<?php /** * @file * Functions to create a publish button. Real simple, but could be needed. * * @todo * Add permissions, expose to Views, better ctools integration, add simple class * settings for css. Nice buttons should have colours. */ /** * Implements hook_help(). */ function publish_button_help($path, $arg) { switch ($path) { case 'admin/help#publish_button': return '<h2>' . t('Usage of Publish button') . '</h2> <p>' . t('After installation, on each content type there are a new setting, Publish button, and to activate publish/unpublish button for that content type, you need to check "Use publish/unpublish button for this content type" and then click save.') . '</p> <p>' . t('Now you need to add permissions for which user roles which are allowed to publsih content.') . '</p> <p>' . t('Now, when you create a new node, there are a publish or unpublish button for all the content types that have the button settings.') . '</p>'; } } /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). * * Here we have both the settings for which content types that would have the * button and the button itself. */ function publish_button_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { // Add settings for using content type on types/manage/my_content_type if ($form_id == 'node_type_form') { // After that a checkbox for settings. $form['workflow']['publish_button_content_type'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Use publish/unpublish button for this content type'), // Getting/setting the variable that contains the setting for the content // type. '#default_value' => variable_get('publish_button_content_type_' . $form['#node_type']->type, FALSE), ); } } /** * Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function publish_button_form_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { // Now for the button itself. // For best practice, make the user object global, because we are checking // permissions. Usually we have the object, but we should declare that we // need it. We want to be the good guys, don't we? global $user; if (variable_get('publish_button_content_type_' . $form['#node']->type) == TRUE) { // First we check if the node have the status TRUE. That could be TRUE // also for unpublished nodes. A little bit sci-fi, isn't it? if ($form['#node']->status == TRUE) { // So we check if nid have value, so we do not try to unpublish a node // that does not exists, that should destroy the universe. We do not // want that. if (isset($form['nid']['#value'])) { if ($form['nid']['#value'] !== NULL) { // Add the unpublish button to the actions array. if (_publish_button_unpublish_permissions($form['#node']->type) == TRUE) { // Check if we are on a delete confirm page. if ($form['#form_id'] != 'node_delete_confirm') { $form['actions']['unpublish'] = publish_button_render_unpublish_button(); } } } } else { if (_publish_button_publish_permissions($form['#node']->type) == TRUE && (isset($form['actions']))) { // Check if we are on a delete confirm page. if ($form['#form_id'] != 'node_delete_confirm') { $form['actions']['publish'] = publish_button_render_publish_button(); } } } } // Then we check if the node have status FALSE. if ($form['#node']->status == FALSE) { // Add the publish button to the action array. if (_publish_button_publish_permissions($form['#node']->type) == TRUE && (isset($form['actions']))) { // Check if we are on a delete confirm page. if ($form['#form_id'] != 'node_delete_confirm') { $form['actions']['publish'] = publish_button_render_publish_button(); } } } } } /** * Render publish button. */ function publish_button_render_publish_button() { $publish_button = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#access' => TRUE, '#value' => t('Publish'), '#weight' => '30', // Add the submit handler. '#submit' => array('_publish_button_publish_node'), ); return $publish_button; } /** * Render unpublish button. */ function publish_button_render_unpublish_button() { $unpublish_button = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#access' => TRUE, '#value' => t('Unpublish'), // Set a pretty high weight, so the button would come last, but // still make it possible for other modules to add buttons after // it. '#weight' => '30', // Add the submit handler. '#submit' => array('_publish_button_unpublish_node'), ); return $unpublish_button; } /** * Submit handler to publish the node. */ function _publish_button_publish_node($form, &$form_state) { // Set the node status as published. And that's it. $form_state['values']['status'] = 1; // Use the standard submit function. Do not go custom on me boy. node_form_submit($form, $form_state); } /** * Submit handler to unpublish the node. */ function _publish_button_unpublish_node($form, &$form_state) { // Set the status as unpublished. And there is no more to that. $form_state['values']['status'] = 0; // Use the standard submit function. node_form_submit($form, $form_state); } /** * Implements hook_permission(). */ function publish_button_permission() { $perms = array( 'publish button publish any content types' => array( 'title' => t('Publish any content types'), ), 'publish button unpublish any content types' => array( 'title' => t('Unpublish any content types'), ), ); foreach (node_type_get_types() as $type) { // First we need to check if there are a publish button for the content // type. if (variable_get('publish_button_content_type_' . $type->type, FALSE)) { // And if there is, go through the content types that have the button // and create permissions for them. if (isset($type->type)) { $perms['publish button publish any ' . $type->type] = array( 'title' => t('@type: Publish any', array('@type' => $type->name))); $perms['publish button publish own ' . $type->type] = array( 'title' => t('@type: Publish own', array('@type' => $type->name))); $perms['publish button publish editable ' . $type->type] = array( 'title' => t('@type: Publish editable', array('@type' => $type->name))); $perms['publish button unpublish any ' . $type->type] = array( 'title' => t('@type: Unpublish any', array('@type' => $type->name))); $perms['publish button unpublish own ' . $type->type] = array( 'title' => t('@type: Unpublish own', array('@type' => $type->name))); $perms['publish button unpublish editable ' . $type->type] = array( 'title' => t('@type: Unpublish editable', array('@type' => $type->name))); } } } return $perms; } /** * Checking publish permissions. */ function _publish_button_publish_permissions($type) { global $user; if (user_access('publish button publish any ' . $type) || user_access('publish button publish own ' . $type) || user_access('publish button publish editable ' . $type) || user_access('publish button publish any content types') == TRUE) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Checking unpublish permissions. */ function _publish_button_unpublish_permissions($type) { global $user; if (user_access('publish button unpublish any ' . $type) || user_access('publish button unpublish own ' . $type) || user_access('publish button unpublish editable ' . $type) || user_access('publish button unpublish any content types') == TRUE) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // Start of views integration. /** * Implements hook_views_api(). */ function publish_button_views_api() { return array('api' => 3); } /** * Implements hook_views_data_alter(). */ function publish_button_views_data_alter(&$data) { $data['node']['publish_button'] = array( 'title' => t('Publish button'), 'help' => t('Display a publish button.'), 'field' => array( 'handler' => 'publish_button_views_handler_node_link', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function publish_button_menu() { $items['publish_button/%/publish'] = array( 'title' => 'Publish node', 'page callback' => 'publish_button_status', 'page arguments' => array(1), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access callback' => '_publish_button_menu_access', 'access arguments' => array(1, 'publish'), ); $items['publish_button/%/unpublish'] = array( 'title' => 'Unpublish node', 'page callback' => 'publish_button_status', 'page arguments' => array(1), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access callback' => '_publish_button_menu_access', 'access arguments' => array(1, 'unpublish'), ); return $items; } /** * Check permissions to hook_menu call. */ function _publish_button_menu_access($nid, $status) { if ($status == 'publish') { $node = node_load($nid); if (isset($node->type)) { if (_publish_button_publish_permissions($node->type) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } } } if ($status == 'unpublish') { $node = node_load($nid); if (isset($node->type)) { if (_publish_button_unpublish_permissions($node->type) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } } } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Callback to publish/unpublish node, preferable used via Views. */ function publish_button_status($nid) { if (!isset($_GET['csrf_token']) || !drupal_valid_token($_GET['csrf_token'], 'publish_button_' . $nid)) { drupal_access_denied(); return; } // Load the node in a object so we could use it. $node = node_load($nid); // If the node is published. if ($node->status == 1) { $node->status = 0; node_save($node); } // If the node is unpublished. elseif ($node->status == 0) { $node->status = 1; node_save($node); } drupal_goto(drupal_get_destination()); }