'fieldset', '#title' => t('General settings'), ); $form['basic']['clone_method'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Method to use when cloning a node'), '#options' => array('prepopulate' => t('Pre-populate the node form fields'), 'save-edit' => t('Save as a new node then edit')), '#default_value' => variable_get('clone_method', 'prepopulate'), ); $form['basic']['clone_nodes_without_confirm'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Confirmation mode when using the "Save as a new node then edit" method'), '#default_value' => (int)variable_get('clone_nodes_without_confirm', 0), '#options' => array(t('Require confirmation (recommended)'), t('Bypass confirmation')), '#description' => t('A new node may be saved immediately upon clicking the "clone" link when viewing a node, bypassing the normal confirmation form.'), '#states' => array( // Only show this field when the clone method is save-edit. 'visible' => array( ':input[name="clone_method"]' => array('value' => 'save-edit'), ), ), ); $form['basic']['clone_menu_links'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Clone menu links'), '#options' => array(0 => t('No'), 1 => t('Yes')), '#default_value' => (int) variable_get('clone_menu_links', 0), '#description' => t('Should any menu link for a node also be cloned?'), ); $form['basic']['clone_use_node_type_name'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Use node type name in clone link'), '#default_value' => (int) variable_get('clone_use_node_type_name', 0), '#description' => t('If checked, the link to clone the node will contain the node type name, for example, "Clone this article", otherwise it will read "Clone content".'), ); $form['publishing'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Should the publishing options ( e.g. published, promoted, etc) be reset to the defaults?'), ); $types = node_type_get_names(); foreach ($types as $type => $name) { $form['publishing']['clone_reset_' . $type] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('@s: reset publishing options when cloned', array('@s' => $name)), '#default_value' => variable_get('clone_reset_' . $type, FALSE), ); } // Need the variable default key to be something that's never a valid node type. $form['omit'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Content types that are not to be cloned - omitted due to incompatibility'), ); $form['omit']['clone_omitted'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#title' => t('Omitted content types'), '#default_value' => variable_get('clone_omitted', array()), '#options' => $types, '#description' => t('Select any node types which should never be cloned. In other words, all node types where cloning will fail.'), ); return system_settings_form($form); } /** * Menu callback: prompt the user to confirm the operation */ function clone_node_check($node) { $method = variable_get('clone_method', 'prepopulate'); switch ($method) { case 'save-edit': if (variable_get('clone_nodes_without_confirm', FALSE)) { $new_nid = clone_node_save($node->nid); $options = array(); if (!empty($_GET['node-clone-destination'])) { $options['query']['destination'] = $_GET['node-clone-destination']; } drupal_goto('node/' . $new_nid . '/edit', $options); } else { return drupal_get_form('clone_node_confirm', $node); } break; case 'prepopulate': default: return clone_node_prepopulate($node); break; } } /** * form builder: prompt the user to confirm the operation */ function clone_node_confirm($form, &$form_state, $node) { $form['nid'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $node->nid); return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to clone %title?', array('%title' => $node->title)), 'node/' . $node->nid, '

' . t('This action will create a new node. You will then be redirected to the edit page for the new node.') . '

', t('Clone'), t('Cancel')); } /** * Handle confirm form submission */ function clone_node_confirm_submit($form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['values']['confirm']) { $new_nid = clone_node_save($form_state['values']['nid']); } $form_state['redirect'] = 'node/' . $new_nid . '/edit'; } /** * Create a new menu link cloned from another node. * * Returns NULL if no existing link, or links are not to be cloned. */ function clone_node_clone_menu_link($node) { if (variable_get('clone_menu_links', FALSE) && function_exists('menu_node_prepare')) { // This will fetch the existing menu link if the node had one. menu_node_prepare($node); if (!empty($node->menu['mlid'])) { $old_link = $node->menu; $link['link_title'] = t('Clone of !title', array('!title' => $old_link['link_title'])); $link['plid'] = $old_link['plid']; $link['menu_name'] = $old_link['menu_name']; $link['weight'] = $old_link['weight']; $link['module'] = $old_link['module']; // Use the value -1 because it casts to boolean TRUE in function // menu_form_node_form_alter() in menu.module so the node form checkbox // is selected, but in function menu_link_save() no existing link will // match. $link['mlid'] = -1; $link['has_children'] = 0; $link['hidden'] = $old_link['hidden']; $link['customized'] = $old_link['customized']; $link['options'] = $old_link['options']; $link['expanded'] = $old_link['expanded']; $link['description'] = $old_link['description']; $link['language'] = isset($old_link['language']) ? $old_link['language'] : NULL; // This is needed to get the link saved in function menu_node_save() when // using the save-edit method. $link['enabled'] = TRUE; return $link; } } return NULL; } /** * Clones a node - prepopulate a node editing form */ function clone_node_prepopulate($original_node) { if (isset($original_node->nid)) { if (clone_is_permitted($original_node->type)) { $node = _clone_node_prepare($original_node, TRUE); drupal_set_title($node->title); // Let other modules do special fixing up. $context = array('method' => 'prepopulate', 'original_node' => $original_node); drupal_alter('clone_node', $node, $context); // Make sure the file defining the node form is loaded. $form_state = array(); $form_state['build_info']['args'] = array($node); form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'node', 'node.pages'); return drupal_build_form($node->type . '_node_form', $form_state); } } } /** * Clones a node by directly saving it. */ function clone_node_save($nid, $account = NULL) { if (is_numeric($nid)) { $original_node = node_load($nid); if (isset($original_node->nid) && clone_is_permitted($original_node->type)) { $node = _clone_node_prepare($original_node, TRUE, $account); // Let other modules do special fixing up. $context = array('method' => 'save-edit', 'original_node' => $original_node); drupal_alter('clone_node', $node, $context); node_save($node); if (module_exists('rules')) { rules_invoke_event('clone_node', $node, $original_node); } return $node->nid; } } } /** * Prepares a node to be cloned. */ function _clone_node_prepare($original_node, $prefix_title = FALSE, $account = NULL) { $node = clone $original_node; if (!isset($account->uid)) { $account = $GLOBALS['user']; } $node->nid = NULL; $node->vid = NULL; $node->tnid = NULL; $node->log = NULL; // Also handle modules that attach a UUID to the node. $node->uuid = NULL; $node->vuuid = NULL; // Anyonmymous users don't have a name. // @see: drupal_anonymous_user(). $node->name = isset($account->name) ? $account->name : NULL; $node->uid = $account->uid; $node->created = NULL; $node->menu = clone_node_clone_menu_link($original_node); if (isset($node->book['mlid'])) { $node->book['mlid'] = NULL; $node->book['has_children'] = 0; } $node->path = NULL; $node->files = array(); if ($prefix_title) { $node->title = t('Clone of !title', array('!title' => $node->title)); } // Add an extra property as a flag. $node->clone_from_original_nid = $original_node->nid; if (variable_get('clone_reset_' . $node->type, FALSE)) { $node_options = variable_get('node_options_' . $node->type, array('status', 'promote')); // Fill in the default values. foreach (array('status', 'moderate', 'promote', 'sticky', 'revision') as $key) { // Cast to int since that's how they need to be saved to the DB. $node->$key = (int) in_array($key, $node_options); } } return $node; }