body { /* Center layout */ text-align: center; } #header-region, #wrapper #container { /* Reset text alignment */ text-align: left; /* LTR */ } #wrapper #container #center { /* Reduce amount of damage done by extremely wide content */ overflow: hidden; } #wrapper #container #center .right-corner .left-corner { /* Because of the lack of min-height, we use height as an alternative */ height: 400px; } fieldset { /* Don't draw backgrounds on fieldsets in IE, as they look really bad. */ background: none; } div.vertical-tabs ul.vertical-tabs-list li.first { background-image: none; } ul.primary { /* Fix missing top margin */ position: relative; /* LTR */ /* top: 0.5em; */ } /* Prevent fieldsets from shifting when changing collapsed state. */ html.js fieldset.collapsible { top: -1em; } html.js fieldset.collapsed { top: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; } { /* Use filter to emulate CSS3 opacity */ filter: alpha(opacity=50); } #header-region { /* Because of the lack of min-height, we use height as an alternative */ height: 1em; } tr.taxonomy-term-preview { filter: alpha(opacity=50); } #attach-hide label, #uploadprogress div.message { /* Fading elements in IE causes the text to bleed unless they have a background. */ background-color: #ffffff; }