (#2563125) * * @param $entity_type * @param $entity * @param $field_name * @param $langcode * @param $value */ function workflow_entity_field_save($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $langcode, $value) { if ($value !== FALSE) { $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['workflow'] = $value; } // entity_save($entity_type, $entity); field_attach_presave($entity_type, $entity); field_attach_update($entity_type, $entity); if ($entity_type == 'node') { // Rebuild node access - necessary if using workflow access. node_access_acquire_grants($entity); // Manually clearing entity cache. entity_get_controller($entity_type)->resetCache(array($entity->nid)); } } /** * Executes a transition (change state of a node), from outside the node, e.g., workflow_cron(). * * Serves as a wrapper function to hide differences between Node API and Field API. * Use workflow_execute_transition($transition) to start a State Change from outside an entity. * Use $transition->execute() to start a State Change from within an enetity. * * @param string $entity_type * Entity type of target entity. * @param object $entity * Target entity. * @param string $field_name * A field name, used when changing a Workflow Field. * @param object $transition * A WorkflowTransition or WorkflowScheduledTransition. * @param bool $force * If set to TRUE, workflow permissions will be ignored. * * @return int * The new state ID. */ function workflow_execute_transition($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $transition, $force = FALSE) { // $todo D8: Remove first 3 parameters - they can be extracted from $transition. // Make sure $force is set in the transition, too. if ($force) { $transition->force($force); } $force = $transition->isForced(); if ($field_name) { // @todo: use $new_sid = $transition->execute() without generating infinite loops. $langcode = $transition->language; // Do a separate update to update the field (Workflow Field API) // This will call hook_field_update() and WorkflowFieldDefaultWidget::submit(). $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['transition'] = $transition; $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['value'] = $transition->new_sid; // Save only the field, not the complete entity. workflow_entity_field_save($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $langcode, FALSE); $new_sid = workflow_node_current_state($entity, $entity_type, $field_name); } else { // For Node API, the node is not saved, since all fields are custom. // Force = TRUE for backwards compatibility with version 7.x-1.2 $new_sid = $transition->execute($force = TRUE); } return $new_sid; } /** * Get a list of roles. * * @return array * Array of role names keyed by role ID, including the 'author' role. */ function workflow_get_roles($permission = 'participate in workflow') { static $roles = NULL; if (!$roles[$permission]) { $roles[$permission][WORKFLOW_ROLE_AUTHOR_RID] = '(' . t(WORKFLOW_ROLE_AUTHOR_NAME) . ')'; foreach (user_roles(FALSE, $permission) as $rid => $role_name) { $roles[$permission][$rid] = check_plain(t($role_name)); } } return $roles[$permission]; } /** * Functions to be used in non-OO modules, like workflow_rules, workflow_views. */ /** * Get an options list for workflow states (to show in a widget). * * To be used in non-OO modules, like workflow_rules. * * @param mixed $wid * The Workflow ID. * @param bool $grouped * Indicates if the value must be grouped per workflow. * This influence the rendering of the select_list options. * @param bool $all * Indicates to return all (TRUE) or active (FALSE) states of a workflow. * * @return array $options * An array of $sid => state->label(), grouped per Workflow. */ function workflow_get_workflow_state_names($wid = 0, $grouped = FALSE, $all = FALSE) { $options = array(); // Get the (user-dependent) options. // Since this function is only used in UI, it is save to use the global $user. global $user; /* @var $workflows Workflow[] */ $workflows = workflow_load_multiple($wid ? array($wid) : FALSE); // Do not group if only 1 Workflow is configured or selected. $grouped = count($workflows) == 1 ? FALSE : $grouped; foreach ($workflows as $workflow) { $state = new WorkflowState(array('wid' => $workflow->wid)); $workflow_options = $state->getOptions('', NULL, '', $user, FALSE); if (!