FALSE, 'notify_failure_enable' => FALSE, 'notify_success_email' => variable_get('site_mail', ''), 'notify_failure_email' => variable_get('site_mail', ''), ); } /** * Get the form for the settings for this filter. */ function backup_settings_form($settings) { $form = array(); $form['advanced']['notify_success_enable'] = array( "#type" => 'checkbox', "#title" => t("Send an email if backup succeeds"), "#default_value" => @$settings['notify_success_enable'], ); $form['advanced']['notify_success_email_wrapper'] = array( '#type' => 'backup_migrate_dependent', '#dependencies' => array( 'filters[notify_success_enable]' => TRUE, ), ); $form['advanced']['notify_success_email_wrapper']['notify_success_email'] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => t("Email Address for Success Notices"), "#default_value" => @$settings['notify_success_email'], ); $form['advanced']['notify_failure_enable'] = array( "#type" => 'checkbox', "#title" => t("Send an email if backup fails"), "#default_value" => @$settings['notify_failure_enable'], ); $form['advanced']['notify_failure_email_wrapper'] = array( '#type' => 'backup_migrate_dependent', '#dependencies' => array( 'filters[notify_failure_enable]' => TRUE, ), ); $form['advanced']['notify_failure_email_wrapper']['notify_failure_email'] = array( "#type" => "textfield", "#title" => t("Email Address for Failure Notices"), "#default_value" => @$settings['notify_failure_email'], ); return $form; } /** * Send the success email. */ function backup_succeed($settings) { if (@$settings->filters['notify_success_enable'] && $to = @$settings->filters['notify_success_email']) { $messages = $this->get_messages(); $subject = t('!site backup succeeded', array('!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal site'))); if ($messages = $this->get_messages()) { $body = t("The site backup has completed successfully with the following messages:\n!messages", array('!messages' => $messages)); } else { $body = t("The site backup has completed successfully.\n"); } mail($settings->filters['notify_success_email'], $subject, $body); } } /** * Send the failure email. */ function backup_fail($settings) { if (@$settings->filters['notify_failure_enable'] && $to = @$settings->filters['notify_failure_email']) { $messages = $this->get_messages(); $subject = t('!site backup failed', array('!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal site'))); if ($messages = $this->get_messages()) { $body = t("The site backup has failed with the following messages:\n!messages", array('!messages' => $messages)); } else { $body = t("The site backup has failed for an unknown reason."); } mail($settings->filters['notify_failure_email'], $subject, $body); } } /** * Render the messages and errors for the email. */ function get_messages() { $out = ""; $messages = _backup_migrate_messages(); foreach ($messages as $message) { $out .= strip_tags(t($message['message'], $message['replace'])) . "\n"; } return $out; } }