$grouped) { $options += $workflow_options; } else { // Make a group for each Workflow. $options[$workflow->label()] = $workflow_options; } } return $options; } /** * Get an options list for workflows (to show in a widget). * * To be used in non-OO modules. * * @return array $options * An array of $wid => workflow->label(). */ function workflow_get_workflow_names() { $options = array(); foreach (workflow_load_multiple() as $workflow) { $options[$workflow->wid] = $workflow->label(); } return $options; } /** * Helper function, to get the label of a given state. */ function workflow_get_sid_label($sid) { if (empty($sid)) { $label = 'No state'; } elseif ($state = workflow_state_load_single($sid)) { $label = $state->label(); } else { $label = 'Unknown state'; } return $label; } /** * Gets the current state ID of a given entity. * * There is no need to use a page cache. * The performance is OK, and the cache gives problems when using Rules. * * @param object $entity * The entity to check. May be an EntityDrupalWrapper. * @param string $entity_type * The entity_type of the entity to check. * May be empty in case of an EntityDrupalWrapper. * @param string $field_name * The name of the field of the entity to check. * If NULL, the field_name is determined on the spot. This must be avoided, * making multiple workflows per entity unpredictable. * The found field_name will be returned in the param. * If '', we have a workflow_node mode. * * @return mixed $sid * The ID of the current state. */ function workflow_node_current_state($entity, $entity_type = 'node', &$field_name = NULL) { $sid = FALSE; if (!$entity) { return $sid; // <-- exit !!! } // If $field_name is not known, yet, determine it. $field_name = workflow_get_field_name($entity, $entity_type, $field_name); if (is_null($field_name)) { // This entity has no workflow. return $sid; // <-- exit !!! } if ($field_name === '') { // Workflow Node API: Get current/previous state for a Workflow Node. // Multi-language not supported. // N.B. Do not use a page cache. This gives problems with Rules. $sid = isset($entity->workflow) ? $entity->workflow : FALSE; } elseif ($field_name) { // Get State ID for existing nodes (A new node has no sid - will be fetched later.) // and normal node, on Node view page / Workflow history tab. $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($entity_type, $entity); $sid = $wrapper->{$field_name}->value(); } else { // Not possible. All options are covered. } // Entity is new or in preview or there is no current state. Use previous state. if ( !$sid || !empty($entity->is_new) || !empty($entity->in_preview) ) { $sid = workflow_node_previous_state($entity, $entity_type, $field_name); } return $sid; } /** * Gets the previous state ID of a given entity. */ function workflow_node_previous_state($entity, $entity_type, $field_name) { $sid = FALSE; $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE; if (!$entity) { return $sid; // <-- exit !!! } // If $field_name is not known, yet, determine it. $field_name = workflow_get_field_name($entity, $entity_type, $field_name); if (is_null($field_name)) { // This entity has no workflow. return $sid; // <-- exit !!! } $previous_entity = NULL; if (isset($entity->old_vid) && ($entity->vid - $entity->old_vid) <= 1) { // Using the Revisioning module, get the old revision from DB, // if it is NOT the previous version. // The old revision from which to get our state, if it is not the revision // to which we want to switch. $previous_entity = entity_revision_load($entity_type, $entity->old_vid); } elseif (isset($entity->{$field_name}) && isset($entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['workflow']['workflow_entity'])) { // Still using the Revisioning module, get the old revision from DB. $previous_entity = $entity->{$field_name}[$langcode][0]['workflow']['workflow_entity']; } elseif (isset($entity->original)) { $previous_entity = $entity->original; } if ($field_name === '') { // Workflow Node API: Get current/previous state for a Workflow Node. // Multi-language not supported. // N.B. Do not use a page cache. This gives problems with Rules. // Todo D7: support for Revisioning module. $sid = isset($entity->workflow) ? $entity->workflow : FALSE; } elseif ($field_name) { // Workflow Field API. if (isset($previous_entity)) { // A changed node. $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper($entity_type, $previous_entity); $sid = $wrapper->{$field_name}->value(); // Get language. Multi-language is not supported for Workflow Node. $langcode = _workflow_metadata_workflow_get_properties($previous_entity, array(), 'langcode', $entity_type, $field_name); } elseif (isset($entity->workflow_transitions[$field_name]->sid)) { // A new node. Upon save with Workflow Access enabled, the sid is needed // in workflow_access_node_access_records. $sid = $entity->workflow_transitions[$field_name]->sid; } } else { // Not possible. All options are covered. } if (!$sid) { if (!empty($entity->is_new)) { // A new Node. $is_new is not set when saving terms, etc. $sid = _workflow_get_workflow_creation_sid($entity_type, $entity, $field_name); } // Get Id. Is empty when creating a node. $entity_id = 0; if (!$sid) { $entity_id = entity_id($entity_type, $entity); } if (!$sid && $entity_id) { // Read the history with an explicit langcode. if ($last_transition = workflow_transition_load_single($entity_type, $entity_id, $field_name, $langcode)) { $sid = $last_transition->new_sid; } } } if (!$sid) { // No history found on an existing entity. $sid = _workflow_get_workflow_creation_sid($entity_type, $entity, $field_name); } return $sid; } /** * DB functions. * * All SQL in workflow.module should be put into its own function and placed * here. This encourages good separation of code and reuse of SQL statements. * It *also* makes it easy to make schema updates and changes without rummaging * through every single inch of code looking for SQL. Sure it's a little * type A, granted. But it's useful in the long run. */ /** * Functions related to table workflows. */ /** * Get a specific workflow, given a Node type. Only one workflow is possible per node type. * * @param string $entity_bundle * A node type (a.k.a. entity bundle). * @param string $entity_type * An entity type. This is passed when also the Field API must be checked. * * @return * A Workflow object, or FALSE if no workflow is retrieved. * * Caveat: gives undefined results with multiple workflows per entity. * * @todo: support multiple workflows per entity. */ function workflow_get_workflows_by_type($entity_bundle, $entity_type = 'node') { static $map = array(); if (!isset($map[$entity_type][$entity_bundle])) { $wid = FALSE; $map[$entity_type][$entity_bundle] = FALSE; // Check the Node API first: Get $wid. if (module_exists('workflownode') && $type_map = workflow_get_workflow_type_map_by_type($entity_bundle)) { // Get the workflow by wid. $wid = $type_map->wid; } // If $entity_type is set, we must check Field API. Data is already cached by core. if (!$wid && isset($entity_type)) { foreach (_workflow_info_fields(NULL, $entity_type, $entity_bundle) as $field_name => $field_info) { $wid = $field_info['settings']['wid']; } } // Set the cache with a workflow object. if ($wid) { // $wid can be numeric or named. $workflow = workflow_load_single($wid); $map[$entity_type][$entity_bundle] = $workflow; } } return $map[$entity_type][$entity_bundle]; } /** * Functions related to table workflow_node_history. */ /** * Given a user id, re-assign history to the new user account. Called by user_delete(). */ function workflow_update_workflow_node_history_uid($uid, $new_value) { return db_update('workflow_node_history')->fields(array('uid' => $new_value))->condition('uid', $uid, '=')->execute(); } /** * Functions related to table workflow_node. */ /** * Given a node id, find out what it's current state is. Unique (for now). * * @param mixed $nid * A Node ID or an array of node ID's. * * @deprecated: workflow_get_workflow_node_by_nid --> workflow_node_current_state(). */ function workflow_get_workflow_node_by_nid($nid) { $query = db_select('workflow_node', 'wn')->fields('wn')->condition('wn.nid', $nid)->execute(); if (is_array($nid)) { $result = array(); foreach ($query->fetchAll() as $workflow_node) { $result[$workflow_node->nid] = $workflow_node; } } else { $result = $query->fetchObject(); } return $result; } /** * Given a sid, find out the nodes associated. */ function workflow_get_workflow_node_by_sid($sid) { return db_select('workflow_node', 'wn')->fields('wn')->condition('wn.sid', $sid)->execute()->fetchAll(); } /** * Given data, update the new user account. Called by user_delete(). */ function workflow_update_workflow_node_uid($uid, $new_uid) { return db_update('workflow_node')->fields(array('uid' => $new_uid))->condition('uid', $uid, '=')->execute(); } /** * Given nid, delete associated workflow data. */ function workflow_delete_workflow_node_by_nid($nid) { return db_delete('workflow_node')->condition('nid', $nid)->execute(); } /** * Given sid, delete associated workflow data. */ function workflow_delete_workflow_node_by_sid($sid) { return db_delete('workflow_node')->condition('sid', $sid)->execute(); } /** * Given data, insert the node association. */ function workflow_update_workflow_node($data) { $data = (object) $data; if (isset($data->nid) && workflow_get_workflow_node_by_nid($data->nid)) { drupal_write_record('workflow_node', $data, 'nid'); } else { drupal_write_record('workflow_node', $data); } } /** * Get a single value from an Field API $items array. * * @param array $items * Array with values, as passed in the hook_field_